Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Recitation 103

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
It was reported that Shanghai, China's climate had gone up to 40ْ C and had claimed more than 10 lives. Let us lend them a hand that the temprature be returned to normal by reciting the surah Yasin and the Doa. Thank you.
Let us continue recite surah 67 Al-Mulk. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(29) قُلْ هُوَ اُلرَّحْمَنُ ءَامَنَّا بِهِى وَعَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْنَا صلى فَسَتَعْلَمُونَ مَنْ هُوَ فِى ضَلَلٍ مُبِينٍ
قُلْ هُوَ اُلرَّحْمَنُ ءَامَنَّا بِهِى = "Qul Hu-war-Roh*-ma~nu A~man~Na~ Bi Hi~", "Qul" = Say, "Hu-wa" = He, "Ar-Roh*ma~nu" = the Compassionate, "A~man~Na~" = believe we, Bi Hi~" = in Him
وَعَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْنَا = "Wa 'A-lai Hi Ta-wak-kal Na~", "Wa" = and, " 'A-lai" = on, "Hi" = Him, "Ta-wak-kal" = to trust in, rely on, "Na~" = we
صلى = a Waqof Jaiz/permissible pause sign.
"Qul Hu-war-Roh*ma~nu A~man~Na~ Bi Hi~ Wa 'A-lai Hi Ta-wak-kal Na~" = Say: "He/Allah is Ar-Roh*ma~n/the Most Compassionate, we believe in Him and we put our trust in and we rely on Him.
فَسَتَعلَمُونَ مَنْ هُوَ = "Fa Sa Taa-la-mu~na Man Hu-wa", "Fa" Thence, "Sa Taa-la-mu~na" = will you know, "Man" = who, "Hu-wa" = he
فِى ضَلَلٍ مُّبِينٍ = "Fi~ DHo-la~lim~Mu-bi~~n". "Fi~" = in, "DHo-la~lin" = astray, error, "Mu-bi~nin." = manifest.
"Fa Sa Taa-la-mu~na Man Hu-wa Fi~ DHo-la~lim~Mu-bi~~n" = Thence, (when youn are being tormented) you will all know who really are in error manifest.
(30) قُلْ أَرَءَيْتُمْ إِنْ أَصْبَحَ مَآؤُكُمْ غَوْرًا فمَن يَأْتِيكُم بِمَآءٍ مَّعِينِم
قُلْ أَرَءَيْتُمْ إِنْ أَصْبَحَ = "Qul A Ro-ai Tum In Ash-ba-h*a", "Qul" =Say, "A Ro-ai Tum" = do see you all, "In" = if, "Ash-ba-h*a" = come to be, source
مَآؤُكُمْ غَوْرًا فَمَن يَأْتِيكُم بِمَآءٍ مَّعِينٍ = "Ma~~u (a Madd Wajib Muttashil = 4 harakah, and the و is the bearer on which the ء stands, it is not pronounced) Kum GHow-ronf~Fa May~Yaa-ti~Kum~Bi Ma~~im~Ma-'i~~n".  "Ma~~u" = water, "Kum" all of you, "GHow-ron" = to sink, "Fa Man" = then who, "Yaa-ti~" = bring to, "Kum" = you all, "Bi Ma~~in" =  with water, "Ma-'i~nin" = spring water.
"Qul A Ro-ai Tum In Ash-ba-h*a Ma~~u Kum GHow-ronf~Fa May~Yaa-ti~ Kum~Bi Ma~~im~Ma-'i~~n" = Say: "Tell me, if your water source becomes dried up, who then will bring forth water flowing to you? (Is it not Allah? So, give thanks to Him).
صدق الله العظيم = SHodaqol-Lohul-'A-dzi~m/True were the words of Allah the Greatest.
In the next session, we shall recite surah 87 Al-Aa-la~. A Hadith from Abu 'Ubaid who said, "I have forgotten what is the most preferable surah, "Al-Musabbihat"/the Two Glorifiers." Ubai ibn Kaab replied, "It is "Sabbihisma Robbi Kal-Aa-la~". The Prophet s.a.w. said, "Correct. (You are right)". 
Let us now continue to look into the Basic Islamic Rules:
Before we proceed further about the wudhuu/ablution, it is necessary for us to know the "Ahkamusy-Syar'ii"/Rules in Islamic Law: There are 5 Rules in Islamic Law, they are:
(1.A.) "Fardhu"/Duty: The duty of a "Mukallaf"/adult Muslim (men and women, unless they are insane) : to perform those that Allah commands, failing which will be a sin against Allah, but if it is performed, he/she earns recompense/reward from Allah.
There are 2 Fardhu/Duties of a Muslim (i) Fardhu 'Ain/Individual Duty i.e. the 5 pillars of Islam. If he/she does not perform this duty, he is personally sinned against Allah. But if he performs, then he/she earns recompense from Allah.
(ii) Fardhu Kifayah/Collective Duty, such as, among others: to perform "Solat Fardhu"/obligatory solat in "Jamaah"/a group. If there were none performing Solat Fardhu in Jamaah, the whole community is sinned. But if there were only 2 persons performing it, the whole community is not sinned. 
(1.B). Wajib/Obligation: The obligations which are commanded by Allah that each and every one of us must do, such as, among others: to be fair and just to others, to do good to our both parents and to our next of kin and others, to earn an honest living and so forth. If we do them, we earn recompense from Allah. But if we refuse, we are sinned against Allah. (2) (to be continued).
Until the next session, see you all Quran Lovers soon.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof. 

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Recitation 102

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us now continue recite surah 67 Al-Mulk. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(27) فَلَمَّا رَأَوْهُ زُلْفَةً سِي~ئَتْ وُجُوهُ اُلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ وَقِيلَ هَذَااُلَّذِى كُنتُم بِهِىتَدَّعُونَ
فَلَمَّا رَأَوْهُ زُلْفَةً سِي~ئَتْ = "Fa Lam~ma~ Ro-aw Hu Zul-fa-tans~Si~~at (a Madd Wajib Muttashil = 4 harakah)", "Fa" Then, "Lam~ma~" = when, "ro-aw" = see, "Hu" = he, it, "Zul-fa-tan" = to get near to, "Si~~at" = displeasure, displeased
وُجُوهُ اُلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ = "Wu-ju~ Hul-La-dzi~na Ka-fa-ru~", "Wu-ju~hu" = faces, "al-La-dzi~na" = those, "Ka-fa-ru~" = unbelievers. (If need be, we may pause here for a breather).
وَقِيلَ هَذَا اُلَّذِى = "Wa Qi~la Ha~dzal-La-dzi~" = "Wa Qi~la" = and say, "Ha~dza~" = this, "al-La-dzi~" = which
كُنتُم بِهِى تَدَّعُونَ = "Kunt~Tum~Bi Hi~ Tad-da-'u~~n". "Kun" = are, "Tum"= you all, "Bi Hi~" = with it, "Tad-da-'u~na" = you call.
"Fa Lam~ma~ Ro-aw Hu Zul-fa-tans~Si~~at Wu-ju~ Hul-La-dzi~na Ka-fa-ru~, Wa Qi~la Ha~dzal-La-dzi~ Kunt~Tum~Bi Hi~ Tad-da-'u~~n". = Then, when they (the unbelievers, the sinners) see it (the Resurrection, the JudgementDays and the Hell) closely, their faces apparently seen displeased/unsightly. And it is said to them, "This is what you all have been asking about.".
(28) قُلْ أَرَءَيْتُمْ إِنْ أَهْلَكَنِىَ اُللهُ وَ مَن مَّعِىَ أَوْرَحِمَنَا فَمَن يُجِيرُ اُلْكَفِرِينَ مِنْ عَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ
قُلْ أَرَءَيْتُمْ إِنْ أَهْلَكَنِىَ اُللهُ = "Qul A Ro-ai Tum In Ah-la-ka Ni-yal-Lohu", "Qul" = Say, "A Ro-ai" = do see, "Tum" all of you, "In" = if, "Ah-la-ka" = ruin, destroy, "Ni-ya" = me, "Al-Lohu" = Allah
وَمَن مَّعِىَ أَوْرَحِمَنَا = "Wa Mam~Ma-'i Ya Aw Ro-h*i-ma Na~", "Wa Man" = and who, "Ma-'i" = with, "Ya" = me, "Aw Ro-h*i-ma
  Na~" = or bless us, (We may make a pause here),
فَمَن يُجِيرُ اُلْكَفِرِينَ  = "Fa May~Yu-ji~rul-Ka~fi-ri~na", "Fa Man" then who, "Yu-ji~ru" = protect, "al-Ka~fi-ri~na" = the unbelievers
مَنْ عَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ = "Min 'A-dza~bin A-li~~m". "Min" = from, " 'A-dza~bin" = torment, "A-li~min" = painful.
"Qul A Ro-ai Tum In Ah-la-ka Ni-yal-Lohu Wa Mam~Ma-'i Ya Aw Ro-h*i-ma Na~, Fa May~Yu-ji~rul-Ka~fi-ri~na Min 'A-dza~bin A-li~~m". =  Say: "Tell me (of your opinion, O those who wish me dead/destroyed,) if Allah destroyed me and those who are with me, or if He/Allah blessed us/me and my followers (what benefit will you all gain. And when I and my people die) who then can deliver (you) the unbelievers, the sinners from the painful torment (from Allah, unless you repent).
(to be continued).
Let us continue to look into the Basic Islamic Rules:
(2) Solat: Wudhuu:
[Note: This Rule is obtained from "The Collection of Hadith Hukum vol.1" by Prof. T.M. Hasbi Ash-Shiddeqy:
(15) "To wipe dry the body after wudhuu or ghusul with a towel".
A Hadith from Qois ibn Saad r.a. who said, "One day, the Prophet s.a.w. paid a visit to our house. Then (my father) Saad asked that water be brought to the Prophet s.a.w. for him to bathe. After taking the bath (and wudhuu), Saad gave the Prophet s.a.w. a towel which had been dipped with saffron and a kind of turmeric for the Prophet s.a.w. to dry himself up."
From this Hadith, it said that to wipe the body dry after wudhuu or ghusul is permissible.
(b) Al-Hasan ibn Ali, Anas, Uthman were among the Prophet's companions and Ath-Thaury, Malik and Ahmad were among the Mujtahidin/Legal Experts on Islamic Laws who said that it is permissible to dry the wet body after wudhuu or ghusul. This was strengthen by Al-Baghowy, Imamul-Haromain and Ar-Rofi'i of Ulama of SYafi'iyah. Imam Asy-SYafi'iy did not give any opinion on this. The Prof. T.M.Hasbi says: Through out the examination we made, drying up of the body after wudhuu or ghusul/major ablution is not "Makruh"/detestable.]
(16) To perform 2 rakaah solat wudhuu. (This was set after the Prophet s.a.w. heard Bilal performed solat after each wudhuu and  was given high respect by Allah). 
(to be cotinued).
Until we meet in the next session, see you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof. 

Monday, 29 July 2013

Recitation 101

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
We shall now continue to recite surah 67 Al-Mulk. Please refer to the text: 
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(24) قُلْ هُوَ اُلَّذِى ذَرَأَكُمْ فِى اُلْأَرْضِ وَإِلَيْهِ تُحْشَرُونَ
قُلْ هُوَاُلَّذِى ذَرَأَكُمْ = "Qul Hu-wal-La-dzi~ DZa-ro-a Kum", "Qul" = Say, "Hu-wa" = He, "al-La-dzi~" = who, "DZa-ro-a" = scattered, "Kum" = all of you
فِى اُلْأَرْضِ = "Fil-Arr-dhi", "Fi" = on, "al-Arr-dhi" = the earth
وَإِلَيْهِ تُحْشَرُونَ = "Wa I-lai Hi Tuh*-sya-ru~~n.". "Wa I-lai" = and to, "Hi" = Him, "Tuh*sya-ru~na" = to be gathered together.
"Qul Hu-wal-La-dzi~ DZa-ro-a Kum Fil-Arr-dhi Wa I-lai Hi Tuh*sya-ru~~n" = Say: It is He/Allah who created and multiplied you and scattered you all on the earth (to worship Him and to uphold justice), and to Him, you shall all be gathered together (to be judged and to be requited).
(25) وَيَقُولُونَ مَتَى هَذَا اُلْوَعْدُ إِن كُنتُمْ صَدِقِينَ
وَيَقُولُونَ مَتَى هَذَا اُلْوَعْدُ = "Wa Ya-qu~lu~na Ma-ta~ Ha~dzal-waa-du", "Wa Ya-qu~lu~na" = And they say, "Ma-ta~" = when, "Ha~dza~" = this, "al-Waa-du" = the promised
إِن كُنتُمْ صَدِقِينَ = "Ink~Kunt~Tum SHo~di-qi~~n". "In" = if, "Kunt~Tum" = to be you all, "SHo~di-qi~na" = truthful.
"Wa Ya-qu~lu~na Ma-ta~ Ha~dzal-Waa-du Ink~Kunt~Tum SHo~di-qi~~n". = And they/the unbelievers, the sinners say: When is this promise (about the Resurrection) occurred, if you are truthful.
(26) قُلْ إِنَّما اُلْعِلْمُ عِندَاُللهِ وَإِنَّمَآ أَنَاْ نَذِيرٌ مُّبِينٌ
قُلْ إِنَّمَا اُلْعِلْمُ عِندَ اُللهِ = "Qul In~na-mal-'Il-mu 'Ind~dal-Lohi", "Qul" = Say, "In~na-ma" = truly, "al-'Il-mu" = the knowledge, " 'Iand~da" = with, "Al-Lohi" = Allah
وَإِنَّمَآ أَنَاْ نَذِيرٌ مُّبِينٌ = "Wa In~na-ma~~ A-na (an Alif with a Sifar Mustadir/a tiny round circle, is ignored, it is a useless extra letter, it is not a Madd) Na-dzi~rum~Mu-bi~~n". "Wa In~na-ma~" = and truly, "A-na" = I, (me), "Na-dzi~run" = warner, "Mu-bi~nun" = plain.
"Qul In~na-mal-'Il-mu 'Ind~dal-Lohi Wa In~na-ma~~ A-na Na-dzi~rum~Mu-bi~~n". = Say: Truly, the knowledge (about when it will occur) is with Allah, and truly, I am just a plain warner.
(to be continued)
Let us continue to look into Basic Islamic Rules:
(2) Solat: Wudhuu: (13)To widen the White Blaze: The Prophet s.a.w. said, "Truly, my ummah/people will arrive on the Resurrection Day with their faces glowing with white blaze/light and their extremities/hands and feet glowing bright light because of the "Wudhuu" they took (during their life time on the earth)." Abu Hurairah r.a. added, " So, any of you who is able to widen the glowing bright light (on your body) should do it." (narrated by Ahmad and Bukhari and Muslim).
(14) To be prudent/wise with the use of the water in ablution and not to pour away water unnecessarily. (15) (To be continued).
Until the next session, see  you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.       

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Recitation 100

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let continue recite surah 67 Al-Mulk. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(22) أَفمَن يَمْشِى مُكِبًّا عَلَى وَجْهِهِى~أَهْدَى~أَمَّن يَمْشِى سَوِيًّا عَلَى صِرَاطٍ مُّسْتًَقِيمٍ
أَفَمَن يَّمْشِى مُكِبًّا عَلَى = "A Fa May~Yam-shi~ Mu-kib-ban 'A-la~", "A Fa "= Is then, "Man" = who, "Yam-syi~" = to walk, move, "Mukib-ban" = bent, grovel, "'A-la~" = on
وَجْهِهِى~أَهْدَى~أَمَّن يَمْشِى سَوِيًّا عَلَى = "Wajj-hi Hi~~ (a Madd SHilah T*owilah = 4 harakah) Ah-da~~ (a Madd Jaiz Munf-fashil = 4 harakah) Am~May~Yam-syi~ Sa-wiy-yan 'A-la~", "Wajj-hi" = face, "Hi~" = his, "Ah-da~" = more rightly guided, "Am~Man" = or who, "Yam-syi~" = to walk, "Sa-wiy-yan" = to be straight, " 'A-la~" = on
صِرَاطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ = "SHi-ro~t*im~Mus-ta-qi~~m". "SHi-ro~t*in" = path, "Mus-ta-qi~min" = straight.
"A Fa May~Yam-syi~ Mu-kib-ban 'A-la~ Wajj-hi Hi~~ Ah-da~~ Am~May~Yam-syi~ Sa-wiy-yan 'A-la~ SHi-ro~t*im~Musta-qi~~m." = Is he who walks/moves by groveling on his face (that of an unbeliever walking without being guided by Allah and His Messenger) is more rightly guided, or he who walks straight and on the straight path (being guided by Allah and His Messenger is more rightly guided)?
(23) قُلْ هُوَاُلَّذِى~أَنشَأَكُمْ وَجَعَلَ لَكُمُ اُلسَّمْعَ وَاُلْأَبْصَرَوَاُلْأَفْئِدَةَ صلى  
قَلِيلًا مَّا تَشْكُرُونَ
قُلْ هُوَاُلَّذِى~أَنشَأَكُمْ وَجَعَلَ = "Qul Hu-wal-La-dzi~~ Ansy~sya-a Kum Wa Ja-'a-la", "Qul" = Say, "Hu-wa" = He, "al-La-dzi~" = who, "Ansy~sya-a" = created, "Kum" = all of you, "Wa Ja-'a-la" = and made
لَكُمُ اُلسَّمْعَ وَاُلْأَبْصَرَوَاُلْأَفْئِدَةَ = "La Ku-mus-Sam-'a Wal-Abb-sho~ro Wal-Af-i-dah", "La Kum" = for you all, "as-Sam-'a" = the hearing, "Wa al-Abb-sho~ro" = and the sight, "Wa- al-Af-i-da-ta" = and the heart/mind.
صلى = a Waqof Jaiz/permissible pause sign.
"Qul Hu-wal-La-dzi~~ Ansy~sya-a Kum Wa Ja-'a-la La Ku-mus-Sam-'a Wal-Abb-sho~ro Wal-Af-i-dah" = Say: (Allah is the One) Who have created you all and have made for you hearing and the sight and the heart/mind
قَلِيلًا مَا تَشْكُرُونَ = "Qo-li~lam~Ma~ Tasy-ku-ru~~n". "Qo-li~lan" = few, "Ma~" what, "Tasy-ku-ru~na" = thankful.
"Qo=li~lam~Ma~ Tasy-ku-ru~~n" = but few of you are  thankful.
(to be continued).
Let us continue to look into the Basic Islamic Rules:
(2) Solat: Wudhuu/minor ablution:
(12) From Abdullah Ash-Shunabaji r.a. that the Prophet s.a.w. said, " When a person takes an ablution/wudhuu, and he/she rinses his/her mouth, the sin of the mouth is washed out of from the mouth. If he rinses the nostrils, the sin of the nostrils is washed out. When he washes the face, the sin of the face including the inside of the face, even that of the below of the eyelids is washed away. When he washes his both hands and arms (up to the above of the elbows), the sin of his hands and arms are cleansed, even those under the finger nails. When he wipes his head, the sin of his head and also of the ears is cleansed. (Those who wipe a bit portion of his/her head, suffer such a loss). When he washes his feet, all sin of the feet, even under the toe nails is cleansed. After that, he/she walks to the mosque/place of solat, earned him/her "Na~filah/valuable prize/reward." (narrated by Malik, An-Nasa-i, Ibnu Majah and Al-Hakim). (13) (to be continued).
Until we meet again. See you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Recitation 99

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue recite surah 67 Al-Mulk. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(20) أَمَّنْ هَذَااُلَّذِى هُوَ جُندٌ لَّكُمْ يَنصُرُكُم مِّن دُونِ اُلرَّحْمَنج إِنِ اُلْكَفِرُون إِلَّا فِى غُرُورٍ
أَمَنْ هَذَااُلَّذِى هُوَ = "Am~man Ha~dzal-La-dzi~ Hu-wa", "Am~man" = Or who, "Ha~dza~" = this, "al-La-dzi~" = who, "Hu-wa"= He
جُندٌ لَّكُمْ يَنصُرُكُم مِّن دُونِ اُلرَّحْمَنِ = "Jund~dul-La Kum Yansh~shu-ru Kum~Mind~Du~nir-Roh*-ma~~n". "Jund~dun" = army, "La Kum" = for you all, "Yansh-shu-ru" = He helps, "Kum" = all of you, "Min" = from, "Du~ni" = lower than, Ar-Roh*ma~ni" = the Compassionate.
ج = a Waqof Jaiz/permissible pause sign.
"Am~man Ha~dzal-La-dzi~ Hu-wa Jund~dul-La Kum Yansh-shu-ru Kum~Mind~Du~nir-Roh*ma~~n" = Or, who is He that will become an army for you to help you all is none other than (Allah) the Most Compassionate (because there is no other protector nor helper except Him).
إِنِ اُلكَفِرُونَ إِلَّا فِى غُرُورٍ = "I-nil-Ka~fi-ru~na Il-la~ Fi~ GHu-ru~~rr". "I-ni" = Truly, "al-Ka~fi-ru~na" = the unbelievers, "Il-la~" = but, "Fi~" = in, "GHu-ru~rin" = deceived.
"In-nil-Ka~fi-ru~na Il-la~ Fi~ GHu-ru~~rr". = Truly, the unbelievers are in the state of being deceived.
(21) أَمَّنْ هَذَا اُلَّذِى يَرْزُقُكُمْ إِنْ أَمْسَكَ رِزْقَهُوج بَل لَّجُّواْ فِى عُتُوٍّ وَنُفُورٍ
أَمَّنْ هَذَا اُلَّذِى = "Am~man Ha~dzal-La-dzi~", "Am~man" = Or who, "Ha~dza~" = this, "al-La-dzi~" = who 
يَرْزُقُكُمْ إِنْ أَمْسَكَ رِزْقَهُو = "Yarr-zu-qu Kum In Am-sa-ka Riz-qoh". "Yarr-zu-qu" = He gives sustenance, "Kum" = all of you, "In" = if, "Am-sa-ka" = with hold, "Riz-qo" = sustenance, "Hu~" = His.
ج = a Waqof Jaiz/permissible pause sign.
"Am~man Ha~dzal-La-dzi~ Yarr-zu-qu Kum In Am-sa-ka Riz-qoh" = Or who will give "Rizq"/sustenance to all of you, if He were to with hold/stop providing you with "Rizq"?
بَل لَّجُّواْ فِى عُتُوٍّ وَنُفُورٍ = "Bal-Laj-ju~ Fi~ 'U-tuw-wiw~Wa Nu-fu~~rr". "Bal" = No, but, "Laj-ju~" = persist, "Fi~" = in, " 'U-tuw-win" = arrogance, "Wa Nu-fu~rin" = and aversion, dislike
"Bal-Laj-ju~ Fi~ 'U-tuw-wiw~Wa Nu-fu~~rr". = But they persist in being arrogant (toward Allah and His Commandments, denying and opposing Him) and being averse (refusing to listen and to obey).
(to be continued).
Let us now cotinue to look into the Basic Islamic Rules:
(2) Solat: Wudhuu/minor ablution: 
(10) Immediately after reciting the SYahadatain as in No. (9) recite: " Allohum~maj-'al Ni~ Minat-Taw-wa~bi~n =( O my Lord, make me of those who are repentant), Waj-'al Ni~ Minal-Mu-ta-t*oh-hi-ri~n = (and make me among the purifiers), Sub-h*a~na Kal-Lohum~ma Wa Bi H*am-di Ka = ( Glory be to You O my Lord, and praise be upon You), As-tagh-fi-ru Ka Wa A-tu~bu I-laik = ( I ask for your forgiveness and I repent of my sins to You)."
(11) From An-Nasa-i that the Prophet s.a.w. recited the following at the begining of Wudhuu, after "Basmalah" and also after Wudhuu, i.e. after reciting doa No. (11). There is no report about him reciting this while taking Wudhuu (but is it not good to do so?): "Allohum~magh-fir Li~ Dzam~bi~ = (O my Lord, forgive all of my sin), Wa Wa~sii Li~ Fi~ Da~ri~ = ( and make vast [in Your grant] my home), Wa Ba~rik Li~ Fi~ Rizqi~ = ( and give blessing to my Rizq/sustenace)." (12) (to be continued).
Until we meet again, see you all Quran Lovers soon.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Recitation 98

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue recite surah 67 Al-Mulk. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(18) وَلَقَدْ كَذَّبَ اُلَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ فَكَيْفَ كَانَ نَكِيرِ
وَلَقَدْ كَذَّبَ اُلَّذِينَ = "Wa La-qodd Kadz-dza-bal-La-dzi~na", "Wa La-qodd" = And indeed, "Kadz-dza-ba" = to deny the truth, "al-La-dzi~na" = those
مِن قَبْلِهِمْ فَكَيْفَ = "Minq~Qobb-li Him Fa Kai-fa", "Min" = of, "Qobb-li" = before, "Him" = them. "Fa" = thence, Kai-fa" = how
كَانَ نَكِيرِ = "Ka~na Na-Ki~~r". "Ka~na" = was, did, "Na-ki~ri" = repudiate/cast off.
"Wa La-qodd Kadz-dza-bal-La=dzi~na Minq~Qobb-li Him Fa Kai-fa Ka~na Na-ki~~r" = And indeed, the people of the past who were before them who denied the Messengers and regarded them as lies, thence, (do they not notice) how did We cast off (Our wrath on those people)?
(19) أَوَلَمْ يَرَوْاْ إِلَى اُلطَّيْرِ فَوْقَهُمْ صَ~فَّتٍ وَيَقْبِضْنَج مَا يُمْسِكُهُنَّ إِلَّا اُلرَّحْمَنُج إِنَّهُ,بِكُلِّ شَيْءِمبَصِيرٌ
أَوَلَمْ يَرَوْاْ إِلَى اُلطَّيْرِ = "A-wa Lam Ya-row I-lat*-T*oi-ri", "A-wa Lam" = Have not, "Ya-row" = they see, "I-la~" = to, "at-Toi-ri" = the birds
فَوْقَهُمْ صَ~فَّتٍ وَيَقْبِضْنَ = "Faw-qo Hum SHo~~~f- (a Madd Lazim Kalimi Muthaqqol/irrevocable Heavy word = a ّ  after a Madd is pronounced with 6 harakah)fa~tiw~Wa Yaqq-bidh- (Qof is a qolqolah and DHod is an Istiilaa/the base of the tongue is raised, and an It*baqq/the middle of the tongue is also raised and the side of the tongue is placed below the Molar tooth) na", "Faw-qo Hum" = above them, "SHo~~~f-fa~tin" = rows, lines, "Wa Yaqq-bidh-na" = and grasp, clasp/closing
ج = a Waqof Jaiz sign, but we need not do so
مَا يُمْسِكُهُنَّ إِلّا اُلرَّحْمَنُ = "Ma~ Yum-si-ku Hun~na Il-lar-Roh*-ma~~n". "Ma~" = no, "Yum-si-ku" = hold, "Hun~na" them (feminine),  Il-la~ = except, "Ar-Roh*ma~nu" the Compassionate.
ج = a Waqof Jaiz/permissible pause sign.
"A-wa Lam Ya-row I-lat*-T*oi-ri Faw-qo Hum SHo~~~f-fa~tiw~Wa Yaqq-bidh-na Ma~ Yum-si-ku Hun~na Il-lar-Roh*-ma~~n". = Have they not seen the birds (flying) above them in groups/rows (spreading out and then) close (their wings and when closing their wings, there is no one to) hold them afloat except (Allah) the Most Compassionate.
إِنَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَىءِمبَصِيرٌ = In~na Hu~ Bi Kul-li SYai-im~(an Iqlab/changing نْ to مْ )Ba-shi~~r". "In~na Hu~" = Truly, He, "Bi Kul-li" = at all, "SYai-in" = things, "Ba-shi~run" = perceiving.
"In~na Hu~ Bi Kul-li SYai-im~Ba-shi~~r" = Truly, He is all Perceiving/He is the Giver of benefits to His creatures.
(to be continued).
Let us continue to look into the Basic Islamic Rules:
Solat: Minor Ablution/Wudhuu: (8) (Fardhu:) Wash both feet, first the right foot then the left, from the toes, in between the toes, if nails are kept long, under those nails, the soles, the heels, the whole feet and up to a little above the ankles.It is Sunnah to repeat washing 3 times.
(9) Sunnah to recite the Syahatatain: "Asy-ha-du Al-la~ Ila~ha Il-lal-Loh Wah*da-hu~ La~ Sya-ri~ka Lah, Wa Asy-ha-du An~na
 Muhammadan 'Ab-du-hu~ Wa Ro-su~luh" = I bear witness that there is no god to be worshipped but Allah whose Oneness is without peer, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His bond servant and His Messenger. (The Prophet s.a.w. said as reported by Umar and narrated by Muslim: "Then it is opened for him/her the eight doors of the Paradise, till he/she can enter into the Paradise through any one of the doors he/she likes." (10) (to be continued).
Until the next session, see you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.