أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse No. 272. Please refer to the Text :
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
لَيْسَ عَلَيْكَ هُدَىهُمْ وَلَكِنَّ اللهَ يَهْدِى مَن يَّشَاءُ قلى وَمًَا تُنفِقُواْ مِن خَيْرٍ فَلِأَنفُسِكُمْ ج [o]
وَمَا تُنفِقُونَ إِلّا ابْتِغَاءَ وَجْهِ اللهِ ج وَمَا تُنفِقُواْ مِنْ خَيْرٍ يُوَفَّ إِلَيْكُمْ وَأَنتُمْ لَا تُظْلَمُونَ (272)
= "Lai-sa 'A-lai Ka Hu-da~ Hum Wa La~kin~nal-Loha Yah-di~ Mai~Ya-sya~~~' (Q/P) Wa Ma~ Tunf~fi-qu~ Min Khoi-rinf~Fa Li Anf~fu-si Kum. (J/P) Wa Ma~ Tunf~fi-qu~na Il-lab-ti-gho~~a Waj-hil-Lah/Waj-hil-La~~~h. (J/P). Wa Ma~ Tunf~fi-qu~ Min Khoi-riy~Yu-waf-fa I-lai Kum Wa Ant~Tum La~ Tuzh-la-mu~~~n" (272).
[o] = a beginning of a section. "Lai-sa" (a Mad Lin) = not, " 'A-lai" (a Mad Lin) = upon, "Ka" = you, "Hu-da~" (after the Dal is a tiny Alif denotes a Mad Ashli) = to guide, to give guidance to, "Hum" (after the silent Mim is a Waw, is an Izhhar Syafawi) = them, "Wa-la~kin~na (a Mad Ashli. A Wajibul-Ghunnah. After the above sign Nun is an Alif Lam Syamsiah, "-nal-") = but, "(A)l-Loha" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah. The Lam is Tafkhim) = The God, "Yah-di~" = he guides, "Man" (after the silent Nun is a Ya, is an Idghom Maal-Ghunnah, "Mai~") = who, "Ya-sya~~u" (a Mad Wajib Muntashil, but we pause at it, becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun, "-sya~~~'") = he wishes. (Qly) = a pause sign. "Wa" = and, "Ma~" = what, "Tunf~fi-qu~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi. A Mad Ashli) = you (pl.) spent, "Min" (after the silent Nun is a Kho, is an Izhhar Halqi) = on, "Khoi-rin" (a Mad Lin. After the Tanwin Ro is a Fa, is an Ikhfaa Haqiqi, "-rinf~") = good, "Fa" = then, "Li" = for, "Anf~fu-si" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = selves, "Kum" = your. (Jim) = a pause sign. "Wa" = and, "Ma~" = do not, "Tunf~fi-qu~na" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi. A Mad Ashli) = you (pl.) spent, "Il-la~" (after the Mad Ashli is a Hamzah Wahol with a silent Ba is, "-lab-") = except, "(I)b-ti-gho~~a" (the silent Ba is a Qolqoloh Sughro. A Mad Wajib Muttashil) = wish, for the purpose of, "Waj-hi" (the silent Jim is a Qolqoloh Sughro. After the below sign He is an Alif Lam Syamsiah, "-hil-") = direction, for the sake of, "(A)l-Lahi" (the Lam is Tarqiq. We pause here, "-Lah or La~~~h") = The God. (Jim) = a pause sign. "Wa" = and "Ma~" = what, "Tunf~fi-qu~" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. A Mad Ashli) = you (pl.) spent, "Min" (after the silent Nun is a Kho, is an Izhhar Halqi) = on, "Khoi-rin" (a Mad Lin. After the Tanwin Ro is a Ya, is an Idghom Maal-Ghunnah, "-riny~") = good, "Yu-waf-fa" = it fulfills, compensates, "I-lai" (a Mad Lin) = for, "Kum" (after the silent Mim is a Waw, is an Izhhar Syafawi) = you (pl.), "Wa" = and, "An~tum" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi. After the silent Mim is a Lam, is an Izhhar Syafawi) = you (pl.), "La~" = not, "Tuzh-la-mu~na" (we pause at this Mad Ashli, becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun, "-mu~~~n") = you be oppressed, you be mistreated. (272).
= "It is not for you (pl.) to guide them but it is Allah who Give guidance to whom He so Wish. And what you (pl.) spent on good (deeds in Allah Cause, its Reward is) for your own selves. And you (pl.) should not spend except to seek for the direction towards Allah / for the sake of Allah. And whatsoever good (moneys and wealth) you spent, you (pl.) will be compensate (with Rewards). And you (pl,) will not be mistreated.".
= (This verse was revealed because, then, the Medinans in Medina had close relatives and in-laws who were Jewish and had not embraced Islam, they, the Medinans made used of them and gave them moneys for their livelihood. Later on, those Jews embraced Islam and the Medinans stopped using them and did not like to support their livelihood anymore. They gave them / the Jews money because of wanting them, their Jewish close relatives to embrace Islam.
And according to another account, this verse was revealed when the Madinans were giving alms to the poor people in Medina so that they would embrace Islam. And when a great many of them embraced Islam, the Prophet s.a.w. forbade them, the Medinans from giving alms to the Non-Muslimin so that they would join in the Muslimin communitee because the Prophet s.a.w. had a world of cares for and took heed of those poor Unbelievers. Thus, Allah told the Prophet s.a.w. and the Medinans that it was NOT them who give guidance to people to embrace Islam, but it was and still is Allah who Give Guidance to those whom He so Wish to guide. So, continue giving the alms and charities. {Thus, most of the Muslimin nowadays who killed/are killing /will be killing and hate those who do not embrace Islam do not know of this verse. For, NO ONE but NO ONE embraces Islam without the Guidance of Allah. They attack and kill the Non-Muslim and said, they kill because of Allah. That is utterly wrong.}. Allah Continue to say, meaning, you/Medinans when spent on charity, do not ever back bite, nor abuse nor humilisate them, and when you give for their livelihood, give the best of your money you have because they, the money spent will be returned to you yourselves and in multi folds. And do not ever spend with the intention other than for the sake of Allah and for His Rewards. Allah Allow "Shodaqoh"/charity, donation and alms giving be given to both Muslimin and Non-Muslimin but forbid you from giving the Zakah/Purity Tax to the "Ahli dzimmah = the free Non-Muslim subjects who enjoy Muslim protection.". And in the Hereafter, you will gain Rewards without even a tiny winy bit less than what you (pl.) had done).
Till the next session, Insya Allah, see all of You Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
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