أعوذبالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
It is only natural to say, "Thank you", when others gave support and help us. So, once again, I say thank you for supporting my call to lend a hand to others.
I believe, the unbelievers in the Quran are upset and are unhappy with the verses in the Quran denying their belief. They can retaliate and humiliate Allah, but in the end, they will be returned to Allah even though it is visible that we do return to dust. But as Allah tells and warns us in the verses of the Quran, time and time again, that we all will be returned to Him to be judged and be requited.
Let us continue recite surah 67 As-Sajadah. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان االرجيم
(6) وَلِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ بِرَبِّهِمْ عَذَابُ جَهَنَّمَ صلى وَبِئْسَ اُلْمَصِيرُ
وَلِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ بِرَبِّهِمْ عَذَابُ جَهَنَّمَ = "Wa Lil-La-dzi~na Ka-fa-ru~ Bi Rob-bi Him 'A-dza~bu Ja-han~nam", "Wa" = And, "Li" = for, "al-La-dzi~na" = those who, "Ka-fa-ru~" = deny, disbelieve, "Bi" = in, "Rob-bi" = Lord, "Him" = their, " 'A-dza~bu" = torment, "Ja-han~na-ma" = Hell.
صلى = a Waqof Jaiz/permissible pause sign.
"Wa Lil-La-dzi~na Ka-fa-ru~ Bi Rob-bi Him 'A-dza~bu Ja-han~nam" = And for those who deny/disbelieve in their Lord/Allah, (will be requited) torment (in) Hell.
وَبِئْسَ اُلْمَصِيرُ = "Wa Bii-sal-Ma-shi~~r". "Wa" = and "Bii-sa" = how bad, vile indeed, misfortune, "al-Ma-shi~ru" = the end, destination.
"Wa Bii-sal-Ma-shi~~r". = And vile indeed, (the Hell) is their ending/destination.
(7) إِذَآ أُلْقُواْ فِيهَا سَمِعُواْ لَهَا شَهِيقًا وَهِىَ تَفَورُ
إِذَآ أُلْقُواْ فِيهَا = "I-dza~~ Ul-qu~ Fi~ Ha~", "I-dza~" = At the time, when, "Ul-qu~" = throwing, "Fi~ Ha~" = in her/it
سَمِعُواْ لَهَا = "Sa-mi-'u~ La Ha~", "Sa-mi-'u~" = heard, "La Ha~" = by, from her/it
شَهِيقًا وَهِىَ تَفُورُ = "SYa-hi~qow~Wa Hi-ya Ta-fu~~rr". "SYa-hi~qon" = inhalation, "Wa" = and, "Hi-ya" she/it, "Ta-fu~ru" = boiling over.
"I-dza~~ Ul-qu~ Fi~ Ha~ Sa-ni-'u~ La Ha~ SYa-hi~qow~Wa Hi-ya Ta-fu~~rr". = When the unbelievers, the sinners are being thrown into the Hell, they hear from it/the Hell, (frightening) inhalation (sound of the Hell) and it/the Hell is boiling over (in rage).
(to be continued).
Let us continue to look into the Basic Islamic Rules:
The 5 Pillars of Islam: No. 2: To perform solat 5 times in a day and a night daily. Before we can perform the solat, we must (1) know the time for each solat, (2) one's body is free from "Al-Ha-dathul-Ash-ghor"/minor impurity or defilement, and from "Al-Hadathul-Akbar"/major defilement, (3) The body, clothing worn and the place of solat are free from impurities/defilement. (4) To cover up one's "'Aurat"/modesty/private parts of ones body. and (5) To turn ones face and body towards the "Qiblat"/the direction of the Caaba. (to be continued).
To perform Solat 'Alal- Janazah/Funeral Rites:
(1) The body and the clothing worn by the performer must be free of defilement, and has taken "Wudhuu"/ablution. (2) Clothes worn must cover up the "'Aurat", woman must cover the whole body up except her face and both palms, and the clothes must not be transparent. (3) Facing the Qiblat. (4) Niat, resolve in the heart, "Because of Allah, I perform solat on this maiyit", then recite, "Allohu Akbar", same as performing daily solat, both hands to the sides of the head. (4) Put left hand on the belly and the right hand on the left wrist and recite Al-Fatihah with "A'udzu billahi ...." then " Bismillahi...." and Al-Hamdulillahi ..."(5) Recite Takbir once again, then recite Sholawat for the Prophet s.a.w. as in the Tahiyat in the daily solat. (6) Takbir once again, then recite doa for the Maiyit, such as, "Allohum~magh-fir La-hu/him or La Ha~/her, War-h*am Hu/ha~ = Allah forgive him/her and give Rahmat/blessing to him/her, repeat at least 3 times.(7) Takbir once again, then recite, " Allohum~ma La~ Tah*rim Na~ Aj-ro Hu~ Wa La~ Taf-ti Na~ Baa-da Hu~ Wagh-fir La Na~ Wa La Hu~" = O Allah, do nor deprive us of its reward, and do not intrigue us afterwards, and forgive us and forgive it. (8) Make Salam: "Assalamu 'alaikum Wa Rah*matulloh", turn to the right and then make salam to the left.
End of the solat 'alal-janazah.
Until the next session, see you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
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