أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue recite surah 67 Al-Mulk. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(20) أَمَّنْ هَذَااُلَّذِى هُوَ جُندٌ لَّكُمْ يَنصُرُكُم مِّن دُونِ اُلرَّحْمَنج إِنِ اُلْكَفِرُون إِلَّا فِى غُرُورٍ
أَمَنْ هَذَااُلَّذِى هُوَ = "Am~man Ha~dzal-La-dzi~ Hu-wa", "Am~man" = Or who, "Ha~dza~" = this, "al-La-dzi~" = who, "Hu-wa"= He
جُندٌ لَّكُمْ يَنصُرُكُم مِّن دُونِ اُلرَّحْمَنِ = "Jund~dul-La Kum Yansh~shu-ru Kum~Mind~Du~nir-Roh*-ma~~n". "Jund~dun" = army, "La Kum" = for you all, "Yansh-shu-ru" = He helps, "Kum" = all of you, "Min" = from, "Du~ni" = lower than, Ar-Roh*ma~ni" = the Compassionate.
ج = a Waqof Jaiz/permissible pause sign.
"Am~man Ha~dzal-La-dzi~ Hu-wa Jund~dul-La Kum Yansh-shu-ru Kum~Mind~Du~nir-Roh*ma~~n" = Or, who is He that will become an army for you to help you all is none other than (Allah) the Most Compassionate (because there is no other protector nor helper except Him).
إِنِ اُلكَفِرُونَ إِلَّا فِى غُرُورٍ = "I-nil-Ka~fi-ru~na Il-la~ Fi~ GHu-ru~~rr". "I-ni" = Truly, "al-Ka~fi-ru~na" = the unbelievers, "Il-la~" = but, "Fi~" = in, "GHu-ru~rin" = deceived.
"In-nil-Ka~fi-ru~na Il-la~ Fi~ GHu-ru~~rr". = Truly, the unbelievers are in the state of being deceived.
(21) أَمَّنْ هَذَا اُلَّذِى يَرْزُقُكُمْ إِنْ أَمْسَكَ رِزْقَهُوج بَل لَّجُّواْ فِى عُتُوٍّ وَنُفُورٍ
أَمَّنْ هَذَا اُلَّذِى = "Am~man Ha~dzal-La-dzi~", "Am~man" = Or who, "Ha~dza~" = this, "al-La-dzi~" = who
يَرْزُقُكُمْ إِنْ أَمْسَكَ رِزْقَهُو = "Yarr-zu-qu Kum In Am-sa-ka Riz-qoh". "Yarr-zu-qu" = He gives sustenance, "Kum" = all of you, "In" = if, "Am-sa-ka" = with hold, "Riz-qo" = sustenance, "Hu~" = His.
ج = a Waqof Jaiz/permissible pause sign.
"Am~man Ha~dzal-La-dzi~ Yarr-zu-qu Kum In Am-sa-ka Riz-qoh" = Or who will give "Rizq"/sustenance to all of you, if He were to with hold/stop providing you with "Rizq"?
بَل لَّجُّواْ فِى عُتُوٍّ وَنُفُورٍ = "Bal-Laj-ju~ Fi~ 'U-tuw-wiw~Wa Nu-fu~~rr". "Bal" = No, but, "Laj-ju~" = persist, "Fi~" = in, " 'U-tuw-win" = arrogance, "Wa Nu-fu~rin" = and aversion, dislike
"Bal-Laj-ju~ Fi~ 'U-tuw-wiw~Wa Nu-fu~~rr". = But they persist in being arrogant (toward Allah and His Commandments, denying and opposing Him) and being averse (refusing to listen and to obey).
(to be continued).
Let us now cotinue to look into the Basic Islamic Rules:
(2) Solat: Wudhuu/minor ablution:
(10) Immediately after reciting the SYahadatain as in No. (9) recite: " Allohum~maj-'al Ni~ Minat-Taw-wa~bi~n =( O my Lord, make me of those who are repentant), Waj-'al Ni~ Minal-Mu-ta-t*oh-hi-ri~n = (and make me among the purifiers), Sub-h*a~na Kal-Lohum~ma Wa Bi H*am-di Ka = ( Glory be to You O my Lord, and praise be upon You), As-tagh-fi-ru Ka Wa A-tu~bu I-laik = ( I ask for your forgiveness and I repent of my sins to You)."
(11) From An-Nasa-i that the Prophet s.a.w. recited the following at the begining of Wudhuu, after "Basmalah" and also after Wudhuu, i.e. after reciting doa No. (11). There is no report about him reciting this while taking Wudhuu (but is it not good to do so?): "Allohum~magh-fir Li~ Dzam~bi~ = (O my Lord, forgive all of my sin), Wa Wa~sii Li~ Fi~ Da~ri~ = ( and make vast [in Your grant] my home), Wa Ba~rik Li~ Fi~ Rizqi~ = ( and give blessing to my Rizq/sustenace)." (12) (to be continued).
Until we meet again, see you all Quran Lovers soon.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
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