أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
Assalamu alaikum w. w.
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue reciting surah 106, Quroisy. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(3) فَلْيَعْبُدُواْ رَبَّ هَذَا اُلْبَيْتِ
فَلْيَعْبُدُواْ = "Fal-yaa-bu-du~ (a Madd ashli = 2 harakah, {usually a Madd ashli of Waw is always with a useless Alif: دُواْ }), "Fal" = So let, "Yaa-bu-du~" = them worship
رَبَّ = "Rob- (a Ro Tafkhim/thick) ba", "Rob-ba" = Lord
هَذَااُلْبَيْتِ = "Ha~ (a Madd ashli =2 harakah) dzal" (an Alif lam Qomariyah/moon), "Bai- (a Madd Lin/softness = 2 harakah) ti", but is paused on, a Waqof Tamm, Madd 'Aridh Lis-Sukun = 4 harakah is applied, is "Bai~~t". "Ha~dza" = this, "al-Bai~ti" = house.
"Fal-Yaa-bu-du~ Rob-ba Ha~dzal-Bai~~t" = Then they should worship the Lord of this House.
(4) اُلَّذِى~أَطْعَمَهُم مِن جُوعٍ وًَءَامَنَهُم مِّنْ خَوْفِم = "Al-La- (an Alif lam SYamsiah/sun) dzi~~ (a Madd Jaiz Munffashil = permissible = 4 harakah) "At* (T*o is an Istiilaa and an It*baq/ the base and the middle tongue are raised letter) 'A-ma-hum~ (an Idghom SYafawi = humming the nasal sound = 2 harakah) Minj~ (an Ikhfaa with humming the nasal sound = 2 harakah) Ju~ (a Madd ashli = 2 harakah) 'Iw~ (an Idghom Maal-GHunnah = 2 harakah) Wa A~ (a Madd ashli = 2 harakah) Ma-na-hum~ (an Idghom SYafawi = 2 harakah) Min (an Izhhar/expressing clearly the نْ ) KHou (a Madd Lin = 2 harakah), Fin, but is paused on it, a Waqof Tamm, Madd 'Aridh Lis-Sukun = 4 harakah is applied, is "KHou~~f". "Al-La-dzi~" = Who, "At*-'a-ma" = feeds, "Hum" = them, "Min" = from, when, "Ju~'in" = hungry, "Wa" = and, "A~ma-na" = give peace, "Hum" = them, "Min" = when, "KHow-fin" = in fear. "Al-La-dzi~~ At*-'a-ma-hum~Minj~Ju~'iw-Wa A~ma-na-hum~Min KHow~~f" = Who provides them with food when they were/are hungry and gives them peace and security when they are in fear.
(Because Allah had bestowed the Qureysh with so many "Niimat"/ beneficent gifts, including their safe journeys to and fro between Mecca and Yaman and also SHam and they have brought home food, clothings, fruits, utensils and so forth, that they should worship Allah, the Lord of the Sacred House, the Masjidul-Harom. If they worship Allah, then Allah would surely bestow more and more Niimat. But if they refused, then Allah would take all niikmat away and would give punishments to them.
It was/is Allah who provides sustenance to them when they are hungry and gives peace and security when they are in fear. (This also applies to all of us).
صدق الله العظيم = True were the Words of Allah the Greatest.
Insya Allah, we shall recite surah 107 Al-Ma~'u~n.
Be seeing you all Quran Lovers in the next session.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
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