Monday, 15 May 2017

Recitatioin No. 426-B-2.

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
In the last clause we recited, was that God had raised or elevated some of His Prophets cum Messengers to higher positions by furnishing them with "Muujizat"/Super Powers or Miracles. Our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was given with very many Muujizat. Some of them were/are he s.a.w. splitted the moon in the sky into Two then jointed them up again by signal movements with his hands. {The Chinese in China saw the moon being splitted up}. The woods and stones gave Salam/greeting to him. The greatest Muujizat is the Holy Quran. And also, in the Hereafter, on the Resurrection Day, he has the power to give "Syafa'ah"/ to mediate between the sinners and God. And on that Resurrection Day, every Prophet will call only his people, but our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. will call all Mankind. (b) Prophet Idris/Enoch a.s. was an expert in several knowledges, such as the Arithmetic, astronomy, war tactics and so forth. He was a very patient man who was always relied on and have trust in Allah. He had a desire to up to the heavens. Allah Love him and had fulfilled his desire, he was sent up to the 6th heaven (for a look see).  (c)  Prophet Ibrahim/Abraham a.s. He was given a title of, "Kholilullah"/the Bosom Friend of God.When he was thrown into a huge fire by King Nimrud, he was saved by Allah who told the fire to be cool dan save Abraham a.s. (d) Prophet Musa/Moses a.s. was given a wooden staff which had used to fight the Fir'aun/ Pharaoh's magicians' snakes which were turned from ropes and sticks. Moses threw his staff on to the snakes made of ropes and sticks, and his staff tranformed into a real snake and devoured all the fake snakes. He a.s. had divided the Red Sea allowing him a.s. and his people to cross from Egypt to Sinai with the Fir'aun/ Pharaoh and his army were hot at their heels. With that staff he hit a large rock which burst out several springs of water.  (e) Prophet Dawud/David a.s. was given with a beautiful and melodious voice. When he sang the Hymn from his Holy Book Zabur/Psalms, the hills, the mountain and the birds sang with him in Praising God. And the birds which were flying in the air, when hearing him sang, would stop flying to listen to his singing. He could fashion iron into helmet and armour by his hands without first burned the iron in a big fire. He shaped the iron/steel like we shape the clay. (f) Prophet/King Sulaiman/Solomon a.s. son of David a.s. was given powers to govern and command the Jinni, Mankind, birds and wind. Once, in an assembly with his people, there was a man who felt that he was being watched by a queer man. He became uncomfortable, and went to the King Solomon said, "O King, please send me to the star". King Solomon asked the wind to send the man to the star above. That queer man was also seen leaving the assembly. After a short while, the queer man returned and told the King, "I am the Malikil-Maut/Angel of Death. According to the Tablet of Record in the 7th Heaven, that man was to die on a star, but when I went to him, he was here in Jerusalem. I was shocked. But when he asked you to send him to the star, I knew I could perform my duty, to take his life there". In another incident, the King Solomon was flying in the air by the wind, suddenly a thought came to his heart, he was amazed at his "power" that he could fly in the air. And instantly, he fell to the ground. When lying  on the ground, the King a.s. felt remorse and repented begging Allah to pardon him for being proud and elevated. (g) Prophet Yahya/John (the Baptist) was a very holy and virtuous man. He did not have  the desire for women/sex.
Till we meet again in the next session, see You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.

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