Sunday, 31 August 2014

Recitation 364.1

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the explanation of verse 217 of surah 2 Al-Baqoroh, the synopsis of Islam:
(217) (When Abdullah ibnu Jahsyun r.a. was discussing with his companions whether or not they should attack the Meccan caravan, Waqid ibnu Abdullah As-Sahmi let loose an arrow and it killed 'Umru bin Al-Hadhromi. Then they caught Hakam and Uthman, the Pagan Meccans, but Nawfal could escape and ran home to Mecca. Abdullah took the Two Meccans and their merchandise home to Medina and to the Prophet s.a.w.
Sa'ad ibnu Abi Waqosh and 'Utbah ibnu Ghozawan r.a. who went in search for their ran away camels were captured by the Meccan Quraisy.
When the Meccans knew about 'Umru bin Al-Hadhromi was killed by the Muslim, they exaggerated the incident and accused the Prophet s.a.w. by saying in an insulting way that the Prophet s.a.w. had permitted killing people during the Forbidden Month (of Rajjab) and plundering the Meccan caravan of their merchandise. This reached the Prophet's s.a.w. ears, and at the same time, Abdullah ibnu Jahsyun r.a.and his companions r.a. came to the Prophet s.a.w.. The Prophet s.a.w. said to them, "I did not sent you to battle.". The Two captives and the loot were detained. But the Prophet s.a.w. did not take any of the merchandise, and that  had made the companions felt very bad. Then they said to the Prophet s.a.w., "O Messenger of Allah, we had killed the enemy. Then in that evening we saw the newmoon. But we could not make it out whether it was still Jumadil-Akhir or Rajjab (the Forbidden Month to fighting)". Thus, that incidence became the talk of the Muslimin in Medina. Thence, Allah revealed this verse. On receiving this verse, the Prophet s.a.w. felt greatly relieved, and took One Fifth of the confiscated merchandise for himself, and the remaining Four Fifth were distributed among the warring companions. That was the first spoilt of war in Islam.
Then a delegate from the Meccan Quraisy came to the Prophet s.a.w. to redeem Hakam and Uthman. The Prophet s.a.w. refused to accept their redemption until they, the Quraisy, released Sa'ad and 'Utbah r.a. who were in their captivity. If they did not comply, Hakam and 'Uthman would be killed. In the end, the Quraisy agreed and they had released Sa'ad and 'Utbah r.a. And the Prophet s.a.w. released Hakam ibnu Kiasan and 'Uthman bin Abdullah Al-Makhzumi. When Hakam ibnu Kiasan was released, he embraced Islam and he had fought side by side with the Prophet s.a.w. in many battles, but fell  a Martyr in the Battle of "Biiru Ma'unah". But 'Uthman bin Abdullah Al-Makhzumi went back to Mecca, and in the end died an infidel.
When the Muslimin asked the Prophet s.a.w. whether or not it was a sin to fight in a battle during the Forbidden Month and in the Forbidden Land, Allah s.w.t. told the Prophet s.a.w. to reply that: fighting  in the Forbidden Month (to battle) is a great sin, but (the Meccan Arabs at that time who were) preventing (people) from carrying on the course of Allah, and unbelief in Allah, and (preventing people from entering) the Sacred/Forbidden Mosque, and expelling/driving away the inhabitants from It/the Sacred Mosque, is far more greater (sin) in the sight of Allah.).
(to be continued).
Until we meet again in the next session, see you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof.

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