Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Recitation 359.D

أعوذبالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us look into the Hajar Aswad/Black Stone. Why are we to follow the Sunnah of our Prophet s.a.w., that is, to kiss it, or to rub it if it not possible to kiss, or to give a "flying kiss" sign to it. The stone was originally from the Paradise. It was shining white when it was given to our forefather, the Prophet Adam a.s. as a souvenir and as a comfort to him a.s because of his a.s. longing for the Paradise when he a.s. alone on the mountain in Sri Langka. He a.s. loved the stone very much. When he a.s. was commaded by Allah s.w.t. to go to Mecca, he a.s. met his a.s. long lost wife, Siti Hawa/Eve. They were separated for about a hundred years after they descended from the Paradise in the Seventh heaven. He a.s. was in Sri Langka while Eve was in Jeddah. And by the will of Allah s.w.t., they met and be reunited at Jabal Rohmah (mountain) in Arafah plain. After Prophet Adam a.s. had rebuilt the Caaba, he a.s. placed the white stone onto the Caaba. When he a.s. and his a.s. descendants performed Towaf, they would kiss the stone, and the sins of the people had turned the white stone into black (as was told by our Prophet s.a.w.).
In 1970, when I first performed the Hajj, I could kiss the Hajar Aswad Two separate times. The crowd was large, everybody was scrambling to put his face into the hole which contained the stone. I went to the guard who sitting by the hole and lifted my right hand with a One Riyal between my two fingers. The guard took my money then pulled the  back of my head to the hole, and when I wanted to kiss the Black Stone, but I only saw there were about Six pieces of stones with the size of a big peanut, and they were in bedded in a brass plate, in the hole. I kissed all of them while my heart entreat some Doa. When I returned to the hotel, I asked a Meccan, "Why is it six pieces of Hajar Aswad and not one whole piece?", "Many decades ago, the Hajar Aswad fell off from its place and broke into Five or Six pieces, so the Government had them bedded in a brass plate like you saw them", was the reply.
And in 1989, the crowd was larger, I did not use money, but I went to the hole by its right side/Yemeni Corner, I move slowly to the hole. When the man who was kissing the Stones was withdrawing his head from the hole, I quickly but gently tucked my face into the hole. And I could put my face into it. I was a bit shocked to see there were no more peanut size Stones, but they were with the size of a grain of sand, and they were/are marked with yellowish red colour. There was nothing to kiss, so I kissed the middle of the brass plate. Then I did not attempt to kiss it/them any more.
(I) After Performing The Two Rokaat Solat At The Maqom Ibrohim, or at any available place arround there, it is Sunnah To Drink The ZamZam water.
Bukhori and Muslim narrated that the Prophet s.a.w. said after drinking the ZamZam water, "It/the ZamZam water is full of Barakah/blessing, benediction, abundant and continual good, prosperity, good fortune, it is a satiate food, and a cure for illness". The Archangel, Gabriel a.s. had cleansed the Prophet's s.a.w. heart with it on the night of  "Israa"/Night Journey. Ibnu Abbas had also told another Hadith to the same effect.
The ZamZam well now is behind a barred room. Its water is pumped by computer. There are Two drinking ZamZam water rooms. One is for men and the other is for ladies. There many water pipes. We drink the ZamZam water from one of those pipes.
It is Sunnah to resolve in our hearts while drinking the ZamZam water for cure of illness, diseases and for what is good for us in this world and for what is good for us in the Hereafter and that we are to be protected from the Hell Fire. The Prophet s.a.w said, "The (benefit of) ZamZam water depends on for what it is drunk". 
Abu Mulaikah reported that Ibnu Abbas was asked by a man what he should do when drinking the ZamZam water. Ibnu Abbas said, "You should face the Qiblat/Caaba when drinking, and remember Allah. Breathe Three times and recite:
بسم الله الر حمن الرحيم
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّى أَسْأَلُكَ عِلْمًا نَافِعًا = Al-Lohum~ma In~ni~ As-a-lu Ka 'Il-man~Na~fi-'a~" = ( O Allah I am asking You for beneficial knowledge,
وَرِزْقًا وَاسِعًا = "Wa Riz-qun Wa~si-'a~"  = ( and for abundance rizqi/wealth, livelihood, fortune, blessing,
وَشِفَاءً مِّنْ كُلِّ دَاءٍ = "Wa Syi-fa~am~Min Kul-li Da~in" = (and for cure all kinds of illness and diseases).
Then drink it until you are satisfied or contented. 
When finish drinking, say, "Al-Hamdu Lil-Lah". (narrated by Ibnu Majah, Daruquthni and Hakim).
(J) After Drinking ZamZam Water, It is Sunnah To Entreat Doa At The Multazam: (to be continued).
Until we meet again in the next session, see you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof.  

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