أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بِسمِ الله الرحمان الرحيم
Assalamu alaikum w. w.
Dear Quran Lovers,
Our beloved Malaysia is still under the governance of BN and our beloved PM is still YAB Dato Seri Mohd Najib. Before, during and after the GE, the PR people spread lies, accusations and so forth about the BN government. Let us look at what Allah has to say about these kind of people. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
(1) وَيْلٌ لِّكُلِ هُمَزَهٍ لُّمَزَةٍ
وَيْلٌ لِّكُلِّ = Waw above with silent Ya is "Wai" (a Madd Lin = 2 harakah), Lam 2 front and double Lam is "Lul", Lam below is "Li", Kaf front and double Lam is "Kul", Lam below is "Li", "Wai-lun" = Woe, (Wailun is also the name of a section of Hell where the following kinds of sinners will be kept and punished in the Hereafter), "Li" = for, "Kul-li" = all, every
هُمَزَةٍ لُُّمَزَةٍ = He front is "Hu", Mim above is "Ma", Zai above is "Za", Ta Marbutah 2 below and double Lam is "Til" (a Tanwin ٍ meets with لُ is an Idghom Bi la~GHunnah), Lam front is "Lu", Mim above is "Ma", Zai above is "Za", Ta Marbutah 2 below is "Tin", but is paused on, a Waqof Tamm/perfect, is "Zah". "Hu-ma-za-tin" = backbiter, slanderer, "Lu-ma-za-tin" = caviller, faultfinder. "Wai-lul-Li Kul-li Hu-ma-za-til-Lu-ma-zah" = Woe to all and every backbiter, slanderer, caviller/faultfinder (because you have wrongfully tarnished and have brought dishonour to the people you have backbitten, slandered, and wrongly blamed and accused good people as wrong and bad, you will be flung into the Hell called Wail).
(2) اُلَّذِى جَمَعَ مَا لًاوَعَدَّدَهُ
اُلَّذِى = Hamzah Washol of an Alif lam, when Ibtidaa/starting is always, "A" and double Lam is "Al" (an Alif Lam SYamsiah/sun), Lam above is "La", DZal below with Ya is "DZi~" (a Madd ashli = 2 harakah), "Al-La-dzi~" = Who
جَمَعَ = Jim above is "Ja", Mim above is "Ma", 'Ain above is " 'A", "Ja-ma-'a" = gather
مَالًاوَ = Mim above with Alif is "Ma~", Lam 2 above with Alif and meets with Waw above is "Law~" (a Tanwin ً meets with وَ is an Idghom Maal-GHUnnah = 2 harakah), Waw above is "Wa", "Ma~lan" = wealth, "Wa" = and
عَدَّدَهُ = 'Ain above and double Dal is " 'Ad", Dal above is "Da", Dal above is "Da", He front is "Hu" but is paused on, is "Dah". " 'Ad-da-da" = counting many times, "Hu" = it. "Al-La-dzi~ Ja-ma-'a Ma~law-Wa 'Ad-da-dah" = (Also those) Who gather wealth and count it/the wealth many times over (will be flung into the Wail).
(to be continued)
In order this Lap Top will not "hang", we stop here and shall continue this surah the next session.
Until then, We shall meet with you all Quran Lovers, soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w.w.
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