Friday, 19 July 2013

Recitation 90

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers, 
Last night's eveing news reported that there is a big wildfire in California, USA. Let us lend them a hand by reciting surah Yasin and Its Doa that the wildfire be extinguished quickly before it claims any life.
There is also a heatwave in London, if I am not mistaken, and in South East England. Let us also lend them a hand.
Encik Zakaria of Tawau, Sabah, is searching for his teenage daughter, Siti Nadiah binti Zakaria who went lost 4 days ago. Let us also lend the father a hand. Insya Allah, all will be well. And thank you all, Quran Lovers.
Let us continue recite surah 67 Al-Mulk. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(5) وَلَقَدْ زَيَّنَّااُلسَّمَآءَ اُلدُّنْيَا بِمَصَبِيحَ وَجَعَلْنَهَا رُجُومًا لِلشَّيَطِينِ صلى وَأَعْتَدْنَا لَهُمْ عَذَابَ اُلسَّعِيرِ
وَلَقَدْ زَيَّنَّا اُلسَّمَآءَ اُلدُّنْيَا = "Wa La-qodd Zai-yan~Nas-Sa-ma~~ad-Dun-ya~", "Wa" = And, "La-qodd" = indeed, "Zai-yan" = decorate, "Na~" = We, "as-Sa-ma~~a" = the heaven, "ad-Dun-ya~ (an Izhhar Mut*laq/Absolute Izhhar, the silent Nun meets above Ya is not an Idghom Maal GHunnah)" = the world
بِمَصَبِيحَ = "Bi Ma-sho~bi~h*a" = with lamps, light, 
وَجَعَلْنَهَا رُجُومًا لِلشَّيَطِينِ = "Wa Ja-'al Na~ Ha~ Ru-ju~mal-Lisy-SYa-ya~t*i~~n". "Wa Ja-'al" = and create, "Na~" = We, "Ha~" = her, it, "Ru-ju~man" = stoning, "Li" = to, at, "asy-SYa-ya~t*i~ni" = the Satans.
صلى = a Waqof Jaiz/permissible pause sign.
"Wa La-qodd Zai-yan~Nas-Sa-ma~~ad-Dun-ya~ Bi Ma-sho~bi~h*a Wa Ja-'al Na~ Ha~ Ru-ju~mal-Lisy-SYa-ya~t*i~~n" = And We/Allah have decorated the World's heaven with (star) light which liken the lamps and We have (also) created (from) them/star light (fire-balls/meteors which exist below the star for) hurling at the Satans/infidel Jinn (a humiliation to them on this World).
وَأَعْتَدْنَا لَهُمْ عَذَابَ اُلسَّعِيرِ = "Wa Aa-tadd Na~ La Hum 'A-dza~bas-Sa-'i~~r", "Wa" = and, "Aa-tadd" = prepare, "Na~" = We, "La Hum" = for them, " 'A-dza~ba" = torment, "as-Sa-'i~ri" = the blazing fire.
"Wa Aa-tadd Na~ La Hum 'A-dza~bas-Sa-'i~~r" = And We/Allah have prepared for them/the Satans torment of the Blazing Fire (in Hell in the Hereafter). (Imam Qotadah said that Allah had created 3 types of star: (1) as decoration in the heaven, (2) for hurling at the Satans who are trying to sneak and peep into the heaven to get informations about the future, (3) as a guide to cardinal points).
(to be continued)
Let us now continue to look into the Basic Islamic Rules:
(1) After believing in our hearts and after making confession with words from our mouths that Allah is our God and Muhammad s.a.w. is the Messenger of Allah, we must show our Faith by performing it in practice: (2) Solat five times in a day and a night daily. Solat means prayer, i.e. an act of praying in words, speaking to Allah, and in action, briefly: (a) standing in respect and humbled in front of Allah, (b) Rukuu/bowing the body bent by the waist, legs straight with both palms place on both knees, (c) Sujud/prostrating by placing the eyebrows and the forehead, and the tip of the nose, and both palms by the sides of both ears, and both knees and the toes which bent forward towards the Kiblah/direction of the Caaba on the floor, and sit on the left foot with both legs folded to the back.
This is the mode of solat in worshipping Allah. There is another variety of Solat, i.e. Solat 'alal-Janazah/Funeral Rites which does not have Rukuu/bowing, Sujud/prostrating nor sitting down. It is done by standing, Takbir and recitations.
It is Haram/forbidden a person to Rukuu and Sujud to any living things even the dead, it is SYirk/polytheism. (to be continued).
Until we meet in the next session. See you all Quran Lovers soon.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبر كاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.    

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