اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
What had happened to the Children of Abd Muttalib had became a "news" among the Quraisy people. They began to feel the "heat" of the Prophet's s.a.w. preaching about the Oneness of God, while they, the Quraisy were practising Polytheism. Many of them were idols makers. They worshipped al-Lat, al-'Uzza and many more. Those idols were required by the Meccans and by the pilgrims from outside Mecca who went there to perform pilgrimage. They would buy and worshipped the idols. They also worshipped the idols in the Caaba.
Another very important and very sensitive things of the Meccans which the Prophet s.a.w had touched were the concepts of equality of Mankind, that all Mankind are equal. There should not be any master nor any slave. And women must be held in high regards and must not be ill-treated by them, the manfolks, nor they, the womenfolk be looked down nor treated as slaves. They must not bury their newborn baby girls alive but must cared for them and brought them up.
So, the Quraisy began to retaliate. Many of them began to torture their Muslim slaves, males and/or females by denying them of their food and drink, by beating them up, by tying their hands and feet and laid them in the blazing hot sun. Many had died. Bilal bin Robah Al-Habsyi r.a. was first to be tortured by his master. He r.a. was laid down on the burning sand under the blazing sun and a large stone was put on his chest. His master asked him to abandon his r.a. Faith in Allah and return to worship their Gods, al-Lat and al-'Uzza. But Bilal r.a. was steadfast, he always said, "Ahad, Ahad = One, One (God)" repeatedly. And by the Will of Allah s.w.t., Abu Bakr Ash-Shiddiq r.a. happened to pass by and saw what was happening to Bilal r.a. who repeatedly said, "Ahad, Ahad". He, r.a. redeemed Bilal r.a. by paying several pieces of silver to the master. Then Abu Bakr Ash-Shiddiq r.a. freed Bilal r.a.
Another Muslimin slaves, Bashir r.a. and his wife and son, 'Ammar r.a. were put under a very hot blazing sun. But before they could be saved, had passed away. They were the First Muslims to fall martyrs since the rise of Islam. The news about their demise reached the Prophet s.a.w. He s.a.w. said, "The Family of Bashir must be patient and be tolerant. Allah's Promise for all of you with the Paradise".
After that, many rich Muslimin began to redeem and then set free many slaves, males and females. Whatever evil deeds the Quraisy did, had not detered a little bit the spread of Islam. But instead, the spread of Islam had gone in full swing.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
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