Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Recitation No.481.

اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم 
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
 My Dear Quran Lovers,
 Let us continue to recite surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n, verse No. 11. Please refer to the Text :
 اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
كَدَأْبِ ءَالِ فِرعَوْنَ وَالَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ  ج  كَذَّبُواْ بِأَيَاتِنَا فَأَخَذَهُمُ اللهُ بِذُنُوبِهِمْ  قلى  وَاللهُ شَدِيدُ الْعٍِقَابِ (11)
 = "Ka Daa-bi A~li Fir-'au-na Wal-La-dzi~na Minq~Qob-li Him.  (Jim).  Kadz-dza-bu~ Bi A~ya~ti Na~ Fa A-kho-dza Hu-mul-Lohu Bi Dzu-nu~bi Him  (Qly).  Wal-Lohu Sya-di~dul-'I-qo~~~bb.".
 = "Ha" = like,  "Daa-bi" = habit,  "A~li" = family, people, 
"Fir-'au-na" (the below sign Ro is a Tarqiq. A Mad Lin) = Pharaoh,  "Wa" (after it, is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "Wal-") = and,  "(A)l-La-dzi~na" = those who,  "Min" (after the Silent Nun is a Qof, is an Ikhfaa Haqiqi, "Minq~") = of,  "Qob-li" (the Silent Ba is a Qolqoloh Sughro) = before, prior to,  "Him" (after the Silent Mim, is Kaf, is an Izhhar Syafawi. But we pause at it, then, it is as it was) = them.  (Jim) = a pause sign.   "Kadz-dza-bu~" = they falsified,   "Bi" = about,  "A~ya~ti" = verses,  "Na~" = our,  "Fa" = then,  "A-kho-dza" = to reproach, to punish,  "Hu-mu" (after the front sign Mim, is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "-mul") = them,  (A)l-Lohu" = The God,  "Bi" = for, "Dzu-nu~bi" = sins,  "Him" = their,  (Qly) = a pause sign.   "Wa" (after it, is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "Wal-") = and,  "(A)l-Lohu" = The God,  "Sya-di~du" (after the front sign Dal, is an Alif Lam Qomariyah, "dul-") = severe,  "(A)l-'I-qo~bi" (a Mad Ashli but is paused at it becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Suku. The made silent Ba is a Qolqoloh Kubro, "-qo~~~bb") = the infliction of punishment.  "(11)" = the end of verse No. 11, sign.
 = "(Those disbelievers who deny and reject the Prophet s.a.w. are) Like the habit of the people of Pharaoh and those before/prior to them. (Jim/pause). They falsified Our/Allah's verses, thence, Allah reproached and punished them for their sins. (Qly/pause). And Allah Inflict severe punishment."
 = (The habit/disposition of those who falsified the Prophet s.a.w. and denied and also rejected his s.a.w. Teachings are of the same like that of the people of Pharaoh (except the Pharaoh's wife, Asiah, who saved BabyMoses from river Nile) who falsified Prophet Moses a.s. as a Prophet, and also the habit and the disposition of the people of 'Ad who falsified Prophet Hud/Houd a.s., and the people of Thamud who falsified their Prophet Solih/Salih a.s.. All of them had falsified the verses of God. Thence, Allah had punished and destroyed all of them because of their sins and they had not repent.  But, Allah had helped and assisted all His Prophets a.s. and all those who believed and had Faith in Him. Allah is severe in punishment which had/has effect a great deal and the punishment is equaled to the sin they committed.).
 Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers later.
 Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
 Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.

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