اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse 36 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
فَلَمَّا وَضَعَتْهَا قَالَتْ رَبِّ إِنِّى وَضَعْتُهَا~ أُنثَى وَاللهُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا وَضَعَتْ وَلَيْسَ الذَّكَرُ كَالْأُنثَى صلى وَإِنِّى سَمَّيْتُهَا مَرْيَمَ وَإِنِّى~ أُعِيذُهَا بِكَ وَذُرِّيَّتَهَا مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيم (36)
= "Fa Lam~ma~ Wa-dho-'at Ha~ Qo~lat Rob-bi In~ni~ Wa-dhoo-tu Ha~~ Unth~tha~ Wal-Lohu Aa-la-mu Bi Ma~ Wa-dho-'at Wa Lai-sadz-Dza-ka-ru Kal-Unth~tha~. (Shly) Wa In~ni~ Sam~mai-tu Ha~ Mar-ya-ma Wa In~ni~~ U-'i~dhu Ha~ Bi Ka Wa Dzur-riy-ya-ta Ha~ Mi-nasy-Syai-to~nir-Ro-ji~~~m" (36).
="Fa" = then, "Lam~ma~" = after, "Wa-dho-'at" = she gave birth, "Ha~" = her/it, "Qo~lat" = she said, "Rob-bi" = Lord, "In~ni~" really I, "Wa-dhoo-tu" = I gave birth to, "Ha~~" (a Mad Jaiz Munfashil) = her, it, "Unth~tha~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi. A Mad Ashli) = a female, girl, "Wal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = but, "(A)l-Lohu" = (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "Aa-la-mu" = well knew, "Bi" = of, "Ma~" = whatever, "Wa-dho-'at" = she delivered, gave birth to, "Ha~" = her. it, "Wa" = for, "Lai-sadz-" (a Mad Lin. An Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = not, "Dza-ka-ru" = the male, "Kal-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = like, same as, "(a)l-Unth~tha~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi. A Mad Ashli) = the female, "(Shly)" = a pause sign. "Wa" = and, "In~ni~" = really I, "Sam~mai-tu" = I name, "Ha~" = her, "Mar-ya-ma" = Mary, Maria, "Wa" = and, "In~ni~~" (a Mad Jaiz Munfashil) = that I have, "U-'i~dzu" = I seek refuge for, "Ha~" = her, "Bi" = under, "Ka" = you, "Wa" = and, "Dzur-riy-ya-ta" = descendants, "Ha~" = her, "Mi-nasy-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = from, "(A)sy-Syai-to~nir-" (a Mad Lin. A Mad Ashli. An Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = the Satan, Devil, "(A)r-Ro-ji~~~m" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = the accursed. (36) = the end of verse 36 sign.
= "Then after she/Hannah gave birth to her (baby), she said, "O Lord! I gave birth to a baby girl," but Allah knew well of what (baby) she had delivered because a male is unlike / different from a female. (Shly/pause). "I have named her Maryam/Mary/Maria, and I seek refuge for her and her desendants under You from the Satan the accursed.".
= (After Hannah had delivered her baby and it was a girl, she was sad and unhappy. She said to Allah that she had delivered a baby girl, while Allah knew well about the baby was a girl becuase it was He who ordained the baby to be a girl. And Hannah told God that she had named her baby, Mariyam/Mary. Then she appealed to Allah for protection under Him/Allah the well being of Mary and her descendants from the accursed Satan the Devil.
In Islam, it is right to name a newborn baby on the day it was born. In a Hadith narrated by Imam Bukhori and Muslim that the Prophet s.a.w. said to his s.a.w. companions r.a., "Last night my baby was born and it is a son. I have named him with the same name as my forefather, Ibrahim". (ii) In another Hadith narrated by Qotadah from al-Hasan al-Bashri from Samurah bin Jundub that the Prophet s.a.w. said, "Each and every newborn baby is mortgaged to its " 'Aqiqah"/slaughtering 2 goats/sheep for a baby boy and One for a baby girl on the Seventh day after birth, and it is given a name and head shaving ceremony (on that 7th day). {It is all right if slaughtering only One goat for the baby boy. If on the 7th day, we are unable to slaughter, we may slaughter at any time before the baby becomes an adult. If we cannot slaughter, we may pay in cash. Things which are good and Sunnah to do to a newborn, (i) put something sweet in its mouth, the Prophet s.a.w. put a little bit of crushed date fruit in his s.a.w. newborn babies. (ii) As narrated by Ahmad and Tirmidzi that the Prophet s.a.w. recited Azan (softly) in the right ear of newborn Hasan and Husain". (iii) As narrated by Ibnu Sinni, from Husain ibni 'Ali r.a. (the Prophet's s.a.w. grandson) that the Prophet s.a.w. said, "Whoever recite Azan in the right ear and recite Aqomah in the left ear of his newborn baby, thus, the baby will be saved from Jin dan illnesses".}. (iii) Abdur-Razzaq narrated from Abu Hurairah r.a. that the Prophet s.a.w. said, "There is no newborn baby when is born without being touched by the Satan the accursed till the baby cried loudly for help because of the touch of the Satan, except Mariam dan her son, Jesus a.s.." And (iv) Abu Huroirah r.a. as narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, said, "If you wished, you may recite the Doa (in Arabic) the Doa Mariyam recited, "I seek refuge for her/the baby and her descendants under You, O Lord, from the Satan the accursed" when the newborn cries when is touched by the Satan the accursed.).
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Recitation No.503.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verses 34 & 35 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ذَرِّيَّةَم بَعْضُهَا مِنم بَعْضٍ قلى وَاللهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ (34)
= "Dzur-riy-ya-tam~Baa-dhu Ha~ Mim~Baadh (Qly). Wal-Lohu Sa-mi~'un 'A-li~~~m". (34).
= "Dzur-riy-ya-tam~" (an Iqlab) = descendant of, "Baa-dhu" = some of, "Ha~" = her, it, "Mim~" (an Iqlab) = of, "Baadh" (we pause at it) = some. "(Qly)" = a pause sign. "Wal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = and, "(A)l-Lohu" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "Sa-mi~'un" (an Izhhar Halqi) = hearing, listening, 'A-li~~~m" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = knowing.
= "(They are the) Descendant of one another. And Allah Hear all and Know all".
= (They are the descendants of one another from one generation. And Allah Heard and Knew all who should be His chosen ones.).
إِذْ قَالَتِ امْرَأَتُ عِمْرَانَ رَبِّ إِنِّى نَذَرْتُ لَكَ مَا فِى بَطْنِى مُحَرَّرًا فَتَقَبَّلْ مِنِّى صلى إِنَّكَ أَنتَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ (35)
= "Idz Qo~la-tim-ro-a-tu 'Im-ro~na Rob-bi In~ni~ Na-dzar Tu La Ka Ma~ Fi~ Bat-ni~ Mu-har-ro-ronf~Fa Ta-qob-bal Min~ni~. (Shly). In~na Ka Ant~tas-Sa-mi~'ul-'A-li~~~m". (35).
= "Idz" = when, "Qo~la-tim-" (a Hamzah Washol with a Silent Mim) = she said, "(i)m-ro-a-tu" = woman, wife, " 'Im-ro~na" = 'Imran, "Rob-bi" = Lord, "In~ni~" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. A Mad Ashli) = really I, "Na-dzar" = to vow, "Tu" = I, "La" = to, "Ka" = you, "Ma~" = whatever, "Fi~" = in, "Bat-ni~" = my belly,
"Mu-har-ro-ronf~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = liberated, freed, "Fa" = then, "Ta-qob-bal" = you accept, "Min~ni~" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. A Mad Ashli) = from me. "(Shly)" = a pause sign. "In~na" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah) = truly, "Ka" = you, "An~tas-" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi. An Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = you are, "(A)s-Sa-mi~'ul-" (a Mad Ashli. An Alif Lam Qomariyah) = the all-Hearing, "(A)l-'A-li~~~m" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = the all-Knowing. (35) = the end of verse 35, sign.
= "(Remember) When the wife of 'Imran said, "O Lord! Really I had vowed to You that whatever (child) that is in my belly will be freed. Thence, accept it from me. (Shly). Truly, You are all-Hearing, all-Knowing.". (35)
= ('Imran's wife, Hannah binti Farqudza had made a vow that should she could conceive or be pregnant, she would free her baby from all work and she would give it to a Place of Worship/ a Temple for the child to perform Religious Observances and serve in the Temple. It was the custom of the descendants of the Israelites Prophets and their Clergymen to free their sons (and not daughters) from house chores when they were young till they attained manhood and were placed in the Temple to serve. Only sons were allowed to be placed in the Temple because daughters are always hindered by their monthly impurities, the monthly periods.
From the annals and the biography of the Israelites, it is recorded that Prophet Zacharias a.s. and 'Imran had married Two girls who were sisters from a noble and good family. Prophet Zacharias a.s. married Asyi-ya binti Faqu-dza, while 'Imran married Hannah binti Faqudza. Hannah had not conceived any baby until she had her menopause and would never be able to be pregnant.
One day, she saw a bird feeding her chicks. She then had an inspiration and appealed to God that should God bestowed her with a child, she would free it and send it to serve in a Temple. And not long after that, she conceived. 'Imran said to her, "What if this baby were a girl?" That question had made them both sad and worried. And before long, 'Imran passed away. Then Hannah appealed to God, "Thus O Lord, accept my child be it a boy or a girl from me. Truly You are all-Hearing, all-Knowing").
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verses 34 & 35 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ذَرِّيَّةَم بَعْضُهَا مِنم بَعْضٍ قلى وَاللهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ (34)
= "Dzur-riy-ya-tam~Baa-dhu Ha~ Mim~Baadh (Qly). Wal-Lohu Sa-mi~'un 'A-li~~~m". (34).
= "Dzur-riy-ya-tam~" (an Iqlab) = descendant of, "Baa-dhu" = some of, "Ha~" = her, it, "Mim~" (an Iqlab) = of, "Baadh" (we pause at it) = some. "(Qly)" = a pause sign. "Wal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = and, "(A)l-Lohu" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "Sa-mi~'un" (an Izhhar Halqi) = hearing, listening, 'A-li~~~m" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = knowing.
= "(They are the) Descendant of one another. And Allah Hear all and Know all".
= (They are the descendants of one another from one generation. And Allah Heard and Knew all who should be His chosen ones.).
إِذْ قَالَتِ امْرَأَتُ عِمْرَانَ رَبِّ إِنِّى نَذَرْتُ لَكَ مَا فِى بَطْنِى مُحَرَّرًا فَتَقَبَّلْ مِنِّى صلى إِنَّكَ أَنتَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ (35)
= "Idz Qo~la-tim-ro-a-tu 'Im-ro~na Rob-bi In~ni~ Na-dzar Tu La Ka Ma~ Fi~ Bat-ni~ Mu-har-ro-ronf~Fa Ta-qob-bal Min~ni~. (Shly). In~na Ka Ant~tas-Sa-mi~'ul-'A-li~~~m". (35).
= "Idz" = when, "Qo~la-tim-" (a Hamzah Washol with a Silent Mim) = she said, "(i)m-ro-a-tu" = woman, wife, " 'Im-ro~na" = 'Imran, "Rob-bi" = Lord, "In~ni~" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. A Mad Ashli) = really I, "Na-dzar" = to vow, "Tu" = I, "La" = to, "Ka" = you, "Ma~" = whatever, "Fi~" = in, "Bat-ni~" = my belly,
"Mu-har-ro-ronf~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = liberated, freed, "Fa" = then, "Ta-qob-bal" = you accept, "Min~ni~" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. A Mad Ashli) = from me. "(Shly)" = a pause sign. "In~na" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah) = truly, "Ka" = you, "An~tas-" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi. An Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = you are, "(A)s-Sa-mi~'ul-" (a Mad Ashli. An Alif Lam Qomariyah) = the all-Hearing, "(A)l-'A-li~~~m" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = the all-Knowing. (35) = the end of verse 35, sign.
= "(Remember) When the wife of 'Imran said, "O Lord! Really I had vowed to You that whatever (child) that is in my belly will be freed. Thence, accept it from me. (Shly). Truly, You are all-Hearing, all-Knowing.". (35)
= ('Imran's wife, Hannah binti Farqudza had made a vow that should she could conceive or be pregnant, she would free her baby from all work and she would give it to a Place of Worship/ a Temple for the child to perform Religious Observances and serve in the Temple. It was the custom of the descendants of the Israelites Prophets and their Clergymen to free their sons (and not daughters) from house chores when they were young till they attained manhood and were placed in the Temple to serve. Only sons were allowed to be placed in the Temple because daughters are always hindered by their monthly impurities, the monthly periods.
From the annals and the biography of the Israelites, it is recorded that Prophet Zacharias a.s. and 'Imran had married Two girls who were sisters from a noble and good family. Prophet Zacharias a.s. married Asyi-ya binti Faqu-dza, while 'Imran married Hannah binti Faqudza. Hannah had not conceived any baby until she had her menopause and would never be able to be pregnant.
One day, she saw a bird feeding her chicks. She then had an inspiration and appealed to God that should God bestowed her with a child, she would free it and send it to serve in a Temple. And not long after that, she conceived. 'Imran said to her, "What if this baby were a girl?" That question had made them both sad and worried. And before long, 'Imran passed away. Then Hannah appealed to God, "Thus O Lord, accept my child be it a boy or a girl from me. Truly You are all-Hearing, all-Knowing").
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Monday, 11 December 2017
Recitation No. 502.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse 33 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
إِنَّ اللهَ اصْطَفَى~ ءَادَمَ وَنُوحًا وَءَالَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَءَالَ عِمْرَانَ عَلَى الْعَالَمِينَ [o]
= [o] "In~nal-Lohash-to-fa~~ A~da-ma Wa Nu~haw~Wa A~la Ib-ro~hi~ma Wa A~la 'Im-ro~na 'A-lal-'A~la-mi~~~n" (33).
= "[o]" = a beginning of a new part sign., "In~nal-" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. An Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = truly, "(A)l-Lohash-" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah. A Hamzah Washol with a Silent Shod) = The God, "(i)Sh-to-fa~~" (a Mad Jaiz Munfashil) = to choose, "A~da-ma" = Adam, "Wa" = and, "Nu~haw~" (an Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah) = Noah, "Wa" = and, "A~li" = family, "Ib-ro~hi~ma" = Abraham, "Wa" = and, "A~li" = family, " 'Im-ro~na" = 'Imran, " 'A-lal-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = over, "(A)l-'A~la-mi~~~n" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = the worlds, the people. "(33)" = end of verse No. 33, sign.
= "Truly, Allah had chosen Adam and Noah and family of Abraham and family of 'Imron over the people in the world".
= (Allah had chosen and ennobled Prophets Adam a.s. and Noah a.s. and Abraham a.s. and his family/descendants a.s. and family of 'Imran as the cream of all the inhabitants of the universe because from them came forth men who shouldered the offices of Prophets and Messengers of God.
Prophet Adam a.s. is the First and the beginning of Mankind created by Allah, and was the First Prophet cum Messenger of Allah to his a.s. descendants. From him a.s. came forth Prophets and Messengers of Allah.
Prophet Noah a.s. is Mankind's Second Father because after the enormous Flood when all Mankind and other creatures except him a.s. and a handful of his a.s. obedient followers and a pair of each of other creatures were saved in his a.s. ark, were wiped out. {While in the ark, droppings of the animals were plenty and were all over the place in the ark. Thence, Allah created a pair of pigs from the pair of elephants to eat all the droppings.}. And from Noah a.s. came forth Prophets and Messengers of God. His a.s. descendants spread all over the face of the Earth. After some time later, his a.s. disobedient descendants were influenced by and were drawn into Idols worshippings.
Then Allah brought forth Prophet Abraham a.s.. And after him a.s. Allah brought forth Prophets and Messengers, one after another, from one generation to another, such as Prophets Isma'il a.s., Is-haq/Isaac a.s., Ya'aqub/Jacob the Israel a.s., and the Isbat/the Tribe/ the descendants of Jacob a.s., where from the Isbat/Tribe is the family of 'Imran who is not the father of Prophet Moses a.s., but is the father of Siti Mariam/the Virgin Mary, came forth Prophets cum Messengers such as Prophets Zakaria/ Zacharias a.s., Yahya/John the Baptist a.s., and 'Isa/Jesus a.s..
Prophet Isma'il a.s. son of Ibrohim/Abraham a.s. had many descendants who went to and stayed in Palestine and many also had stayed put in Arabia. There were many Prophets among them and the Last and the Final Prophet is our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. ).
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse 33 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
إِنَّ اللهَ اصْطَفَى~ ءَادَمَ وَنُوحًا وَءَالَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَءَالَ عِمْرَانَ عَلَى الْعَالَمِينَ [o]
= [o] "In~nal-Lohash-to-fa~~ A~da-ma Wa Nu~haw~Wa A~la Ib-ro~hi~ma Wa A~la 'Im-ro~na 'A-lal-'A~la-mi~~~n" (33).
= "[o]" = a beginning of a new part sign., "In~nal-" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. An Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = truly, "(A)l-Lohash-" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah. A Hamzah Washol with a Silent Shod) = The God, "(i)Sh-to-fa~~" (a Mad Jaiz Munfashil) = to choose, "A~da-ma" = Adam, "Wa" = and, "Nu~haw~" (an Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah) = Noah, "Wa" = and, "A~li" = family, "Ib-ro~hi~ma" = Abraham, "Wa" = and, "A~li" = family, " 'Im-ro~na" = 'Imran, " 'A-lal-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = over, "(A)l-'A~la-mi~~~n" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = the worlds, the people. "(33)" = end of verse No. 33, sign.
= "Truly, Allah had chosen Adam and Noah and family of Abraham and family of 'Imron over the people in the world".
= (Allah had chosen and ennobled Prophets Adam a.s. and Noah a.s. and Abraham a.s. and his family/descendants a.s. and family of 'Imran as the cream of all the inhabitants of the universe because from them came forth men who shouldered the offices of Prophets and Messengers of God.
Prophet Adam a.s. is the First and the beginning of Mankind created by Allah, and was the First Prophet cum Messenger of Allah to his a.s. descendants. From him a.s. came forth Prophets and Messengers of Allah.
Prophet Noah a.s. is Mankind's Second Father because after the enormous Flood when all Mankind and other creatures except him a.s. and a handful of his a.s. obedient followers and a pair of each of other creatures were saved in his a.s. ark, were wiped out. {While in the ark, droppings of the animals were plenty and were all over the place in the ark. Thence, Allah created a pair of pigs from the pair of elephants to eat all the droppings.}. And from Noah a.s. came forth Prophets and Messengers of God. His a.s. descendants spread all over the face of the Earth. After some time later, his a.s. disobedient descendants were influenced by and were drawn into Idols worshippings.
Then Allah brought forth Prophet Abraham a.s.. And after him a.s. Allah brought forth Prophets and Messengers, one after another, from one generation to another, such as Prophets Isma'il a.s., Is-haq/Isaac a.s., Ya'aqub/Jacob the Israel a.s., and the Isbat/the Tribe/ the descendants of Jacob a.s., where from the Isbat/Tribe is the family of 'Imran who is not the father of Prophet Moses a.s., but is the father of Siti Mariam/the Virgin Mary, came forth Prophets cum Messengers such as Prophets Zakaria/ Zacharias a.s., Yahya/John the Baptist a.s., and 'Isa/Jesus a.s..
Prophet Isma'il a.s. son of Ibrohim/Abraham a.s. had many descendants who went to and stayed in Palestine and many also had stayed put in Arabia. There were many Prophets among them and the Last and the Final Prophet is our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. ).
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Sunday, 10 December 2017
A brief G.O. the Prophet s.a.w.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
We have seen how Abu Jahal had tried to bash the Prophet's s.a.w. head and how he had dumped animals' rotten intetines on the Prophet s.a.w. while he s.a.w. was prostrating in his s.a.w. prayers. One day, Abu Jahal met the Prophet s.a.w. and he started to mock and insulted the Prophet s.a.w. But the Prophet took no notice of him and walked away.
At that time, an uncle of the Prophet s.a.w. who was Two years elder than the Prophet s.a.w. and was also the brother-in-suckle of the Prophet s.a.w., named Hamzah ibni Abd Muttalib and at that time was not a Believer yet. (This uncle is so being loved by us, Muslimin that in the 1940s or earlier, a legend was written about him r.a. and his r.a prowess and powerful physical and a good fighter.This legend was produced in Two large volumes, as yours truly can recall, each volume is about 3cm x 26cm x 30cm., a translation from a legend novel published in the Middle East, most probably Persia, because his r.a. steed/horse called "Janggi Ishaq". The legend novel is called, "Amir Hamzah"). Hamzah loved to hunt in the dessert. It was his r.a. usual routine to go to the Sacred Mosque to perform Tawwaf/Circumambution the Caaba each time he r.a. returned from hunting before going home. On that day, he r.a. heard talks about his beloved nephew, Muhammad s.a.w. was being swore at and being insulted by Abu Jahal, he r.a. rushed to the Mosque and when entering the Mosque he did not make salam to the people in the Mosque as he r.a. had always done to the people in there, but was searching for Abu Jahal. When he r.a. saw Abu Jahal, he r.a. held up his archer's bow and struck Abu Jahal's head. The head was seriously injured. Blood oozed out from the wound. Many of Abu Jahal's cliques came to his aid and wanted to fight Hamzah r.a. but were stopped by him because he did not want the incident to become worse. (No one would like to fight the descendant of Abd Muttalib). Then Saiyidina Hamzah r.a. made a declaration in front of the Caaba in the Sacred Mosque that he bore witness that there no God to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Then he r.a. made a pledge that he r.a. would protect and defend Islam, the Religion of Allah.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
We have seen how Abu Jahal had tried to bash the Prophet's s.a.w. head and how he had dumped animals' rotten intetines on the Prophet s.a.w. while he s.a.w. was prostrating in his s.a.w. prayers. One day, Abu Jahal met the Prophet s.a.w. and he started to mock and insulted the Prophet s.a.w. But the Prophet took no notice of him and walked away.
At that time, an uncle of the Prophet s.a.w. who was Two years elder than the Prophet s.a.w. and was also the brother-in-suckle of the Prophet s.a.w., named Hamzah ibni Abd Muttalib and at that time was not a Believer yet. (This uncle is so being loved by us, Muslimin that in the 1940s or earlier, a legend was written about him r.a. and his r.a prowess and powerful physical and a good fighter.This legend was produced in Two large volumes, as yours truly can recall, each volume is about 3cm x 26cm x 30cm., a translation from a legend novel published in the Middle East, most probably Persia, because his r.a. steed/horse called "Janggi Ishaq". The legend novel is called, "Amir Hamzah"). Hamzah loved to hunt in the dessert. It was his r.a. usual routine to go to the Sacred Mosque to perform Tawwaf/Circumambution the Caaba each time he r.a. returned from hunting before going home. On that day, he r.a. heard talks about his beloved nephew, Muhammad s.a.w. was being swore at and being insulted by Abu Jahal, he r.a. rushed to the Mosque and when entering the Mosque he did not make salam to the people in the Mosque as he r.a. had always done to the people in there, but was searching for Abu Jahal. When he r.a. saw Abu Jahal, he r.a. held up his archer's bow and struck Abu Jahal's head. The head was seriously injured. Blood oozed out from the wound. Many of Abu Jahal's cliques came to his aid and wanted to fight Hamzah r.a. but were stopped by him because he did not want the incident to become worse. (No one would like to fight the descendant of Abd Muttalib). Then Saiyidina Hamzah r.a. made a declaration in front of the Caaba in the Sacred Mosque that he bore witness that there no God to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Then he r.a. made a pledge that he r.a. would protect and defend Islam, the Religion of Allah.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof.
Recitation No. 501.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse 32 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قُلْ أَطِيعُواْ اللهَ وَالرَّسُولَ صلى فَإِن تَوَلَّوْاْ فَإِنَّ اللهَ لَا يُحِبُّ الْكَافِرِينَ (32)
= "Qul A-ti~'ul-Loha War-Ro-su~~~l. (Shly) Fa Int~Ta-wal-law Fa In~nal-Loha La~ Yu-hib-bul-Ka~fi-ri~~~n" (32).
= "Qul" = say, "A-ti~'ul-" (a Mad Ashli. An Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = you (pl.) obey, "(A)l-Loha" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "War-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = and, "(A)r-Ro-su~~~l" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = the Messenger. "(Shly)" = a pause sign. "Fa" = then, "Int~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = if, "Ta-wal-law" = you turn away, "Fa" = then, "In~nal-" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. An Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = truly, "(A)l-Loha" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "La~" (a Mad Ashli) = no, do not, "Yu-hib-bul-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = love, like, be fond of, "(A)l-Ka~ri-ri~~~n" (a Mad Ashli. A Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun.) = those people who deny, who reject, the unbelievers. "(32)" = end of verse 32, sign.
= "Say! Obey Allah and (obey) the Messenger. Then if you turned away, thence, truly Allah Do not like nor fond of those who deny, reject, the unbelievers.".
= (This verse was revealed when the leader of the hypocrites in Medina, Abdullah bin Abi heard the Prophet s.a.w. proclaimed the verse No. 31to Ka'ab bin Al-Asyrof, his followers the Israelites and others, "If you love Allah, then follow me, thence Allah will love you and forgive your sins, for Allah is Most Forgiving Most Merciful", then Abdullah bin Abi sarcastically said, "Muhammad is asking us to love him some more, like those Christians love Jesus". And Allah told the Prophet s.a.w to reply his remark, "Obey Allah by adhering His Commandments and by abstaining all which He forbade, and obey me the Messenger of Allah by following my examples and be in my guidances and my Teachings. And if you turned away from Allah and His Messenger, Allah would not like nor be fond of you".
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse 32 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قُلْ أَطِيعُواْ اللهَ وَالرَّسُولَ صلى فَإِن تَوَلَّوْاْ فَإِنَّ اللهَ لَا يُحِبُّ الْكَافِرِينَ (32)
= "Qul A-ti~'ul-Loha War-Ro-su~~~l. (Shly) Fa Int~Ta-wal-law Fa In~nal-Loha La~ Yu-hib-bul-Ka~fi-ri~~~n" (32).
= "Qul" = say, "A-ti~'ul-" (a Mad Ashli. An Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = you (pl.) obey, "(A)l-Loha" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "War-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = and, "(A)r-Ro-su~~~l" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = the Messenger. "(Shly)" = a pause sign. "Fa" = then, "Int~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = if, "Ta-wal-law" = you turn away, "Fa" = then, "In~nal-" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. An Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = truly, "(A)l-Loha" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "La~" (a Mad Ashli) = no, do not, "Yu-hib-bul-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = love, like, be fond of, "(A)l-Ka~ri-ri~~~n" (a Mad Ashli. A Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun.) = those people who deny, who reject, the unbelievers. "(32)" = end of verse 32, sign.
= "Say! Obey Allah and (obey) the Messenger. Then if you turned away, thence, truly Allah Do not like nor fond of those who deny, reject, the unbelievers.".
= (This verse was revealed when the leader of the hypocrites in Medina, Abdullah bin Abi heard the Prophet s.a.w. proclaimed the verse No. 31to Ka'ab bin Al-Asyrof, his followers the Israelites and others, "If you love Allah, then follow me, thence Allah will love you and forgive your sins, for Allah is Most Forgiving Most Merciful", then Abdullah bin Abi sarcastically said, "Muhammad is asking us to love him some more, like those Christians love Jesus". And Allah told the Prophet s.a.w to reply his remark, "Obey Allah by adhering His Commandments and by abstaining all which He forbade, and obey me the Messenger of Allah by following my examples and be in my guidances and my Teachings. And if you turned away from Allah and His Messenger, Allah would not like nor be fond of you".
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Saturday, 9 December 2017
A Brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. No. 29.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Surah 103, At-Takathur that we saw yesterday was revealed because the wealthy people of the Medinans and the Meccans were haughty of their richesness and were rude towards those poor people and the needies who asked them for help, Those rich people did not abide by what Allah had told them/us to help and give assistance to those who asked for help, and must not shove nor repulse them away. If we were not able to give, tell and talk to them nicely.
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
The Prophet s.a.w. began his s.a.w. preaching to liberate people from being tied to their traditional Idols worshipping to worshipping their True God, Allah who created them. Those people including Abu Sufian bin Harb and the Quraisy leaders had forced the poets who were among them to write poems falsifying and humiliating the Prophet s.a.w. in countering and opposing the verses of the Quran that are in a very high and very beautiful rhymes. The Quran is the Prophet's s.a.w. greatest Muujizat/Miracle. The Quraisy also had asked the Prophet s.a.w., "Why is that your verses of the Quran not be brought down to you in written form? Why is the Gabrial always mentioned his name but did not reveal himself to us? Why did he/Gabrial not revive the deads?". And so on and so forth. The Prophet s.a.w replied to their quetions with the Revelation he recieved, "I have no power to aquire benefits nor do I have the power to avert harm except those which Allah Willed because if I had the knowledge about the hidden, I would have abundance in wealth and I would not be touched by harm. I am no more than one who gives warnings and who brings good news and good tidings to the true Believers".(surah 7 Al-A'arof, verse 188).
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Surah 103, At-Takathur that we saw yesterday was revealed because the wealthy people of the Medinans and the Meccans were haughty of their richesness and were rude towards those poor people and the needies who asked them for help, Those rich people did not abide by what Allah had told them/us to help and give assistance to those who asked for help, and must not shove nor repulse them away. If we were not able to give, tell and talk to them nicely.
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
The Prophet s.a.w. began his s.a.w. preaching to liberate people from being tied to their traditional Idols worshipping to worshipping their True God, Allah who created them. Those people including Abu Sufian bin Harb and the Quraisy leaders had forced the poets who were among them to write poems falsifying and humiliating the Prophet s.a.w. in countering and opposing the verses of the Quran that are in a very high and very beautiful rhymes. The Quran is the Prophet's s.a.w. greatest Muujizat/Miracle. The Quraisy also had asked the Prophet s.a.w., "Why is that your verses of the Quran not be brought down to you in written form? Why is the Gabrial always mentioned his name but did not reveal himself to us? Why did he/Gabrial not revive the deads?". And so on and so forth. The Prophet s.a.w replied to their quetions with the Revelation he recieved, "I have no power to aquire benefits nor do I have the power to avert harm except those which Allah Willed because if I had the knowledge about the hidden, I would have abundance in wealth and I would not be touched by harm. I am no more than one who gives warnings and who brings good news and good tidings to the true Believers".(surah 7 Al-A'arof, verse 188).
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Recitation No. 500
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الر جيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse No. 31 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قُلْ إِن كُنتُم ْ تُحِبُّونَ اللهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِى يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللهُ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ قلى وَاللهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ (31)
= "Qul Ink~Kunt~Tum Tu-hib-bu~nal-Loha Fat-Ta-bi-'u~ Ni~
Yuh-bib Ku-mul-Lohu Wa Yagh-fir La Kum Dzu-nu~ba Kum (Qly) Wal-Lohu Gho-fu~rur-Ro-hi~~~m" (31).
= "Qul" = say, "Ink~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = if, "Kunt~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = to be, "Tum" (an Izhhar Syafawi) = you (pl.), "Tu-hib-bu~nal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = you (pl,) love, "(A)l-Loha" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "Fat-" (a Hamzah Washol) = then, "(i)t-Ta-bi-'u~" = you (pl.) follow, "Ni~" = me, "Yuh-bib" (the Silent Ba is a Qolqoloh Sughro) = love (him), "Ku-mul-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = you (pl.), "(A)l-Lohu" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "Wa" = and, " Yagh-fir" (the Silent Ro is a Tarqiq) = he forgives, "La" = to, "Kum" (an Izhhar Syafawi) = you (pl.), "Dzu-nu~ba" = sins, "Kum" = your. "(Qly)" = a pause sign. "Wal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = For, "(A)l-Lohu" = The God, "Gho-fu~rur" (a Mad Ashli. An Idghom Bi La~ Ghunnah) = forgiving, "Ro-hi~~~m" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = merciful.
= "Say! If you love Allah, then follow me/Muhammad. Thence, Allah will love you (pl.) and forgive your sins. For Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful".
= (When the Prophet s.a.w. appealed to Ka'ab bin Al-Asyrof and his followers, the Israelites to believe in Allah The One and Only God, and in him s.a.w. the Messenger of God, they said, "We are the children of Allah and we are His loved ones". Thus, Allah told the Prophet s.a.w. to say to the Israelites. "I am the Messenger of Allah who is inviting you to Allah. If you really love Allah then follow me and obey my requests, then Allah will love you back and will be pleased with you". Thence, Allah Revealed this Revelation, verse 31.
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse No. 31 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قُلْ إِن كُنتُم ْ تُحِبُّونَ اللهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِى يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللهُ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ قلى وَاللهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ (31)
= "Qul Ink~Kunt~Tum Tu-hib-bu~nal-Loha Fat-Ta-bi-'u~ Ni~
Yuh-bib Ku-mul-Lohu Wa Yagh-fir La Kum Dzu-nu~ba Kum (Qly) Wal-Lohu Gho-fu~rur-Ro-hi~~~m" (31).
= "Qul" = say, "Ink~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = if, "Kunt~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = to be, "Tum" (an Izhhar Syafawi) = you (pl.), "Tu-hib-bu~nal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = you (pl,) love, "(A)l-Loha" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "Fat-" (a Hamzah Washol) = then, "(i)t-Ta-bi-'u~" = you (pl.) follow, "Ni~" = me, "Yuh-bib" (the Silent Ba is a Qolqoloh Sughro) = love (him), "Ku-mul-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = you (pl.), "(A)l-Lohu" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "Wa" = and, " Yagh-fir" (the Silent Ro is a Tarqiq) = he forgives, "La" = to, "Kum" (an Izhhar Syafawi) = you (pl.), "Dzu-nu~ba" = sins, "Kum" = your. "(Qly)" = a pause sign. "Wal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = For, "(A)l-Lohu" = The God, "Gho-fu~rur" (a Mad Ashli. An Idghom Bi La~ Ghunnah) = forgiving, "Ro-hi~~~m" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = merciful.
= "Say! If you love Allah, then follow me/Muhammad. Thence, Allah will love you (pl.) and forgive your sins. For Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful".
= (When the Prophet s.a.w. appealed to Ka'ab bin Al-Asyrof and his followers, the Israelites to believe in Allah The One and Only God, and in him s.a.w. the Messenger of God, they said, "We are the children of Allah and we are His loved ones". Thus, Allah told the Prophet s.a.w. to say to the Israelites. "I am the Messenger of Allah who is inviting you to Allah. If you really love Allah then follow me and obey my requests, then Allah will love you back and will be pleased with you". Thence, Allah Revealed this Revelation, verse 31.
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Friday, 8 December 2017
The Brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. No. 28.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the Brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
Six sessions ago, we have looked into the Revelation on the "Al-Kawthar = The Abundance". And we have also seen that the Prophet s.a.w. was/is wealthy and when he s.a.w. married Siti Khadijah r.a., he s.a.w. became more "wealthier" but he s.a.w. was never felt big nor been arrogant, nor was he s.a.w. being affected by all the wealth he had on this Earth and even after being told that he s.a.w. was given the Al-Kawthar in the Paradise; but very many Medinans who were very rich and when they were in Mecca to trade and also the wealthy Meccans, on the other hand, were so stuck up because of their wealth, thence Allah revealed this Revelation, surah 103, At-Taka~thur = The Worldly Gains, verses 1 to 8. : In The Name Of Allah the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful. {This surah was revealed after surah No. 111, Al-Masad, about Abi Lahab}.: "You (O Mankind!) are being taken up with worldly gains. Until you come / are being carried to the graves. No! But you will come to know. No! You will come to know. No! (Is it not be good that) you would knew with a knowledge with certainty. Indeed! You will see the Fiery Hell. Yes! You will see it/the Fiery Hell with your own very eyes. Then, on that day you will surely be asked about the comfort and the luxuries (you have obtained)". {Allah the Greatest spoke the Truth}.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the Brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
Six sessions ago, we have looked into the Revelation on the "Al-Kawthar = The Abundance". And we have also seen that the Prophet s.a.w. was/is wealthy and when he s.a.w. married Siti Khadijah r.a., he s.a.w. became more "wealthier" but he s.a.w. was never felt big nor been arrogant, nor was he s.a.w. being affected by all the wealth he had on this Earth and even after being told that he s.a.w. was given the Al-Kawthar in the Paradise; but very many Medinans who were very rich and when they were in Mecca to trade and also the wealthy Meccans, on the other hand, were so stuck up because of their wealth, thence Allah revealed this Revelation, surah 103, At-Taka~thur = The Worldly Gains, verses 1 to 8. : In The Name Of Allah the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful. {This surah was revealed after surah No. 111, Al-Masad, about Abi Lahab}.: "You (O Mankind!) are being taken up with worldly gains. Until you come / are being carried to the graves. No! But you will come to know. No! You will come to know. No! (Is it not be good that) you would knew with a knowledge with certainty. Indeed! You will see the Fiery Hell. Yes! You will see it/the Fiery Hell with your own very eyes. Then, on that day you will surely be asked about the comfort and the luxuries (you have obtained)". {Allah the Greatest spoke the Truth}.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Recatation No. 499.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse No. 30 of surah 3, A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يَوْمَ تَجِدُ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَّا عَمِلَتْ مِنْ خَيْرٍ مُّحْضَرًا وَمَا عَمِلَتْ مِن سُو~ءٍ تَوَدُّ لَوْ أَنَّ بَيْنَهَا
وَبَيْنَهُو أَمَدَما بَعِيدًا قلى وَيُحَذِّرُكُمُ اللهُ نَفْسَهُو قلى وَاللهُ رَءُوفُم بِالْعِبَادِ (30)
= "Yaw-ma Ta-ji-du Kul-lu Naf-sim~Ma~ 'A-mi-lat Min Khoi-rim~Muh-dho-row~Wa Ma~ 'A-mi-lat Mins~Su~~int~Ta-wad-du Law An~na Bai-na Ha~ Wa Bai-na Hu~~ A-ma~dam~Ba-'i~da~. (Qly) Wa Yu-hadz-dzi-ru Ku-mul-Lohu Naf-sah. (Qly). Wal-Lohu Ro-u~fum~Bil-'I-ba~~~dd". (30).
= "Yaw-ma" = day, "Ta-ji-du" = to get, to obtain, "Kul-lu" = all, every, "Naf-sim~" (an Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah) = soul, self, person, "Ma~" = whatever, " 'A-mi-lat" = deed, "Min" (an Izhhar Halqi) = of, "Khoi-rim~" (a Mad Lin. An Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah) = good, "Muh-dho-row~" (the Dhod is an Istito~lah, the edge of the tongue is placed under the molars. An Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah) = presence, "Wa" = and, "Ma~" = whatever, " 'A-mi-lat" = deed, "Mins~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = of, "Su~~int~" (a Mad Wajib Muttashil. An Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = bad, evil, "Ta-wad-du" = he wants, he wishes, "Law" = if, "An~na" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah) = that, "Bai-na" (a Mad Lin) = between, "Ha~" = her / the soul, "Wa" = and, "Bai-na" = (a Mad Lin) = between, "Hu~~" (a Mad Shilah Towilah) = it / the day, "A-ma-dam~" (an Iqlab) = span of time, "Ba-'i~da~" (a Mad Ashli. We pause at the Tanwin Dal and Alif) = far, distant. "(Qly)" = a pause sign. "Wa" = and, "Yu-hadz-dzi-ru" = he cautions, "Ku-mul-" (an Alif Lam syamsiyah) = you (pl.), "(A)l-Lohu" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, Naf-sah" (we pause at the Front signed He Dhomir) = Self His = Himself. "(Qly) = a Pause sign. "Wal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = for, "(A)l-Lohu" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "Ro-u~~fum~" (a Mad Ashli. An Iqlab) = affectionate, merciful, "Bil-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = to, "(A)l-'I-ba~~~dd" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun. The made Silent Dal is a Qolqoloh Kubro) = the servants, the Mankind. (30) = the end of verse No. 30, sign.
= "(On the) Day (when and where) every and all souls/persons will be in the presence of their whatever good deeds (they had done on Earth), and will be in the presence of their whatever evil deeds (they had done). It/ the soul/person will wish that if there were a longer time between it/the person and it/the day (of reckoning). (Qly). But Allah had cautioned all of you Mankind against He Himself. (Qly) For Allah is Most Affectionate and Most Merciful to His servants, the Mankind.".
= (Bear in mind and be cautious O Mankind, about the Judgement Day in the Hereafter because each and every one of you will have your either good deeds and/or evil deeds you had done on Earth will be given and be presented to you either it will be a good news which will delight you or with badness and pains which will torment you, and that will make you wish that you and that Day, the Judgement Day and the punishment from God would be far away and in a very long long time to occur. But you will not be able to do so.
Allah is saying that He s.w.t. have cautioned all of you Mankind about Himself who is quick in reckoning and who when Punishing, it will be very severe.
But Allah is Affectionate and Merciful towards His servants, the Mankind by putting in their nature to like and be fond of goodnesses and dislike badness and evilnesses. And in addition to that, He had sent forth Prophets cum Messengers a.s. and brought with them Holy Books with their Teachings and guidances. And the most important thing given to the Mankind is their brain, mind and heart. Allah Have given Mankind all these, and it is up to you Mankind to pick and choose, to believe and be devoted to Allah or to deny and reject and to disbelieve.).
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later,
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse No. 30 of surah 3, A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يَوْمَ تَجِدُ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَّا عَمِلَتْ مِنْ خَيْرٍ مُّحْضَرًا وَمَا عَمِلَتْ مِن سُو~ءٍ تَوَدُّ لَوْ أَنَّ بَيْنَهَا
وَبَيْنَهُو أَمَدَما بَعِيدًا قلى وَيُحَذِّرُكُمُ اللهُ نَفْسَهُو قلى وَاللهُ رَءُوفُم بِالْعِبَادِ (30)
= "Yaw-ma Ta-ji-du Kul-lu Naf-sim~Ma~ 'A-mi-lat Min Khoi-rim~Muh-dho-row~Wa Ma~ 'A-mi-lat Mins~Su~~int~Ta-wad-du Law An~na Bai-na Ha~ Wa Bai-na Hu~~ A-ma~dam~Ba-'i~da~. (Qly) Wa Yu-hadz-dzi-ru Ku-mul-Lohu Naf-sah. (Qly). Wal-Lohu Ro-u~fum~Bil-'I-ba~~~dd". (30).
= "Yaw-ma" = day, "Ta-ji-du" = to get, to obtain, "Kul-lu" = all, every, "Naf-sim~" (an Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah) = soul, self, person, "Ma~" = whatever, " 'A-mi-lat" = deed, "Min" (an Izhhar Halqi) = of, "Khoi-rim~" (a Mad Lin. An Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah) = good, "Muh-dho-row~" (the Dhod is an Istito~lah, the edge of the tongue is placed under the molars. An Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah) = presence, "Wa" = and, "Ma~" = whatever, " 'A-mi-lat" = deed, "Mins~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = of, "Su~~int~" (a Mad Wajib Muttashil. An Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = bad, evil, "Ta-wad-du" = he wants, he wishes, "Law" = if, "An~na" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah) = that, "Bai-na" (a Mad Lin) = between, "Ha~" = her / the soul, "Wa" = and, "Bai-na" = (a Mad Lin) = between, "Hu~~" (a Mad Shilah Towilah) = it / the day, "A-ma-dam~" (an Iqlab) = span of time, "Ba-'i~da~" (a Mad Ashli. We pause at the Tanwin Dal and Alif) = far, distant. "(Qly)" = a pause sign. "Wa" = and, "Yu-hadz-dzi-ru" = he cautions, "Ku-mul-" (an Alif Lam syamsiyah) = you (pl.), "(A)l-Lohu" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, Naf-sah" (we pause at the Front signed He Dhomir) = Self His = Himself. "(Qly) = a Pause sign. "Wal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = for, "(A)l-Lohu" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "Ro-u~~fum~" (a Mad Ashli. An Iqlab) = affectionate, merciful, "Bil-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = to, "(A)l-'I-ba~~~dd" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun. The made Silent Dal is a Qolqoloh Kubro) = the servants, the Mankind. (30) = the end of verse No. 30, sign.
= "(On the) Day (when and where) every and all souls/persons will be in the presence of their whatever good deeds (they had done on Earth), and will be in the presence of their whatever evil deeds (they had done). It/ the soul/person will wish that if there were a longer time between it/the person and it/the day (of reckoning). (Qly). But Allah had cautioned all of you Mankind against He Himself. (Qly) For Allah is Most Affectionate and Most Merciful to His servants, the Mankind.".
= (Bear in mind and be cautious O Mankind, about the Judgement Day in the Hereafter because each and every one of you will have your either good deeds and/or evil deeds you had done on Earth will be given and be presented to you either it will be a good news which will delight you or with badness and pains which will torment you, and that will make you wish that you and that Day, the Judgement Day and the punishment from God would be far away and in a very long long time to occur. But you will not be able to do so.
Allah is saying that He s.w.t. have cautioned all of you Mankind about Himself who is quick in reckoning and who when Punishing, it will be very severe.
But Allah is Affectionate and Merciful towards His servants, the Mankind by putting in their nature to like and be fond of goodnesses and dislike badness and evilnesses. And in addition to that, He had sent forth Prophets cum Messengers a.s. and brought with them Holy Books with their Teachings and guidances. And the most important thing given to the Mankind is their brain, mind and heart. Allah Have given Mankind all these, and it is up to you Mankind to pick and choose, to believe and be devoted to Allah or to deny and reject and to disbelieve.).
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later,
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
The Brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. No. 27.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
In one report, before Allah revealed surah 93, Adh-Dhuha~, Allah s.w.t. had first revealed surah No.1, Al-Fatihah, as reported by Ibnu 'Abbas, Qotadah. And it is reported that this surah Al-Fatihah was revealed Twice, once in Mecca and once again in Medina as reported by Abu Huroiroh, Mujahid. This surah No 1, is called "Al-Fatihah = The Openning". It is also called "Fa~tihatul-Kita~b = The Openning of the Scripture", and is also called "Ummul-Quran = The Essence of the Quran", and is also called "Sab'an Minal-Matha~ni = Seven Oft-Repeated Verses", and "Al-Quranal-'Azhi~m = The Great Quran". It is called Al-Fatihah = The Openning because It is the Openning of the Quran in written form, and It is recited at the openning of recitation in every sholah and in every ceremony and/or rite.:
Al-Fatihah : (meaning) : "In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful" = (Allah is Compassinate to all His Creation, the Mankind whether Believers or unbelievers, the animals, the vegetation and others by providing all with air, water and vegetation for food. In this modern time air is still provided by Allah free. But Allah is Merciful to the Believers only). Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Creations. The Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. (Should we not ponder why these Two of Allah's Attributes/Names are repeated Twice). Owner of the Judgement Day. You alone we worship, and to You alone we ask for help. (If we have any wish or appeal, recite this surah in Arabic. Repeat this verse Three times, then Doa/appeal our wish to Allah in our own language if we were not an Arab. It is better to repeat our request 3 times. But one request is made at one recitaion only). Guide us to the straight path. The path of those whom You have favoured. Not (the path) of those who have incurred You wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.".
After the Prophet s.a.w. was revealed the surah "Adh-Dhuha~" Allah taught the Prophet s.a.w. how to sholah like the ways of the Prophets a.s. before him s.a.w.
Until we meet again in next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
In one report, before Allah revealed surah 93, Adh-Dhuha~, Allah s.w.t. had first revealed surah No.1, Al-Fatihah, as reported by Ibnu 'Abbas, Qotadah. And it is reported that this surah Al-Fatihah was revealed Twice, once in Mecca and once again in Medina as reported by Abu Huroiroh, Mujahid. This surah No 1, is called "Al-Fatihah = The Openning". It is also called "Fa~tihatul-Kita~b = The Openning of the Scripture", and is also called "Ummul-Quran = The Essence of the Quran", and is also called "Sab'an Minal-Matha~ni = Seven Oft-Repeated Verses", and "Al-Quranal-'Azhi~m = The Great Quran". It is called Al-Fatihah = The Openning because It is the Openning of the Quran in written form, and It is recited at the openning of recitation in every sholah and in every ceremony and/or rite.:
Al-Fatihah : (meaning) : "In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful" = (Allah is Compassinate to all His Creation, the Mankind whether Believers or unbelievers, the animals, the vegetation and others by providing all with air, water and vegetation for food. In this modern time air is still provided by Allah free. But Allah is Merciful to the Believers only). Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Creations. The Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. (Should we not ponder why these Two of Allah's Attributes/Names are repeated Twice). Owner of the Judgement Day. You alone we worship, and to You alone we ask for help. (If we have any wish or appeal, recite this surah in Arabic. Repeat this verse Three times, then Doa/appeal our wish to Allah in our own language if we were not an Arab. It is better to repeat our request 3 times. But one request is made at one recitaion only). Guide us to the straight path. The path of those whom You have favoured. Not (the path) of those who have incurred You wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.".
After the Prophet s.a.w. was revealed the surah "Adh-Dhuha~" Allah taught the Prophet s.a.w. how to sholah like the ways of the Prophets a.s. before him s.a.w.
Until we meet again in next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Recitation No.498.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse No. 29, surah 3, A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قُلْ إِن تُخْفُواْ مَا فِى صُدُورِكُمْ أَوْتُبْدُوهُ يَعْلَمْهُ اللهُ قلى وَيَعْلَمُ مَا فِى السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِى الْأَرْضِ قلى وَاللهُ عَلَى كُلِّ شَىءٍ قَدِيرٌ (29).
= "Qul Int~Tukh-fu~ Ma~ Fi~ Shu-du~ri Kum Aw Tub-du~Hu Yaa-lam Hul-Lo~~~h. (Qly) Wa Yaa-la-mu Ma~ Fis-Sa-ma~wa~ti Wa Ma~ Fil-Ardh. (Qly) Wal-Lohu 'A-la~ Kul-li Syai~inq~Qo-di~~~r". (29).
= "Qul" = say, "Int~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = if, "Tukh-fu~" = you (pl.) hide, "Ma~" = whatever, "Fi~" = in, "Shu-du~ri" = chests, hearts, "Kum" (an Izhhar Syafawi) = your (pl.), "Aw" (a Mad Lin) = or, "Tub-du~" (the Silent Ba is a Qolqoloh Sughro. A Mad Ashli) = you (pl.) show, reveal, "Hu" = it, "Yaa-lam" = he knows, "Hul-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = it, "(A)l-Lo~~~h" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah. A Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = The God. "(Qly)" = a pause sign. "Wa" = and, "Yaa-la-mu" = he knows, "Ma~" = whatever, "Fis-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = in, "(A)s-Sa-ma~wa~ti" = the Heavens, "Wa" = and, "Ma~" = whatever, "Fil-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = in, "(A)l-Ardh" (we pause at this word, the Dhod is pronounce with the edge of the tongue is placed under the molars) = the Earth. "(Qly)" = a pause sign. "Wal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = and, "(A)l-Lohu" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, " 'A-la~" = upon, "Kul-li" = any, every, all, "Syai-inq~" (a Mad Lin. An Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = thing, "Qo-di~~~r" (a Ma 'Aridh Lis-Sukun. The made Silent Ro is Tarqiq, the tongue is flat) = powerful.
= "Say : If you (pl.) hide whatever is in your hearts or you reveal it, Allah Know it. And He Know whatever in the Heavens and whatever in/on the Earth. For Allah is Omnipotent, Almighty".
= (Allah Know whatever is in your hearts which wanted to appoint the unbelievers as your friends and/or as you leaders, and be very close of friends with them; or you are suspicious and are distrustful; and you are always cautious against their deceit. Allah will reward and will requite accordingly for Allah is Omnipotent on all things.).
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse No. 29, surah 3, A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قُلْ إِن تُخْفُواْ مَا فِى صُدُورِكُمْ أَوْتُبْدُوهُ يَعْلَمْهُ اللهُ قلى وَيَعْلَمُ مَا فِى السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِى الْأَرْضِ قلى وَاللهُ عَلَى كُلِّ شَىءٍ قَدِيرٌ (29).
= "Qul Int~Tukh-fu~ Ma~ Fi~ Shu-du~ri Kum Aw Tub-du~Hu Yaa-lam Hul-Lo~~~h. (Qly) Wa Yaa-la-mu Ma~ Fis-Sa-ma~wa~ti Wa Ma~ Fil-Ardh. (Qly) Wal-Lohu 'A-la~ Kul-li Syai~inq~Qo-di~~~r". (29).
= "Qul" = say, "Int~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = if, "Tukh-fu~" = you (pl.) hide, "Ma~" = whatever, "Fi~" = in, "Shu-du~ri" = chests, hearts, "Kum" (an Izhhar Syafawi) = your (pl.), "Aw" (a Mad Lin) = or, "Tub-du~" (the Silent Ba is a Qolqoloh Sughro. A Mad Ashli) = you (pl.) show, reveal, "Hu" = it, "Yaa-lam" = he knows, "Hul-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = it, "(A)l-Lo~~~h" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah. A Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = The God. "(Qly)" = a pause sign. "Wa" = and, "Yaa-la-mu" = he knows, "Ma~" = whatever, "Fis-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = in, "(A)s-Sa-ma~wa~ti" = the Heavens, "Wa" = and, "Ma~" = whatever, "Fil-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = in, "(A)l-Ardh" (we pause at this word, the Dhod is pronounce with the edge of the tongue is placed under the molars) = the Earth. "(Qly)" = a pause sign. "Wal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = and, "(A)l-Lohu" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, " 'A-la~" = upon, "Kul-li" = any, every, all, "Syai-inq~" (a Mad Lin. An Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = thing, "Qo-di~~~r" (a Ma 'Aridh Lis-Sukun. The made Silent Ro is Tarqiq, the tongue is flat) = powerful.
= "Say : If you (pl.) hide whatever is in your hearts or you reveal it, Allah Know it. And He Know whatever in the Heavens and whatever in/on the Earth. For Allah is Omnipotent, Almighty".
= (Allah Know whatever is in your hearts which wanted to appoint the unbelievers as your friends and/or as you leaders, and be very close of friends with them; or you are suspicious and are distrustful; and you are always cautious against their deceit. Allah will reward and will requite accordingly for Allah is Omnipotent on all things.).
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Monday, 4 December 2017
The Brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. No. 26.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
In about 13 or 14 sessions ago, we had looked into the sadness of the Prophet s.a.w. when no Revelation revealed to him s.a.w. that he had gone up several times on top of the mountain to jump, but each time, the Arch Angel, Gabriel a.s. appeared and told that he s.a.w. is the Messenger of Allah s.w.t. Then after about Forty days later, Allah s.w.t. revealed surah 93, Adh-Dhuha~.. Let us have a look at this surah from verse 1 to verse 11 : (meaning) : "By the forenoon. And by the night when it becomes calm and quiet. Your Lord Have not forsaken you nor hate you. And really, the later time is better for you than the beginning time. And truly, your Lord will give to you that you will be contented. Did He not find you an orphan and gave you shelter? And (when) He find you became confused He guided you? And (when) He find you destitude, He enriched (you). Thus, the orphans, you must not subdue/ bring them to grief. And thus, those who ask/beg, you must not repulse. And of the comfort and luxuries and blessings (that you earned), you proclaim and contribute". (Allah The Most Greatest spoke the Truth). {These are the basic of the Teachings of Islam}.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
In about 13 or 14 sessions ago, we had looked into the sadness of the Prophet s.a.w. when no Revelation revealed to him s.a.w. that he had gone up several times on top of the mountain to jump, but each time, the Arch Angel, Gabriel a.s. appeared and told that he s.a.w. is the Messenger of Allah s.w.t. Then after about Forty days later, Allah s.w.t. revealed surah 93, Adh-Dhuha~.. Let us have a look at this surah from verse 1 to verse 11 : (meaning) : "By the forenoon. And by the night when it becomes calm and quiet. Your Lord Have not forsaken you nor hate you. And really, the later time is better for you than the beginning time. And truly, your Lord will give to you that you will be contented. Did He not find you an orphan and gave you shelter? And (when) He find you became confused He guided you? And (when) He find you destitude, He enriched (you). Thus, the orphans, you must not subdue/ bring them to grief. And thus, those who ask/beg, you must not repulse. And of the comfort and luxuries and blessings (that you earned), you proclaim and contribute". (Allah The Most Greatest spoke the Truth). {These are the basic of the Teachings of Islam}.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Recitation No. 497-A.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite the 2nd part of verse 28 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
= "ًWa Mai~Yaf-'al Dza~li-ka Fa Lai-sa Mi-nal-Lohi Fi~ Syai-in Il-la~ Ant~Tat-ta-qu~ Min Hum Tu-qo~~~h" (Qly).
= "Wa" = and, Mai~" (an Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah) = those who, "Yaf-'al" = do. "Dza~li-ka" = that, "Fa" = then, "Lai-sa" (a Mad Lin) = is not, "Mi-nal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = from, "(A)l-Lohi" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "Fi~" = in, "Syai-in" (a Mad Lin. An Izhhar Halqi) = anything, "Il-la~~" (a Mad Jaiz Munfashil) = except, "Ant~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = that, "Tat-ta-qu~" (a Mad Ashli) = you (pl.) fear, "Min" (an Izhhar Halqi) = of, "Hum" (an Izhhar Syafawi) = them, "Tu-qo~tan" (a Mad Ashli, but is paused at it becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun. The made Silent Ta Marbu~toh becomes a He, "Tu-qo~~~h") = you fear of Allah. "(Qly)" = a pause sign.
= "And those whoever do that, then is not (getting help nor guidance) from Allah, except that they fear and are afraid of them/the unbelievers, (but) you (should still be) afraid and fearful of Allah". (Qly).
= (Those Believers who appointed unbelievers to be their leaders and did not appoint any Believer to be their leader which caused the affairs and the well-being of the Religion and the people of Islam became deteriorated, thus their striving is not permitted in Islam and must not be adhered. But if by co-operating with the unbelievers will benefit both sides, then it is not prohibited, for, even the Prophet s.a.w. himself had formed an alliance with the Khoza'ah clan who were unbelievers. And it is not forbidden to trust the non-Muslims who are good and trustworthy in any worldly affairs.
But those who appointed the unbelievers and did not appoint any Believer as their leaders are and will not be getting any assistance nor any guidance from Allah except that you, Believers are afraid of them and /or fear of what they would to you and to your loved ones, that is, you are under duress. But deep in your hearts that you fear Allah).
= "Wa Yu-hadz-dzi-ru Ku-mul-Lohu Naf-sah. (Qly). Wa Il-lal-Lohil-Ma-shi~~~r". (28).
= "Wa" = and, "Yu-hadz-dzi-ru" = he cautions, "Ku-mul-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = you (pl.), "(A)l-Lohu" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "Naf-sa" = being, self, "Hu~" (a Mad Shilah Qoshiroh) = his, {Naf-sa Hu~ = His Being, Himself, but we pause here, is, "Naf-sah") = Himself.} "(Qly)" = a pause sign. "Wa" = and, "I-lal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = to, "(A)l-Lohil-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = The God, "(A)l-Ma-sh~~~r" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun. The made Silent Ro becomes a Tarqiq) = the destiny. (28) = the end of verse No. 28, sign.
= "And Allah Caution you against Himself. And to Allah is the destiny.".
= (Allah Caution the Believers against Himself, that is His punishment for appointing the unbelievers as their leaders without any Muslim leaders and for disobeying His Commandments because in the end all will return to Him for judgement on the Judgement.).
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite the 2nd part of verse 28 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
= "ًWa Mai~Yaf-'al Dza~li-ka Fa Lai-sa Mi-nal-Lohi Fi~ Syai-in Il-la~ Ant~Tat-ta-qu~ Min Hum Tu-qo~~~h" (Qly).
= "Wa" = and, Mai~" (an Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah) = those who, "Yaf-'al" = do. "Dza~li-ka" = that, "Fa" = then, "Lai-sa" (a Mad Lin) = is not, "Mi-nal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = from, "(A)l-Lohi" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "Fi~" = in, "Syai-in" (a Mad Lin. An Izhhar Halqi) = anything, "Il-la~~" (a Mad Jaiz Munfashil) = except, "Ant~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = that, "Tat-ta-qu~" (a Mad Ashli) = you (pl.) fear, "Min" (an Izhhar Halqi) = of, "Hum" (an Izhhar Syafawi) = them, "Tu-qo~tan" (a Mad Ashli, but is paused at it becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun. The made Silent Ta Marbu~toh becomes a He, "Tu-qo~~~h") = you fear of Allah. "(Qly)" = a pause sign.
= "And those whoever do that, then is not (getting help nor guidance) from Allah, except that they fear and are afraid of them/the unbelievers, (but) you (should still be) afraid and fearful of Allah". (Qly).
= (Those Believers who appointed unbelievers to be their leaders and did not appoint any Believer to be their leader which caused the affairs and the well-being of the Religion and the people of Islam became deteriorated, thus their striving is not permitted in Islam and must not be adhered. But if by co-operating with the unbelievers will benefit both sides, then it is not prohibited, for, even the Prophet s.a.w. himself had formed an alliance with the Khoza'ah clan who were unbelievers. And it is not forbidden to trust the non-Muslims who are good and trustworthy in any worldly affairs.
But those who appointed the unbelievers and did not appoint any Believer as their leaders are and will not be getting any assistance nor any guidance from Allah except that you, Believers are afraid of them and /or fear of what they would to you and to your loved ones, that is, you are under duress. But deep in your hearts that you fear Allah).
= "Wa Yu-hadz-dzi-ru Ku-mul-Lohu Naf-sah. (Qly). Wa Il-lal-Lohil-Ma-shi~~~r". (28).
= "Wa" = and, "Yu-hadz-dzi-ru" = he cautions, "Ku-mul-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = you (pl.), "(A)l-Lohu" (a Lafzhul-Jalalah) = The God, "Naf-sa" = being, self, "Hu~" (a Mad Shilah Qoshiroh) = his, {Naf-sa Hu~ = His Being, Himself, but we pause here, is, "Naf-sah") = Himself.} "(Qly)" = a pause sign. "Wa" = and, "I-lal-" (an Alif Lam Syamsiyah) = to, "(A)l-Lohil-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = The God, "(A)l-Ma-sh~~~r" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun. The made Silent Ro becomes a Tarqiq) = the destiny. (28) = the end of verse No. 28, sign.
= "And Allah Caution you against Himself. And to Allah is the destiny.".
= (Allah Caution the Believers against Himself, that is His punishment for appointing the unbelievers as their leaders without any Muslim leaders and for disobeying His Commandments because in the end all will return to Him for judgement on the Judgement.).
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Sunday, 3 December 2017
The brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. No. 25.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
Among the Quraisy who had mocked the Proohet s.a.w. was 'Ubayya bin Khalaf. One day, he went to the Prophet s.a.w. with a handful of crushed animal bones, (as was narrated by Qotadah) :. 'Ubayya threw the crushed bones up to the air and said to the Prophet s.a.w., "O Muhammad, do think Allah can revive it again?" The Prophet s.a.w. replied, "Yes, but of course. Allah take away your life and then will revive you to life and then will cram you in the Fiery Hell.". Thence, Allah revealed this last part of surah No. 36. Ya~ Si~~~n, verses 77 to 82, (meaning), "Does the man not aware that We/Allah created him from a drop of sperm cell? Yet he disputed openly. And he imposed on Us/Allah a simile and forgot about his own creation/being created, he said, "Who will revive the bones when they were rotten?". Say, "He/Allah who created them at first will revive them back to life.". And He/Allah Know of His creation. He had created for you fire from the green tree. And thus, you kindle from it. Is He not Who created the Heavens and the Earth Able to create the like of them? Certainly, He surely is able, for He is All-Knowing Creator. When He Wish a certain thing, He need only to say, "Be!", and it is. Thence, Glory be to Him/Allah Who in His Hand/Power possess all things, and to Him you will all return." Then the Prophet s.a.w. stood up and conveyed the Revelation to all. But, many of the Quraisy could not accept it.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
Among the Quraisy who had mocked the Proohet s.a.w. was 'Ubayya bin Khalaf. One day, he went to the Prophet s.a.w. with a handful of crushed animal bones, (as was narrated by Qotadah) :. 'Ubayya threw the crushed bones up to the air and said to the Prophet s.a.w., "O Muhammad, do think Allah can revive it again?" The Prophet s.a.w. replied, "Yes, but of course. Allah take away your life and then will revive you to life and then will cram you in the Fiery Hell.". Thence, Allah revealed this last part of surah No. 36. Ya~ Si~~~n, verses 77 to 82, (meaning), "Does the man not aware that We/Allah created him from a drop of sperm cell? Yet he disputed openly. And he imposed on Us/Allah a simile and forgot about his own creation/being created, he said, "Who will revive the bones when they were rotten?". Say, "He/Allah who created them at first will revive them back to life.". And He/Allah Know of His creation. He had created for you fire from the green tree. And thus, you kindle from it. Is He not Who created the Heavens and the Earth Able to create the like of them? Certainly, He surely is able, for He is All-Knowing Creator. When He Wish a certain thing, He need only to say, "Be!", and it is. Thence, Glory be to Him/Allah Who in His Hand/Power possess all things, and to Him you will all return." Then the Prophet s.a.w. stood up and conveyed the Revelation to all. But, many of the Quraisy could not accept it.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Recitation No. 497.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
If we wished to be closed to Allah and Insya Allah will have plenty of Angels with us, recite after every sholah, after reciting surah Al-Fatihah and A~yatul-Kursi, verses No.1 & 2, & 8 &18 & the First phrase of No. 19, "In~nad Di~na 'Ind~dal-Lohil-Islam" & No.26 & 27 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Reciting these short verses is called "Wirid"/a collection of verses. Ladies when are in their monthly periods may recite them but with the intention of "dzikir and doa" not reciting verses of the Quran which they are forbidden to do during their periods.
Let us continue to recite verse 28 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text:
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
لأَ يَتَّخِذِ المُؤْمِنُونَ الْكَافِرِينَ أَوْلِيَاءَ مِن دُونِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ صلى وَ مَن يَفْعَلْ ذَالِكَ فَلَيْسَ مِنَ اللهِ فِى شَىءٍ إِلَّا أَن تَتَقُواْ مِنهُمْ تُقِاةً قلى وَيُحَذِّرُ كُمُ اللهُ نَفْسَهُو قلى وَإِلَى اللهِ الْمَصِيرُ (28).
= "La~ Yat-ta-khi-dzil-Muu-mi-nu~nal-Ka~fi-ri~na Aw-li-ya~~a Mind~Du~nil-Muu-mi-ni~~~n. (Shly). Wa Mai~Yaf-'al Dza~li-ka Fa Lai-sa Mi-nal-Lohi Fi~ Syai-in Il-la~~ Ant~Ta-qu~ Min Hum Tu-qo~~~h. (Qly). Wa Yu-hadz-dzi-ru Ku-mul-Lohu Naf-sah. (Qly) Wa I-lal-Lohil-Ma-shi~~~r". (28).
= "La~" = do not, "Yat-ta-khi-dzil-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = they take, "(A)l-Muu-mi-nu~nal-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = the Believers, "(A)l-Ka~fi-ri~na" = the unbelievers, "Aw-li-ya~~a" (a Mad Lin. A Mad Wajib Muttashil) = friends, leaders, "Mind~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = of, "Du~nil-" (a Mad Ashli. An Alif Lam Qomariyah) = before, {Mind~Du~ni = without}, "(A)l-Muu-mi-ni~~~n" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = the Believers. (Shly) = a pause sign.
= "The Believers (must) not take (and follow) the unbelievers as friends and/or leaders before/over/skipping the Believers." (Shly/pause).
= (Allah Remind the Believers not to depend totally on the unbelievers and take them as friends and/or as leaders and leaving behind or skipping the Believers, but they must depend totally on Allah the sole Power either to give or to take away one's power or one's possession.
Ibnu 'Abbas narrated that the Medinan Israelites, Hajaj bin 'Amru, Ibnu al-Haqiq and Qois bin Zaid were befriendly in secret with some of the Anshorians/Medinan Muslims with the intention of to defame and to speak and to spread slander about the Prophet s.a.w. and the Muslims. When knowing about it, Three companions r.a. of the Prophet s.a.w., Abdullah bin Jabir, Sa'ad bin Haithumah and Rifa'ah bin Mundzir went and advised those Anshorians not to befriend with the Jews, but those Anshorians refused to listen to them. Thence, Allah revealed this verse No 28 Commanding the Believers not to befriend nor to follow them while there were plenty of Believers around them and they skipped and left them, the Believers out.
Allah prohibitted the Believers to befriend with those unbelievers because they were not being honest and sincere, they befriend the Believers in order that they could defame and speak and spread evil about the Prophet s.a.w. and the Believers. Allah had never ever prohibited Believers to befriend with anyone including the unbelievers who is sincere and without malice towards the Muslims). (to be continued).
Till we meet again, in the next session Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
If we wished to be closed to Allah and Insya Allah will have plenty of Angels with us, recite after every sholah, after reciting surah Al-Fatihah and A~yatul-Kursi, verses No.1 & 2, & 8 &18 & the First phrase of No. 19, "In~nad Di~na 'Ind~dal-Lohil-Islam" & No.26 & 27 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Reciting these short verses is called "Wirid"/a collection of verses. Ladies when are in their monthly periods may recite them but with the intention of "dzikir and doa" not reciting verses of the Quran which they are forbidden to do during their periods.
Let us continue to recite verse 28 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text:
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
لأَ يَتَّخِذِ المُؤْمِنُونَ الْكَافِرِينَ أَوْلِيَاءَ مِن دُونِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ صلى وَ مَن يَفْعَلْ ذَالِكَ فَلَيْسَ مِنَ اللهِ فِى شَىءٍ إِلَّا أَن تَتَقُواْ مِنهُمْ تُقِاةً قلى وَيُحَذِّرُ كُمُ اللهُ نَفْسَهُو قلى وَإِلَى اللهِ الْمَصِيرُ (28).
= "La~ Yat-ta-khi-dzil-Muu-mi-nu~nal-Ka~fi-ri~na Aw-li-ya~~a Mind~Du~nil-Muu-mi-ni~~~n. (Shly). Wa Mai~Yaf-'al Dza~li-ka Fa Lai-sa Mi-nal-Lohi Fi~ Syai-in Il-la~~ Ant~Ta-qu~ Min Hum Tu-qo~~~h. (Qly). Wa Yu-hadz-dzi-ru Ku-mul-Lohu Naf-sah. (Qly) Wa I-lal-Lohil-Ma-shi~~~r". (28).
= "La~" = do not, "Yat-ta-khi-dzil-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = they take, "(A)l-Muu-mi-nu~nal-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = the Believers, "(A)l-Ka~fi-ri~na" = the unbelievers, "Aw-li-ya~~a" (a Mad Lin. A Mad Wajib Muttashil) = friends, leaders, "Mind~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = of, "Du~nil-" (a Mad Ashli. An Alif Lam Qomariyah) = before, {Mind~Du~ni = without}, "(A)l-Muu-mi-ni~~~n" (a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun) = the Believers. (Shly) = a pause sign.
= "The Believers (must) not take (and follow) the unbelievers as friends and/or leaders before/over/skipping the Believers." (Shly/pause).
= (Allah Remind the Believers not to depend totally on the unbelievers and take them as friends and/or as leaders and leaving behind or skipping the Believers, but they must depend totally on Allah the sole Power either to give or to take away one's power or one's possession.
Ibnu 'Abbas narrated that the Medinan Israelites, Hajaj bin 'Amru, Ibnu al-Haqiq and Qois bin Zaid were befriendly in secret with some of the Anshorians/Medinan Muslims with the intention of to defame and to speak and to spread slander about the Prophet s.a.w. and the Muslims. When knowing about it, Three companions r.a. of the Prophet s.a.w., Abdullah bin Jabir, Sa'ad bin Haithumah and Rifa'ah bin Mundzir went and advised those Anshorians not to befriend with the Jews, but those Anshorians refused to listen to them. Thence, Allah revealed this verse No 28 Commanding the Believers not to befriend nor to follow them while there were plenty of Believers around them and they skipped and left them, the Believers out.
Allah prohibitted the Believers to befriend with those unbelievers because they were not being honest and sincere, they befriend the Believers in order that they could defame and speak and spread evil about the Prophet s.a.w. and the Believers. Allah had never ever prohibited Believers to befriend with anyone including the unbelievers who is sincere and without malice towards the Muslims). (to be continued).
Till we meet again, in the next session Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Saturday, 2 December 2017
The brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. No. 24.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
After the demise of his s.a.w. young son, al-Qosim, the Prophet s.a.w. was mocked and was being insulted by the Quraisy who were very angry with him s.a.w. for what he preached to them.
One day, the Prophet s.a.w. was sitting in the mosque and dozed off. When he s.a.w. put up his s.a.w. bent head, he s.a.w. was smiling broadly. His s.a.w. companions r.a. asked, "Why are you smiling O Messenger of Allah?". He s.a.w. replied, "A moment ago I was revealed with One surah, "Bismil-lahir-Roh-ma~nir-Ro-hi~m. In~na~ Aa-toi-na~ Kal-Kasw-thar" = (In the Name of Allah The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Truly, We/Allah have given you (O Muhammad) "Al-Kaw-thar"/ the Abundance.). Do all of you know what Al-Kawthar is?" The companions replied, "Only Allah and His Messenger knew". The Prophet s.a.w. said, "It is a river in the Paradise bestowed by Allah to me. This Kawthar river has many goodnesses. Its banks are made of gold, its water is sweet like that of the honey, its flows on pearls and red precious stones the ruby with fragnant smells. There are many jars and water containers as many as the stars in the heaven by the River Al-Kawthar sides. Its water is white like milk. Once its water is drunk, we will never feel thirsty forever and ever.
The river will be fulled with my followers, the Muslimin sailing on it. Then, when a group of Muslims came (they can be identified as Muslims because their heads, faces, ears, hands and feet are shining bright, because they washed their "Wudhu"/ablutions on Earth), but one of them will be stopped by the Angels from entering the river. And I will say, "O Allah, he is one of mine." Then I will be told, "You do not know what they concocted after you have gone". (as narrated by Imam Ahmad, Muslim, Abu Daud, An-Nasa-i).
{We all know that the Prophet s.a.w. is an Arab. And Arabia is a desert land. Thus, a river is Rahmah/Blessing and a Contentment.}.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
After the demise of his s.a.w. young son, al-Qosim, the Prophet s.a.w. was mocked and was being insulted by the Quraisy who were very angry with him s.a.w. for what he preached to them.
One day, the Prophet s.a.w. was sitting in the mosque and dozed off. When he s.a.w. put up his s.a.w. bent head, he s.a.w. was smiling broadly. His s.a.w. companions r.a. asked, "Why are you smiling O Messenger of Allah?". He s.a.w. replied, "A moment ago I was revealed with One surah, "Bismil-lahir-Roh-ma~nir-Ro-hi~m. In~na~ Aa-toi-na~ Kal-Kasw-thar" = (In the Name of Allah The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Truly, We/Allah have given you (O Muhammad) "Al-Kaw-thar"/ the Abundance.). Do all of you know what Al-Kawthar is?" The companions replied, "Only Allah and His Messenger knew". The Prophet s.a.w. said, "It is a river in the Paradise bestowed by Allah to me. This Kawthar river has many goodnesses. Its banks are made of gold, its water is sweet like that of the honey, its flows on pearls and red precious stones the ruby with fragnant smells. There are many jars and water containers as many as the stars in the heaven by the River Al-Kawthar sides. Its water is white like milk. Once its water is drunk, we will never feel thirsty forever and ever.
The river will be fulled with my followers, the Muslimin sailing on it. Then, when a group of Muslims came (they can be identified as Muslims because their heads, faces, ears, hands and feet are shining bright, because they washed their "Wudhu"/ablutions on Earth), but one of them will be stopped by the Angels from entering the river. And I will say, "O Allah, he is one of mine." Then I will be told, "You do not know what they concocted after you have gone". (as narrated by Imam Ahmad, Muslim, Abu Daud, An-Nasa-i).
{We all know that the Prophet s.a.w. is an Arab. And Arabia is a desert land. Thus, a river is Rahmah/Blessing and a Contentment.}.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Mohd Yusof Ali.
Recitation No. 496-A.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite the second part of verse 27, surah 3, A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
= "Wa Tukh-ri-jul-Hai-ya Mi-nal-Maiy-yi-ti Wa Tukh-ri-jul-Maiy-yi-ta Mi-nal-Haiy (Shly) Wa Tar-zu-qu Mant~Ta-sya~~u Bi Ghoi-ri Hi-sa~~~bb". (27).
= "Wa" = and, "Tukh-ri-ju" ("-ri-jul" = an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = leave, draw away, bring forth, "(A)l-Hai-ya" = the living, "Mi-na" ("-nal" = an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = from, "(A)l-Mai-yi-ti" = the dead, "Wa" = and, "Tukh-ri-ju" ("-jul" = an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = draw away, "(A)l-Mai-yi-ta" = the dead, "Mi-nal-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = from, "(A)l-Haiy" (we pause at this word) = the living. "(Shly)" = a pause sign.
= "And You draw away, bring forth the living from the dead, and You bring forth the dead from the living".
= (Allah is also Able to bring forth a living creature including Mankind from the dead when they were in the foetus form without soul in their mothers wombs, the birds, the fowls, the crawling creatures and so on were in the eggs, soulless, the plants when they were in their seeds, soulless, and so forth, and Allah gave them their soul and they became living persons, creatures and plants. Those unlettered and the uneducated people, their mind and their intellect were dead, but Allah gave them knowledge and their mind and their intellect came to live and have high mental abilities. The unbelievers were dead in their Faith, and were in darkness, Allah deliver them with Faith and they became Faithful, full of light and guidance to the straight path to Allah and of course to His Paradise.
And when their life- span are over, Allah take away their soul and their knowledge and intellect but not their Faith, caused them to be dead again. Their Faith lived on and it will lead them to the Paradise.
= "Wa" = and, "Tar-zu-qu" = you give sustenance to, "Mant~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = those who, "Ta-sya~~u" (a Mad Wajib Muttashil) = you wish, "Bi Ghoi-ri" (a Mad Lin) = without, "Hi-sa~~~bb" (A Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun. The made Silent Ba is a Qolqoloh Kubro) = reckoning,
= "And You give sustenance to those whom You wish without reckoning".
= (And Allah give sustenance to those He Will without reckoning because He Possess a very vast bestowal to be given to His servants who He Wish, and of course they are the Believers and the Faithfuls and the Devotees that they will live in abundant).
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite the second part of verse 27, surah 3, A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
= "Wa Tukh-ri-jul-Hai-ya Mi-nal-Maiy-yi-ti Wa Tukh-ri-jul-Maiy-yi-ta Mi-nal-Haiy (Shly) Wa Tar-zu-qu Mant~Ta-sya~~u Bi Ghoi-ri Hi-sa~~~bb". (27).
= "Wa" = and, "Tukh-ri-ju" ("-ri-jul" = an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = leave, draw away, bring forth, "(A)l-Hai-ya" = the living, "Mi-na" ("-nal" = an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = from, "(A)l-Mai-yi-ti" = the dead, "Wa" = and, "Tukh-ri-ju" ("-jul" = an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = draw away, "(A)l-Mai-yi-ta" = the dead, "Mi-nal-" (an Alif Lam Qomariyah) = from, "(A)l-Haiy" (we pause at this word) = the living. "(Shly)" = a pause sign.
= "And You draw away, bring forth the living from the dead, and You bring forth the dead from the living".
= (Allah is also Able to bring forth a living creature including Mankind from the dead when they were in the foetus form without soul in their mothers wombs, the birds, the fowls, the crawling creatures and so on were in the eggs, soulless, the plants when they were in their seeds, soulless, and so forth, and Allah gave them their soul and they became living persons, creatures and plants. Those unlettered and the uneducated people, their mind and their intellect were dead, but Allah gave them knowledge and their mind and their intellect came to live and have high mental abilities. The unbelievers were dead in their Faith, and were in darkness, Allah deliver them with Faith and they became Faithful, full of light and guidance to the straight path to Allah and of course to His Paradise.
And when their life- span are over, Allah take away their soul and their knowledge and intellect but not their Faith, caused them to be dead again. Their Faith lived on and it will lead them to the Paradise.
= "Wa" = and, "Tar-zu-qu" = you give sustenance to, "Mant~" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi) = those who, "Ta-sya~~u" (a Mad Wajib Muttashil) = you wish, "Bi Ghoi-ri" (a Mad Lin) = without, "Hi-sa~~~bb" (A Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun. The made Silent Ba is a Qolqoloh Kubro) = reckoning,
= "And You give sustenance to those whom You wish without reckoning".
= (And Allah give sustenance to those He Will without reckoning because He Possess a very vast bestowal to be given to His servants who He Wish, and of course they are the Believers and the Faithfuls and the Devotees that they will live in abundant).
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Friday, 1 December 2017
The Brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. No. 23.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
In the last session, we have mentioned about the Head Angel of the Fiery Hell was/is Malik Zabaniah a.s. Actually his a.s. name is Malik/King, and Allah s.w.t. described him a.s. in verse 18 of surah 96, Al-'Alaq, as Az-Zaba~niah = the Stinger/the Tormentor.
About remembering and mentioning the Prophet s.a.w., let us look at these Hadith (i) narrated by Muslim, the Prophet s.a.w said, "Whoever prays for me (by saying "Allohum~ma Shol-li 'Ala~ Muhammad" = O Allah please bless Muhammad {and it is better to add "Wa 'Ala~ A~li Muhmmad" = and bless his family too}) once, Allah Sholawah on/Bless him/her Ten times/folds".
(ii) As narrated by Imam Ahmad, the Prophet s.a.w. said, "Truly, Allah and the Angels who are Commanded by Allah to walk/patrolling the Earth to observe His servants/the Mankind, the Angels will inform me all "Salam = greetings" (and Sholawah = blessing" prayed by my people to me".
(iii) At-Tibroni narrated, the Prophet s.a.w. said, "Those who prayed (Sholawah) for me at every Dawn/daybreak Ten times and at every 'Ashor/ afternoon before sunset Ten times will earn my "Syafa'ah = help that I will mediate between them and Allah in the Hereafter (that they be forgiven and be allowed to enter the Paradise)" ". _If we were unable to recite the Sholawah at Dawn or at 'Ashor, recite them when we are able to recite them in the morning and in the evening. The key words are recite (i) with Ikhlash/sincerity and (ii) Lil-lahi Ta'ala = because of Allah}.
(iv) At-Tirmidzi narrated that the Prophet said, " The most important and preferred person to me in the Hereafter are those who recited "Sholawah" plentifully on me". And there are many other Hadiths about the goodness of reciting the Sholawah upon the Prophet s.a.w.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
In the last session, we have mentioned about the Head Angel of the Fiery Hell was/is Malik Zabaniah a.s. Actually his a.s. name is Malik/King, and Allah s.w.t. described him a.s. in verse 18 of surah 96, Al-'Alaq, as Az-Zaba~niah = the Stinger/the Tormentor.
About remembering and mentioning the Prophet s.a.w., let us look at these Hadith (i) narrated by Muslim, the Prophet s.a.w said, "Whoever prays for me (by saying "Allohum~ma Shol-li 'Ala~ Muhammad" = O Allah please bless Muhammad {and it is better to add "Wa 'Ala~ A~li Muhmmad" = and bless his family too}) once, Allah Sholawah on/Bless him/her Ten times/folds".
(ii) As narrated by Imam Ahmad, the Prophet s.a.w. said, "Truly, Allah and the Angels who are Commanded by Allah to walk/patrolling the Earth to observe His servants/the Mankind, the Angels will inform me all "Salam = greetings" (and Sholawah = blessing" prayed by my people to me".
(iii) At-Tibroni narrated, the Prophet s.a.w. said, "Those who prayed (Sholawah) for me at every Dawn/daybreak Ten times and at every 'Ashor/ afternoon before sunset Ten times will earn my "Syafa'ah = help that I will mediate between them and Allah in the Hereafter (that they be forgiven and be allowed to enter the Paradise)" ". _If we were unable to recite the Sholawah at Dawn or at 'Ashor, recite them when we are able to recite them in the morning and in the evening. The key words are recite (i) with Ikhlash/sincerity and (ii) Lil-lahi Ta'ala = because of Allah}.
(iv) At-Tirmidzi narrated that the Prophet said, " The most important and preferred person to me in the Hereafter are those who recited "Sholawah" plentifully on me". And there are many other Hadiths about the goodness of reciting the Sholawah upon the Prophet s.a.w.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Recitation No. 496.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse No. 27 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
تُولِجُ الَّيْلَ فِى النَّهَارِ وَتُولِجُ النَّهَارَ فِى الَّيْلِ صلى وَتُخْرِجُ الْحَىَّ مِنَ الْمَيِّتِ وَتُخْرِجُ الْمَيِّتَ مِنَ الْحَىِّ صلى وَتَرْزُقُ مَن تَشَاءُ بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ (27)
= "Tu~li-jul-Lai-la fin~Na-ha~ri Wa Tu~li-jun~Na-ha~ro Fil-Lai~~~l. (Shly). Wa Tukh-ri-jul-Hai-ya Mi-nal-Mai-yi-ti Wa Tukh-ri-jul-Mai-yi-ta Mi-nal-Haiy (Shly). Wa Tar-zu-qu Mant~Ta-sya~~u Bi Ghoi-ri Hi-sa~~~bb". (27).
= "Tu~li-ju" (a Mad Ashli. After the Front sign Jim, is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "-jul") = you enter, "(A)l-Lai-la" (a Mad Lin) = the night, "Fi~" (a Mad Ashli but after it, is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "Fin-") = into, "(A)n~Na-ha~ri" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. A Mad Ashli) = the day, "Wa" = and, "Tu~li-ju" (a Mad Ashli. After the Front sign Jim, is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "-jun-") = you enter, "(A)n~Na-ha~ro" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. A Mad Ashli) = the day, "Fi~" (a Mad Ashli but after it, is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "Fil-") = into, "(A)l-Lai-li" (a Mad Lin but is paused at it becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun, "-Lai~~~l") = the night, (Shly) = a pause sign.
= "You (O Allah) cause the night to enter into the day and cause the day to enter into the night. (Shly/pause)."
= (You O Allah is able to cause some part of the surface of the Earth which is a sphere in shape and it rotates from the East to the West, and is revolving around and about the Sun. The surface of the Earth which is exposed to the Sun's ray is the Day while the surface of the Earth not getting the Sun's ray will be dark and it is the Night.
The Day begins when the ray of the Sun grows light to the surface of the Earth, that is the Dawn, the first light or the Daybreak. Then as the Earth rotates forth, it is the Morning, Forenoon, then Noon, and Afternoon. Then, as the Earth is further away from the Sun, it becomes the Evening, close of the day with the Twilight in the Sky. As that part of the Earth is further away from the Sun's ray, Night fall. And the Earth is always keeps on rotating, until it is Dawn again, and it goes on and on. Each and every One rotation of the Earth takes a Twenty Four hours. Thus, this is the process of Night enters into Day. And in the Evening, as the part of Earth does not receive nor be exposed to the Sun's ray, the Day enters into the Night.
As the Earth revolves around and about the Sun, the part of the Earth at and around the Equator, the middle of the Earth has its Two Seasons, the Hot and the Wet Seasons. While the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere have their Four Seasons, Four periods of the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. When the Northern Hemisphere has its Spring time, the Southern Hemisphere has its Autumn time. The Seasons in the Northern Hemisphere has opposite Seasons the Southern Hemisphere has.
There are times when the Days are long and the Nights are short and vice versa. In some part of the Earth, there is no Night time for months and there is some part where there is no Day time for months depending on the part of the Earth which slants towards the Sun or it slants away from the Sun, because the Earth is not "standing up right, but it slants. And these incur in One Year, 365 Days, or if it were a leap year, 366 days.)
All these processes of Night and Day is the Course shaped and is administrated by Allah for He is the Omniscience. (to be continued).
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse No. 27 of surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
تُولِجُ الَّيْلَ فِى النَّهَارِ وَتُولِجُ النَّهَارَ فِى الَّيْلِ صلى وَتُخْرِجُ الْحَىَّ مِنَ الْمَيِّتِ وَتُخْرِجُ الْمَيِّتَ مِنَ الْحَىِّ صلى وَتَرْزُقُ مَن تَشَاءُ بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ (27)
= "Tu~li-jul-Lai-la fin~Na-ha~ri Wa Tu~li-jun~Na-ha~ro Fil-Lai~~~l. (Shly). Wa Tukh-ri-jul-Hai-ya Mi-nal-Mai-yi-ti Wa Tukh-ri-jul-Mai-yi-ta Mi-nal-Haiy (Shly). Wa Tar-zu-qu Mant~Ta-sya~~u Bi Ghoi-ri Hi-sa~~~bb". (27).
= "Tu~li-ju" (a Mad Ashli. After the Front sign Jim, is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "-jul") = you enter, "(A)l-Lai-la" (a Mad Lin) = the night, "Fi~" (a Mad Ashli but after it, is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "Fin-") = into, "(A)n~Na-ha~ri" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. A Mad Ashli) = the day, "Wa" = and, "Tu~li-ju" (a Mad Ashli. After the Front sign Jim, is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "-jun-") = you enter, "(A)n~Na-ha~ro" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. A Mad Ashli) = the day, "Fi~" (a Mad Ashli but after it, is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "Fil-") = into, "(A)l-Lai-li" (a Mad Lin but is paused at it becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun, "-Lai~~~l") = the night, (Shly) = a pause sign.
= "You (O Allah) cause the night to enter into the day and cause the day to enter into the night. (Shly/pause)."
= (You O Allah is able to cause some part of the surface of the Earth which is a sphere in shape and it rotates from the East to the West, and is revolving around and about the Sun. The surface of the Earth which is exposed to the Sun's ray is the Day while the surface of the Earth not getting the Sun's ray will be dark and it is the Night.
The Day begins when the ray of the Sun grows light to the surface of the Earth, that is the Dawn, the first light or the Daybreak. Then as the Earth rotates forth, it is the Morning, Forenoon, then Noon, and Afternoon. Then, as the Earth is further away from the Sun, it becomes the Evening, close of the day with the Twilight in the Sky. As that part of the Earth is further away from the Sun's ray, Night fall. And the Earth is always keeps on rotating, until it is Dawn again, and it goes on and on. Each and every One rotation of the Earth takes a Twenty Four hours. Thus, this is the process of Night enters into Day. And in the Evening, as the part of Earth does not receive nor be exposed to the Sun's ray, the Day enters into the Night.
As the Earth revolves around and about the Sun, the part of the Earth at and around the Equator, the middle of the Earth has its Two Seasons, the Hot and the Wet Seasons. While the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere have their Four Seasons, Four periods of the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. When the Northern Hemisphere has its Spring time, the Southern Hemisphere has its Autumn time. The Seasons in the Northern Hemisphere has opposite Seasons the Southern Hemisphere has.
There are times when the Days are long and the Nights are short and vice versa. In some part of the Earth, there is no Night time for months and there is some part where there is no Day time for months depending on the part of the Earth which slants towards the Sun or it slants away from the Sun, because the Earth is not "standing up right, but it slants. And these incur in One Year, 365 Days, or if it were a leap year, 366 days.)
All these processes of Night and Day is the Course shaped and is administrated by Allah for He is the Omniscience. (to be continued).
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Thursday, 30 November 2017
The Brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. No. 22.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اللهم صل على محمد وعلى أل محمد كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى أل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد
=" O Allah! Please bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as You have blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim.
Truly, You are Praiseworthy, Noble."
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Today, in Malaysia, is 12th Rabi'u;-Awwal, and today we, in Malaysia, celebrate the "Maulidir-Rosul Day".
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
Abu Jahal and many of the Quraisy were/are opposing the Propohet s.a.w. very strongly. He tried to hurt and kill the Prophet s.a.w. but he saw a large camel charged at him, and in verse No. 18 of surah 96 Al-'Alaq, Allah Say that the Head Angel of the Hell, Malik Zabaniah will seize him by his forelock of hair if he or any other person who dared to hurt the Prophet s.a.w. Thence, all they could do was to mock and humiliate the Prophet s.a.w.
And when the Prophet s.a.w. had lost his s.a.w. young son, al-Qosim, they especially Abu Jahal rejoiced. They said, "Leave Muhammad because he is now being cut off, without offspring. He is being cut off from having descendant. If he himself died, no one will remember and mention him/about him". Thence, Allah revealed this Verse, "Truly, it is your insulters who hate you (O Muhammad) is cut off (without offspring, and even if they had offspring, they would be cut off from the Compassinate and Mercy of Allah)" = verse No. 3 of surah 108, Al-Kawthar.
Though the Prophet s.a.w. did not have any offspring/son to mention and remember him s.a.w. but, his billions of followers since 610 till the end of time remember and mentioning with love and honouring him s.a.w. and also pray for him s.a.w.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اللهم صل على محمد وعلى أل محمد كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى أل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد
=" O Allah! Please bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as You have blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim.
Truly, You are Praiseworthy, Noble."
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Today, in Malaysia, is 12th Rabi'u;-Awwal, and today we, in Malaysia, celebrate the "Maulidir-Rosul Day".
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
Abu Jahal and many of the Quraisy were/are opposing the Propohet s.a.w. very strongly. He tried to hurt and kill the Prophet s.a.w. but he saw a large camel charged at him, and in verse No. 18 of surah 96 Al-'Alaq, Allah Say that the Head Angel of the Hell, Malik Zabaniah will seize him by his forelock of hair if he or any other person who dared to hurt the Prophet s.a.w. Thence, all they could do was to mock and humiliate the Prophet s.a.w.
And when the Prophet s.a.w. had lost his s.a.w. young son, al-Qosim, they especially Abu Jahal rejoiced. They said, "Leave Muhammad because he is now being cut off, without offspring. He is being cut off from having descendant. If he himself died, no one will remember and mention him/about him". Thence, Allah revealed this Verse, "Truly, it is your insulters who hate you (O Muhammad) is cut off (without offspring, and even if they had offspring, they would be cut off from the Compassinate and Mercy of Allah)" = verse No. 3 of surah 108, Al-Kawthar.
Though the Prophet s.a.w. did not have any offspring/son to mention and remember him s.a.w. but, his billions of followers since 610 till the end of time remember and mentioning with love and honouring him s.a.w. and also pray for him s.a.w.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Recitation No. 495.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse 26 of surah 3, A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قُلِ اللَّهُمَّ مَالِكَ الْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِى الْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَاءُ وَتَنزِعُ الْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَاءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَاءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَاءُ صلى بِيَدِكَ الْخَيْرُ صلى إِنَّكَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَىءٍ قَدِيرٌ (26)
= "Qu-lil-Lahum~ma Ma~li-kal-Mul-ki Tuu-til-Mul-ka Mant~Ta- sya~~u Wa Tanz~Zi-'ul-Mul-ka Mim~mant~Ta-sya~~u Wa Tu-'iz-zu Mant~Ta-sya~~u Wa Tu-dzil-lu Mant~Ta-sya~~' (Shly) Bi Ya-di Kal-Khoi~~~r (Shly) In~na Ka 'A-la~ Kul-li Syai~inq~Qo-di~~~r". (26).
= "Qu-li"(after the Below sign Lam is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "-lil-") = say, "(A)l-Lahum~ma" (the 2nd Lam is a Tarqiq. A Wajibul-Ghunnah") = our God, "Ma~li-ka" (a Mad Ashli. After the Above sign Kaf, is an Alif Lam Qomariyah, "-kal-") = owner, possessor, "(A)l-Mul-ki" = the kingdom, "Tuu-ti~" (a Mad Ashli, but after it, is an Alif Lam Qomariyah, "-til-") = you give, "(A)l-Mul-ka" = the kingdom, "Man" (after the Silent Nun is a Ta, is an Ikhfaa Haqiqi, "Mant~") = whom, "Ta-sya~~u" (a Mad Wajib Muttashil) = you wish, "Wa" = and, "Tanz~zi-'u" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi. After the Front sign 'Ain, is an Alif Lam Qomariyah, "-'ul-") = you take away, remove, "(A)l-Mul-ka" = the kingdom, "Mim~man" (an Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah. After the Silent Nun, is a Ta, is an Ikhfaa Haqiqi, "-mant~") = from whom, "Ta-sya~~u" (a Mad Wajib Muttashil) = you will, "Wa" = and, "Tu-'iz-zu" = you glorify, "Man" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi, "Mant~") = whom, "Ta-sya~~u" (a Mad Wajib Muttashil) = you want, "Wa" = and, "Tu-dzil-lu" = you subdue, "Man" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi, "Mant~") = whom, "Ta-sya~~u" (a Mad Wajib but is paused at it becomes a Ma 'Aridh Lis-Sukun, "-sya~~~'") = you desire, "(Shly) = a pause sign. "Bi" = in, "Ya-di" = hand, "Ka" (after it, is an Alif Lam Qomariyah, "Kal-") = your, "(A)l-Khoi~ru" (a Mad Lin but is paused at it becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun/still a Mad Lin. But the made Silent Ro is a Tarqiq, soft and thinning out with the tongue is flat because the end of Kho is with below sign, "Khoi~~~r") = the goodness. "(Shly)" = a pause sign. "In~na" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah) = Truly, "Ka" = you, " 'A-la~" =over, "Kul-li" = all, every, "Syai-in" (a Mad Lin. After the Tanwin Hamzah is a Qof, is an Ikhfaa Haqiqi, "-inq~") = thing, "Qo-di~run" (a Mad Ashli but is paused at it becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun. The Ro is made silent becomes a Tarqiq, "-di~~~r") = powerful. (26) = the end of verse No.26, sign.
= "Say : O God the Owner, the possessor of the Kingdom (of the Heavens and the Earth)! You bestow a kingdom to whom You Wish and You take away a kingdom from whom You Will, and You glorify whom You so Desire, and You Subdue whom You so Want. In Your Hand/Power are all the Goodnesses. Truly, You are Almighty, the Omnipotence, the All-Powerful.". (26).
= (The Medinan Arabs, the Israelites and the Nejron Chritians were questioning the Prophet s.a.w., "How could you an ordinary man who eats and sleeps and always goes to the market place be a Prophet?" Allah told the Prophet s.a.w. to say to them in a proclamation that Allah Have the Kingdom of the Heavens and the Earth, and He s.w.t. Have the Power to bestow a kingdom to whoever He Wish, and Have the Power to take away the kingdom from whom He Will, and He Have the Power to glorify whom He Desire and also Have the Power to subdue whoever He so Want. For He/Allah s.w.t. Have the Power to manage, to administer and also to control the existance of the whole Creation according to His Will and Wishes. He s.w.t. is able to bestow a kingdom to whoever He Desire, and is also Able to take away any kingdom from whom He so Will, and He is able to glorify whom He Wish, including bestowing the Prophetic Powers to some of the Israelites and bestowing kingdoms to some of them, and is also able to subdue whoever He so Want when they deny and reject and disbelieve in Allah the One and Only God and those who refused to obey His Commandments, they were/are made to pay poll tax and some were removed from their kingdoms.
And Allah is able to glorify whom He so Desire, such as Muhammad s.a.w. an unlettered ordinary person who eats and sleeps and goes the market place and married Twelve wives and have children but he s.a.w. is made and is given the Prophetic Powers, a Kingdom and the Goodnesses and to preach the Religion of Islam because it is Allah's Will, Wish, Desire and Want him s.a.w. to be so..
And in Allah's Hand/Powers are all the Goodnesses be rewarded to a person if he/she does good deeds, and also all the badnesses to be befall onto he/she who does evil things to him/herself and/or to others.).
Till we meet again in the next session, see You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse 26 of surah 3, A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قُلِ اللَّهُمَّ مَالِكَ الْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِى الْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَاءُ وَتَنزِعُ الْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَاءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَاءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَاءُ صلى بِيَدِكَ الْخَيْرُ صلى إِنَّكَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَىءٍ قَدِيرٌ (26)
= "Qu-lil-Lahum~ma Ma~li-kal-Mul-ki Tuu-til-Mul-ka Mant~Ta- sya~~u Wa Tanz~Zi-'ul-Mul-ka Mim~mant~Ta-sya~~u Wa Tu-'iz-zu Mant~Ta-sya~~u Wa Tu-dzil-lu Mant~Ta-sya~~' (Shly) Bi Ya-di Kal-Khoi~~~r (Shly) In~na Ka 'A-la~ Kul-li Syai~inq~Qo-di~~~r". (26).
= "Qu-li"(after the Below sign Lam is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "-lil-") = say, "(A)l-Lahum~ma" (the 2nd Lam is a Tarqiq. A Wajibul-Ghunnah") = our God, "Ma~li-ka" (a Mad Ashli. After the Above sign Kaf, is an Alif Lam Qomariyah, "-kal-") = owner, possessor, "(A)l-Mul-ki" = the kingdom, "Tuu-ti~" (a Mad Ashli, but after it, is an Alif Lam Qomariyah, "-til-") = you give, "(A)l-Mul-ka" = the kingdom, "Man" (after the Silent Nun is a Ta, is an Ikhfaa Haqiqi, "Mant~") = whom, "Ta-sya~~u" (a Mad Wajib Muttashil) = you wish, "Wa" = and, "Tanz~zi-'u" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi. After the Front sign 'Ain, is an Alif Lam Qomariyah, "-'ul-") = you take away, remove, "(A)l-Mul-ka" = the kingdom, "Mim~man" (an Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah. After the Silent Nun, is a Ta, is an Ikhfaa Haqiqi, "-mant~") = from whom, "Ta-sya~~u" (a Mad Wajib Muttashil) = you will, "Wa" = and, "Tu-'iz-zu" = you glorify, "Man" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi, "Mant~") = whom, "Ta-sya~~u" (a Mad Wajib Muttashil) = you want, "Wa" = and, "Tu-dzil-lu" = you subdue, "Man" (an Ikhfaa Haqiqi, "Mant~") = whom, "Ta-sya~~u" (a Mad Wajib but is paused at it becomes a Ma 'Aridh Lis-Sukun, "-sya~~~'") = you desire, "(Shly) = a pause sign. "Bi" = in, "Ya-di" = hand, "Ka" (after it, is an Alif Lam Qomariyah, "Kal-") = your, "(A)l-Khoi~ru" (a Mad Lin but is paused at it becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun/still a Mad Lin. But the made Silent Ro is a Tarqiq, soft and thinning out with the tongue is flat because the end of Kho is with below sign, "Khoi~~~r") = the goodness. "(Shly)" = a pause sign. "In~na" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah) = Truly, "Ka" = you, " 'A-la~" =over, "Kul-li" = all, every, "Syai-in" (a Mad Lin. After the Tanwin Hamzah is a Qof, is an Ikhfaa Haqiqi, "-inq~") = thing, "Qo-di~run" (a Mad Ashli but is paused at it becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun. The Ro is made silent becomes a Tarqiq, "-di~~~r") = powerful. (26) = the end of verse No.26, sign.
= "Say : O God the Owner, the possessor of the Kingdom (of the Heavens and the Earth)! You bestow a kingdom to whom You Wish and You take away a kingdom from whom You Will, and You glorify whom You so Desire, and You Subdue whom You so Want. In Your Hand/Power are all the Goodnesses. Truly, You are Almighty, the Omnipotence, the All-Powerful.". (26).
= (The Medinan Arabs, the Israelites and the Nejron Chritians were questioning the Prophet s.a.w., "How could you an ordinary man who eats and sleeps and always goes to the market place be a Prophet?" Allah told the Prophet s.a.w. to say to them in a proclamation that Allah Have the Kingdom of the Heavens and the Earth, and He s.w.t. Have the Power to bestow a kingdom to whoever He Wish, and Have the Power to take away the kingdom from whom He Will, and He Have the Power to glorify whom He Desire and also Have the Power to subdue whoever He so Want. For He/Allah s.w.t. Have the Power to manage, to administer and also to control the existance of the whole Creation according to His Will and Wishes. He s.w.t. is able to bestow a kingdom to whoever He Desire, and is also Able to take away any kingdom from whom He so Will, and He is able to glorify whom He Wish, including bestowing the Prophetic Powers to some of the Israelites and bestowing kingdoms to some of them, and is also able to subdue whoever He so Want when they deny and reject and disbelieve in Allah the One and Only God and those who refused to obey His Commandments, they were/are made to pay poll tax and some were removed from their kingdoms.
And Allah is able to glorify whom He so Desire, such as Muhammad s.a.w. an unlettered ordinary person who eats and sleeps and goes the market place and married Twelve wives and have children but he s.a.w. is made and is given the Prophetic Powers, a Kingdom and the Goodnesses and to preach the Religion of Islam because it is Allah's Will, Wish, Desire and Want him s.a.w. to be so..
And in Allah's Hand/Powers are all the Goodnesses be rewarded to a person if he/she does good deeds, and also all the badnesses to be befall onto he/she who does evil things to him/herself and/or to others.).
Till we meet again in the next session, see You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
The Brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. No. 21.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
Failing to bash the Prophet s.a.w. with the large stone, Abu Jahal was still determined to have another attempt to mock and to intimidate the Prophet s.a.w. instead of to hurt and to kill him s.a.w., he told his friend, 'Uqhab bin Mu'ith to bring several rotten animals' intestines to the Sacred Mosque. Then he called his other cliques to go to the Mosque with him. And when the Prophet s.a.w. and his companions came and performed Sholah, Abu Jahal waited until the Proophet s.a.w. was prostrating, he and 'Uqbah went to the Prophet s.a.w. and threw the rotten intestines on to the Prophet's s.a.w. head and upper body. The intestines were quite heavy that the Prophet s.a.w. could not get up.
The Prophet's s.a.w. companions r.a. could do nothing to help because they were weak and were unable to do anything because they were afraid of Abu Jahal and his cliques who were big and strong. One of the companions r.a quickly went to the Prophet's s.a.w. house and Fatimah Az-Zahraa was at home. On hearing what had happened to her r.a. father s.a.w., she rushed to the Mosque.
When Abu Jahal and his cliques heard that Fatimah r.a. was on her way to the Mosque, they fled for fearing of Fatimah, the descendant of Abd Muttalib known for her powerful physical and was good in fighting. She r.a. removed the filths from the Prophet s.a.w., and the Prophet s.a.w. got up. Then she cleansed him s.a.w. with the Zamzam water.
Then the Prophet s.a.w. completed his s.a.w. Prayers, and appealed this Doa to Allah, "O Allah! I leave the Quraisy to You" repeatedly.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
Failing to bash the Prophet s.a.w. with the large stone, Abu Jahal was still determined to have another attempt to mock and to intimidate the Prophet s.a.w. instead of to hurt and to kill him s.a.w., he told his friend, 'Uqhab bin Mu'ith to bring several rotten animals' intestines to the Sacred Mosque. Then he called his other cliques to go to the Mosque with him. And when the Prophet s.a.w. and his companions came and performed Sholah, Abu Jahal waited until the Proophet s.a.w. was prostrating, he and 'Uqbah went to the Prophet s.a.w. and threw the rotten intestines on to the Prophet's s.a.w. head and upper body. The intestines were quite heavy that the Prophet s.a.w. could not get up.
The Prophet's s.a.w. companions r.a. could do nothing to help because they were weak and were unable to do anything because they were afraid of Abu Jahal and his cliques who were big and strong. One of the companions r.a quickly went to the Prophet's s.a.w. house and Fatimah Az-Zahraa was at home. On hearing what had happened to her r.a. father s.a.w., she rushed to the Mosque.
When Abu Jahal and his cliques heard that Fatimah r.a. was on her way to the Mosque, they fled for fearing of Fatimah, the descendant of Abd Muttalib known for her powerful physical and was good in fighting. She r.a. removed the filths from the Prophet s.a.w., and the Prophet s.a.w. got up. Then she cleansed him s.a.w. with the Zamzam water.
Then the Prophet s.a.w. completed his s.a.w. Prayers, and appealed this Doa to Allah, "O Allah! I leave the Quraisy to You" repeatedly.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Recitation No. 494.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse No. 25, surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
فَكَيْفَ إِذَا جَمَعْنَاهُمْ لِيَوْمٍ لَا رَيْبَ فِيهِ وَوُفِّيَتْ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَّا كَسَبَتْ وَهُمْ لَا يُظْلَمُونَ (25)
= "Fa Kai-fa I-dza~ Ja-maa Na~ Hum Li Yaw-mil-La~ Roi-ba Fi~ Hi Wa Wuf-fi-yat Kul-lu Naf-sim~Ma~ Ka-sa-bat Wa Hum La~ Yuzh-la-mu~~~n". (25).
= "Fa" = then, "Kai-fa" (a Mad Lin) = how about, "I-dza~" = when, "Ja-maa" = gather, "Na~" = we, "Hum" (an Izhhar Syafawi) = them, "Li" = on, "Yaw-min" (a Mad Lin. After the Tanwin Mim is a Lam, is an Idghom Bi La~ Ghunnah, "-mil-") = day, "La~" = no, "Roi-ba" (a Mad Lin) = doubt, "Fi~" = in, "Hi" = it, "Wa" = and, "Wuf-fi-yat" = to receive in full, "Kul-lu" = all, every, "Naf-sin" (an Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah, "-sim~") = soul, self, person, "Ma~" = what, "Ka-sa-bat" = he has earned, "Wa" = and, "Hum" (an Izhhar Syafawi) = they, "La~" = not, "Yuzh-la-mu~na" (a Mad Ashli, is paused at it becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun, "-mu~~~n") = they be treated unjustly. (25) the end of verse No. 25, sign.
= "Then how about, when We/Allah gather them on the day which there is no doubt (that it will come) when all and every single soul/person will receive in full what he/she earned, and they will not be treated unjustly".
= (In this verse No. 25, Allah is asking the Jews who said that they would not be touched by the Fire of Hell for they will only be in the Fiery Hell for a few days and not more than Forty days, Allah Ask, "How about the Day which is without doubt, which is sure to come, when every soul and every person will be gathered and will be receiving either Good Rewards for their good deeds done, or Bad or Painful Punishments for the evil deeds done on the Earth in this World. All will be treated with justice, all will receive his/her fair share, for none will be treated unjustly".
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse No. 25, surah 3 A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
فَكَيْفَ إِذَا جَمَعْنَاهُمْ لِيَوْمٍ لَا رَيْبَ فِيهِ وَوُفِّيَتْ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَّا كَسَبَتْ وَهُمْ لَا يُظْلَمُونَ (25)
= "Fa Kai-fa I-dza~ Ja-maa Na~ Hum Li Yaw-mil-La~ Roi-ba Fi~ Hi Wa Wuf-fi-yat Kul-lu Naf-sim~Ma~ Ka-sa-bat Wa Hum La~ Yuzh-la-mu~~~n". (25).
= "Fa" = then, "Kai-fa" (a Mad Lin) = how about, "I-dza~" = when, "Ja-maa" = gather, "Na~" = we, "Hum" (an Izhhar Syafawi) = them, "Li" = on, "Yaw-min" (a Mad Lin. After the Tanwin Mim is a Lam, is an Idghom Bi La~ Ghunnah, "-mil-") = day, "La~" = no, "Roi-ba" (a Mad Lin) = doubt, "Fi~" = in, "Hi" = it, "Wa" = and, "Wuf-fi-yat" = to receive in full, "Kul-lu" = all, every, "Naf-sin" (an Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah, "-sim~") = soul, self, person, "Ma~" = what, "Ka-sa-bat" = he has earned, "Wa" = and, "Hum" (an Izhhar Syafawi) = they, "La~" = not, "Yuzh-la-mu~na" (a Mad Ashli, is paused at it becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun, "-mu~~~n") = they be treated unjustly. (25) the end of verse No. 25, sign.
= "Then how about, when We/Allah gather them on the day which there is no doubt (that it will come) when all and every single soul/person will receive in full what he/she earned, and they will not be treated unjustly".
= (In this verse No. 25, Allah is asking the Jews who said that they would not be touched by the Fire of Hell for they will only be in the Fiery Hell for a few days and not more than Forty days, Allah Ask, "How about the Day which is without doubt, which is sure to come, when every soul and every person will be gathered and will be receiving either Good Rewards for their good deeds done, or Bad or Painful Punishments for the evil deeds done on the Earth in this World. All will be treated with justice, all will receive his/her fair share, for none will be treated unjustly".
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
The Brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. No. 20.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
When the Prophet s.a.w. began his s.a.w preaching openly to the Meccans and went to the Sacred Mosque to perform prayers according to the Religion of Prophet Abraham a.s. which was not similar to the Sholah we Muslimin are performing now because the Arch Angel, Gabriel a.s. had not taught the Prophet s.a.w. how, just yet, the Quraisy people dared not oppose him s.a.w. personally and directly because he s.a.w and his protecting uncle were among the Quraisy nobles, and after he s.a.w. married Siti Khadijah, his s.a.w. status became higher. The Quraisy went to Abi Tolib for help to discourage and to stop the Prophet s.a.w. from preaching the Oneness of Allah, the equality of Mankind including the womenfolk. But they failed. Thence, they began to attack the Prophet s.a.w. himself.
A Quraisy who was very cross with the Prophet s.a.w., was Abu Jahal. One day, he said to his clique that they must not let Muhammad s.a.w. to spread his s.a.w. Teaching of the new religion/Islam. He s.a.w. had always humiliated their Idols which they had inherited from their forefathers which they were worshipping then. Abu Jahal said, "Tomorrow, I will bring a large stone from the mountain to the Sacred Mosque and I will throw at Muhammad when he was prostrating in his prayers so that his head be cracked.".
Then on the next day, Abu Jahal and his cliques were waiting for the Prophet s.a.w. at the Sacred Mosque with a large stone on his shoulder. Then the Prophet s.a.w. came and performed his s.a.w. Prayers. And when he s.a.w was prostrating, Abu Jahal went near the Prophet s.a.w., lifted the stone high up and was about to crush on the Prophet's s.a.w. head, he retreated in fear and turned tail. His friends followed him running and asked, "Why? What happened?". Then Abu Jahal said, "When I was about to crush his head, I saw large camel came charging at me. I have never seen such a large camel before and I became afraid, and I left. If not, the large camel would kill me." His cliques were amazed because they did not see the large camel which Abu Jahal said.
After the Prophet s.a.w. had finished performing his s.a.w. Prayers, Allah revealed this Revelation that the Prophet s.a.w. conveyed to the people, "Indeed! Mankind likes to over-step the limit, He thinks he is his own master. Truly, he will return to his Lord. Did you not see a man/Abu Jahal who was disturbing . A servant (of God/the Prophet s.a.w.) while he was Praying. Do you not see if he (s.a.w.) were following the right guidance. Or he (s.a.w.) enjoins piety. Do you not see if he/Abu Jahal denied (Allah's guidance) and gave no heed. Does he not aware that Allah is observing. No! If he did not stop, We will drag him by the forelock. Then let him call his followers. We will call Az-Zabaniah / the Head Angel of the Hell. No! Do not obey him/Abu Jahal. Prostrate yourself, and come nearer (to Allah). (surah 96, Al-'Alaq, verses 6 to 19)."
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali,
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
When the Prophet s.a.w. began his s.a.w preaching openly to the Meccans and went to the Sacred Mosque to perform prayers according to the Religion of Prophet Abraham a.s. which was not similar to the Sholah we Muslimin are performing now because the Arch Angel, Gabriel a.s. had not taught the Prophet s.a.w. how, just yet, the Quraisy people dared not oppose him s.a.w. personally and directly because he s.a.w and his protecting uncle were among the Quraisy nobles, and after he s.a.w. married Siti Khadijah, his s.a.w. status became higher. The Quraisy went to Abi Tolib for help to discourage and to stop the Prophet s.a.w. from preaching the Oneness of Allah, the equality of Mankind including the womenfolk. But they failed. Thence, they began to attack the Prophet s.a.w. himself.
A Quraisy who was very cross with the Prophet s.a.w., was Abu Jahal. One day, he said to his clique that they must not let Muhammad s.a.w. to spread his s.a.w. Teaching of the new religion/Islam. He s.a.w. had always humiliated their Idols which they had inherited from their forefathers which they were worshipping then. Abu Jahal said, "Tomorrow, I will bring a large stone from the mountain to the Sacred Mosque and I will throw at Muhammad when he was prostrating in his prayers so that his head be cracked.".
Then on the next day, Abu Jahal and his cliques were waiting for the Prophet s.a.w. at the Sacred Mosque with a large stone on his shoulder. Then the Prophet s.a.w. came and performed his s.a.w. Prayers. And when he s.a.w was prostrating, Abu Jahal went near the Prophet s.a.w., lifted the stone high up and was about to crush on the Prophet's s.a.w. head, he retreated in fear and turned tail. His friends followed him running and asked, "Why? What happened?". Then Abu Jahal said, "When I was about to crush his head, I saw large camel came charging at me. I have never seen such a large camel before and I became afraid, and I left. If not, the large camel would kill me." His cliques were amazed because they did not see the large camel which Abu Jahal said.
After the Prophet s.a.w. had finished performing his s.a.w. Prayers, Allah revealed this Revelation that the Prophet s.a.w. conveyed to the people, "Indeed! Mankind likes to over-step the limit, He thinks he is his own master. Truly, he will return to his Lord. Did you not see a man/Abu Jahal who was disturbing . A servant (of God/the Prophet s.a.w.) while he was Praying. Do you not see if he (s.a.w.) were following the right guidance. Or he (s.a.w.) enjoins piety. Do you not see if he/Abu Jahal denied (Allah's guidance) and gave no heed. Does he not aware that Allah is observing. No! If he did not stop, We will drag him by the forelock. Then let him call his followers. We will call Az-Zabaniah / the Head Angel of the Hell. No! Do not obey him/Abu Jahal. Prostrate yourself, and come nearer (to Allah). (surah 96, Al-'Alaq, verses 6 to 19)."
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali,
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Recitation No. 493.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse 24 of surah 3, A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ذَالِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ قَالُواْ لَن تَمَسَّنَا النَّارُ إِلَّا~ أَيَّامًا مَّعْدُودَاتٍ صلى وَغَرَّهُمْ فِى دِينِهِم مَّا كَانُواْ يَفْتَرُونَ (24)
= "Dza~li-ka Bi An~na Hum Qo~lu~ Lant~Ta-mas-sa Nan~Na~ru Il-la~~ Ai-ya~mam~Maa-du~da~~~t. (Shly). Wa Ghor-ro Hum Fi~ Di~ni Him~Ma~ Ka~nu~ Yaf-ta-ru~~~n". (24).
= "Dza~li-ka" = that, "Bi" = because, "An~na" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah) = that, "Hum" (after the Silent Mim is a Qof, an Izhhar Syafawi) = they, "Qo~lu~" = they said, "Lan" (after the Silent Nun is a Ta, is an Ikhfaa Haqiqi, "Lant~") = not, "Ta-mas-sa" = be touched, "Na~" (a Mad Ashli, but after it, is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "Nan~") = we, "(A)n~Na~ru" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. A Mad Ashli) = the fire, "Il-la~" (a Mad Ashli and after it, in the next word is a Standing Hamzah, is a Mad Jaiz Munfashil, "-la~~") = except, "Ai-ya~man" (a Mad Lin. A Mad Ashli, After the Tanwin Mim is another Mim of the next word, is an Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah, "-mam~") = days, "Maa-du~da~tin" (2 Mad Ashli. We pause at the 2nd Mad Ashli becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun. The made Silent Ta is not a Qolqoloh, "-da~~~t") = counted, few, some. (Shly) = a pause sign. "Wa" = and, "Ghor-ro" = be deceived, "Hum" (an Izhhar Syafawi) = they, "Fi~" = in, "Di~ni" = religion, "Him" (after it, is a Mim, is an Idghom Syafawi, "Him~") = their, "Ma~" = what, "Ka~nu~" = to occur, "Yaf-ta-ru~na" (we pause at the Mad Ashli, becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun, "-ru~~~n") = their efforts, their inventions. (24) = the end of verse No. 24, sign.
= " Thus, that was because as they have said, "We will not be touched by the Fire of Hell except just for a few number of days". And (they said such words because) they were deceived (by their leaders) in their religious (affairs) which (their leaders) had put efforts / invented"
= (Those people who turned away from the Teachings of the Holy Books as mentioned in the previous verse No 23, is because they were deceived by their Religious Leaders that they, as their leaders had said, "We are the children of God and we are also His Love Ones". And those leaders added, "Truly, our ancestors are the Prophets cum Messengers of God. They will be our saviours, because God had promised our forefather, Prophet Jacob the Israel, that He/God will not punish his descendants more than Forty days". Because of those mentioned words, the Israelites thought that they were invulnerable and cannot be "harmed" nor be punished severely in the Hereafter.). [So, they, the Israelites did and still do what they had done and are still doing, in the Middle East, and are putting the blame on Iran, Qattar, and others. May Allah save and protect us all].
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite verse 24 of surah 3, A~li 'Imro~n. Please refer to the Text :
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ذَالِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ قَالُواْ لَن تَمَسَّنَا النَّارُ إِلَّا~ أَيَّامًا مَّعْدُودَاتٍ صلى وَغَرَّهُمْ فِى دِينِهِم مَّا كَانُواْ يَفْتَرُونَ (24)
= "Dza~li-ka Bi An~na Hum Qo~lu~ Lant~Ta-mas-sa Nan~Na~ru Il-la~~ Ai-ya~mam~Maa-du~da~~~t. (Shly). Wa Ghor-ro Hum Fi~ Di~ni Him~Ma~ Ka~nu~ Yaf-ta-ru~~~n". (24).
= "Dza~li-ka" = that, "Bi" = because, "An~na" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah) = that, "Hum" (after the Silent Mim is a Qof, an Izhhar Syafawi) = they, "Qo~lu~" = they said, "Lan" (after the Silent Nun is a Ta, is an Ikhfaa Haqiqi, "Lant~") = not, "Ta-mas-sa" = be touched, "Na~" (a Mad Ashli, but after it, is an Alif Lam Syamsiyah, "Nan~") = we, "(A)n~Na~ru" (a Wajibul-Ghunnah. A Mad Ashli) = the fire, "Il-la~" (a Mad Ashli and after it, in the next word is a Standing Hamzah, is a Mad Jaiz Munfashil, "-la~~") = except, "Ai-ya~man" (a Mad Lin. A Mad Ashli, After the Tanwin Mim is another Mim of the next word, is an Idghom Ma'al-Ghunnah, "-mam~") = days, "Maa-du~da~tin" (2 Mad Ashli. We pause at the 2nd Mad Ashli becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun. The made Silent Ta is not a Qolqoloh, "-da~~~t") = counted, few, some. (Shly) = a pause sign. "Wa" = and, "Ghor-ro" = be deceived, "Hum" (an Izhhar Syafawi) = they, "Fi~" = in, "Di~ni" = religion, "Him" (after it, is a Mim, is an Idghom Syafawi, "Him~") = their, "Ma~" = what, "Ka~nu~" = to occur, "Yaf-ta-ru~na" (we pause at the Mad Ashli, becomes a Mad 'Aridh Lis-Sukun, "-ru~~~n") = their efforts, their inventions. (24) = the end of verse No. 24, sign.
= " Thus, that was because as they have said, "We will not be touched by the Fire of Hell except just for a few number of days". And (they said such words because) they were deceived (by their leaders) in their religious (affairs) which (their leaders) had put efforts / invented"
= (Those people who turned away from the Teachings of the Holy Books as mentioned in the previous verse No 23, is because they were deceived by their Religious Leaders that they, as their leaders had said, "We are the children of God and we are also His Love Ones". And those leaders added, "Truly, our ancestors are the Prophets cum Messengers of God. They will be our saviours, because God had promised our forefather, Prophet Jacob the Israel, that He/God will not punish his descendants more than Forty days". Because of those mentioned words, the Israelites thought that they were invulnerable and cannot be "harmed" nor be punished severely in the Hereafter.). [So, they, the Israelites did and still do what they had done and are still doing, in the Middle East, and are putting the blame on Iran, Qattar, and others. May Allah save and protect us all].
Till we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See You all Quran Lovers later.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
Monday, 27 November 2017
The Brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. No. 19.
اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
When the Quraisy people saw that the Prophet s.a.w. did not stop preaching the Oneness of Allah, the equality of Mankind, there must be no more master and no more slave, and the rights of the womenfolk, they went to Abi Tolib asking him to discourage and persuade the Prophet s.a.w. to stop his preaching. But Abi Tolib said that he was giving all of his support to the Prophet s.a.w in his s.a.w. preaching. Because it was good for everybody. The Quraisy were unhappy and left Abi Talib.
Then, some time later, the Quraisy group came to Abi Tolib bringing with them a man with the same look like the Prophet s.a.w. / the Prophet's look alike man, and was of the same age as the Prophet s.a.w. and also a very good-looking man. The Quraisy said to Abi Tolib, "O Abi Tolib, we have brought a man who has the look like Muhammad. And we want to make an exchange with you. You give us Muhammad and we give you this look alike Muhammad person to you. Let us make a trade".
"What?!" Abi Tolib exclaimed. "How dare you to trade my Muhammad for this man who you want me to care for and shelter him that he will live long and be comfy, while you will take my Muhammad away from me and kill him. No! I won't have it". The Quraisy people were not amused. They then threatened to harm and hurt Abi Talib and the Prophet s.a.w.. Abi Tolib said, "You can do to us what you wish. But I will never back down.". The Quraisy group then left.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
My Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to look into the brief B.O. the Prophet s.a.w. :
When the Quraisy people saw that the Prophet s.a.w. did not stop preaching the Oneness of Allah, the equality of Mankind, there must be no more master and no more slave, and the rights of the womenfolk, they went to Abi Tolib asking him to discourage and persuade the Prophet s.a.w. to stop his preaching. But Abi Tolib said that he was giving all of his support to the Prophet s.a.w in his s.a.w. preaching. Because it was good for everybody. The Quraisy were unhappy and left Abi Talib.
Then, some time later, the Quraisy group came to Abi Tolib bringing with them a man with the same look like the Prophet s.a.w. / the Prophet's look alike man, and was of the same age as the Prophet s.a.w. and also a very good-looking man. The Quraisy said to Abi Tolib, "O Abi Tolib, we have brought a man who has the look like Muhammad. And we want to make an exchange with you. You give us Muhammad and we give you this look alike Muhammad person to you. Let us make a trade".
"What?!" Abi Tolib exclaimed. "How dare you to trade my Muhammad for this man who you want me to care for and shelter him that he will live long and be comfy, while you will take my Muhammad away from me and kill him. No! I won't have it". The Quraisy people were not amused. They then threatened to harm and hurt Abi Talib and the Prophet s.a.w.. Abi Tolib said, "You can do to us what you wish. But I will never back down.". The Quraisy group then left.
Until we meet again in the next session, Insya Allah. See all of You Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof Ali.
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