أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Alhamdulillah, after a Two months break, your truly can return and let us continue to recite a new Surah or chapter No. 3, Al-'Imro~n, of the 3rd Juz or Part of the Quran. The Al-'Imron is used to name this surah derived from verse No.3 in this chapter. Al-'Imron is the name of the father of Siti Maryam or Marian/the Virgin Mary. This surah has 200 verses and were revealed in Medina after surah No.8, Al-Anfal was revealed.
Let us recite verse 1, and please refer to the Text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الم = Alif La~~~m~Mi~~~m.
These are abbreviated letters. Their true and exact meanings are not told by the Prophet s.a.w. Only Allah Know them. But some of the Commentators were of the opinion that the letter "Alif" denotes the abbreviation of the word, "Allah", or "Ana" = (I am), and the word, "Lam", is an abbreviation of the word, "Jibril" = (Gabriel), or "Allah", or "Latif" = (kind, graceful), and the word "Mim" is the abbreviation of the word "Muhammad", or " 'Alam" = (a distinguished and outstanding man), or "Majid" = (glorious, exalted, noble). Thus, "Alif La~~~m~Mi~~~m" might mean :
(a) Allah, Jibril, Muhammad, or
(b) I am Allah, the Omniscient, or
(c) Allah, the Most Exalted, Most Noble.
Thence, this verse might mean :
(a) The Quran is from Allah, brought forth by Jibril to Muhammad, or (b) The Quran is from Me, Allah the Omniscient, or
(c) The Quran is from Allah the Most Exalted the Most Noble.
= "Alif" (is not a Madda),
"La~~~m~" (a Mad La~zim Harfi Mu-thaq-qol = (Irrevocable Heavy Letter Madda) to be pronounced individually to the length of 6 harakah (and not less than that), and the "silent Mim meets another Mim" is a Wajibul-Ghunnah to 2 harakah, "m~",
"Mi~~~m" ( a Mad Lazim Harfi Mu-khof-faf = (Irrevocable Light Letter Madda) to be pronounced individually to the length of 6 harakah.).
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah, see all of You Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
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