Monday, 11 December 2017

Recitation No. 502.

اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
 Let us continue to recite verse 33 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
إِنَّ اللهَ اصْطَفَى~ ءَادَمَ وَنُوحًا وَءَالَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَءَالَ عِمْرَانَ عَلَى الْعَالَمِينَ  [o] 
= [o]  "In~nal-Lohash-to-fa~~ A~da-ma Wa Nu~haw~Wa A~la Ib-ro~hi~ma Wa A~la 'Im-ro~na 'A-lal-'A~la-mi~~~n" (33).
 = "[o]" = a beginning of a new part sign.,  "In~nal-" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. An Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = truly,   "(A)l-Lohash-" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah. A Hamzah Washol with a Silent Shod) = The God,  "(i)Sh-to-fa~~" (a Mad Jaiz Munfashil) = to choose,  "A~da-ma" = Adam,  "Wa" = and,  "Nu~haw~" (an Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah) = Noah,  "Wa" = and,  "A~li" = family,  "Ib-ro~hi~ma" = Abraham,  "Wa" = and,  "A~li" = family,  " 'Im-ro~na" = 'Imran,  " 'A-lal-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = over,  "(A)l-'A~la-mi~~~n" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = the worlds, the people.  "(33)" = end of verse No. 33, sign.
 = "Truly, Allah had chosen Adam and Noah and family of Abraham and family of 'Imron over the people in the world".
 = (Allah had chosen and ennobled Prophets Adam a.s. and Noah a.s. and Abraham a.s. and his family/descendants a.s. and family of 'Imran as the cream of all the inhabitants of the universe because from them came forth men who shouldered the offices of Prophets and Messengers of God.
 Prophet Adam a.s. is the First and the beginning of Mankind created by Allah, and was the First Prophet cum Messenger of Allah to his a.s. descendants. From him a.s. came forth Prophets and Messengers of Allah.
 Prophet Noah a.s. is Mankind's Second Father because after the enormous Flood when all Mankind and other creatures except him a.s. and a handful of his a.s. obedient followers and a pair of each of other creatures were saved in his a.s. ark, were wiped out. {While in the ark, droppings of the animals were plenty and were all over the place in the ark. Thence, Allah created a pair of pigs from the pair of elephants to eat all the droppings.}. And from Noah a.s. came forth Prophets and Messengers of God. His a.s. descendants spread all over the face of the Earth. After some time later, his a.s. disobedient descendants were influenced by and were drawn into Idols worshippings.
 Then Allah brought forth Prophet Abraham a.s.. And after him a.s.  Allah brought forth Prophets and Messengers, one after another, from one generation to another, such as Prophets Isma'il a.s.,  Is-haq/Isaac a.s., Ya'aqub/Jacob the Israel a.s., and the Isbat/the Tribe/ the descendants of Jacob a.s., where from the Isbat/Tribe is the family of 'Imran who is not the father of Prophet Moses a.s., but is the father of Siti Mariam/the Virgin Mary, came forth Prophets cum Messengers such as Prophets Zakaria/ Zacharias a.s., Yahya/John the Baptist a.s., and 'Isa/Jesus a.s..
  Prophet Isma'il a.s. son of Ibrohim/Abraham a.s. had many descendants who went to and stayed in Palestine and many also had stayed put in Arabia. There were many Prophets among them and the Last and the Final Prophet is our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. ).
 Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
 Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
 Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.

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