Friday, 14 February 2014

Recitation 260

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite surah 2 Al-Baqoroh (synopsis of Islam). Please refer to text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(106) مَا نَنسَخْ مِنْ ءَايَةٍ أَوْ نُنسِهَا نَأْتِ بِخَيْرٍ مِّنْهَآ أَوْ مِثْلِهَا قلى أَلَمْ تَعْلَمْ أَنَّ اُللهَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدِيرٌ
مَا نَنسَخْ مِنْ ءَايَةٍ أَوْ نُنسِهَا = "Ma~ Nans~sakh Min A~ya-tin Aw Nuns~si Ha~", "Ma~" = What, "Nans~sakh" = We abrogate/ cancel, "Min" = of, "A~ya-tin" = a verse, "Aw" = or, "Nuns~si" = We delay/caused to be forgotten, "Ha~" = it,
نَأْتِ بِخَيْرٍ مِّنْهَآ أَوْ مِثْلِهَا = "Naa-ti Bi KHoi-rim~Min Ha~~ Aw Mith-li Ha~".  "Naa-ti" = We bring/replace, "Bi" = with, "KHoi-rin" = better, "Min" = from/than, "Ha~" = it, "Aw" = or, "Mith-li" = similar to", "Ha~" = it.
"Ma~ Nans~sakh Min A~ya-tin Aw Nuns~si Ha~ Naa-ti Bi KHoi-rim~Min Ha~ Aw Mith-li Ha~". = What/Any verse/(Muujizat/Prophetic Powers) We/Allah abrogate or cause It/the verse/Muujizat to be forgotten, We/Allah replace It by a better One or One similar to It.
قلى = a Waqof Jaiz sign.
أَلَمْ تَعْلَمْ أَنَّ اُللهَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدِيرٌ = "A Lam Taa-lam An~nal-Loha 'A-la~ Kul-li SYai-inq~Qo-di~~r". "A Lam" = Do not, "Taa-lam" = you know, "An~na" = that, "Al-Loha" = Allah, " 'A-la~" = upon, "Kul-li" = all, "SYai-in" = things, "Qo-di~run" = powerful, capable.
"A Lam Taa-lam An~nal-Loha 'A-la~ Kul-li SYai-inq~Qo-di~~r".  = Do you not know that Allah has Power over all things?.
(We have been told that Prophet Moses a.s. had his a.s. Muujizat/Prophetic Powers, so did Prophet Jesus a.s. And their both Muujizat were different. The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. had his own Muujizat and It was/is different than that of the Prophet Moses's a.s. and that of the Prophet Jesus's a.s. because of differences of time, environment and place.
The word "A~yatin" in this verse could also mean "Verse in the Scriptures". Some certain verse had been abrogated was done in the merit of the people, such as the Mosaic law which was very harsh, some of them were abrogated and were replaced by  more gentle and kind laws in the Gospel brought by Prophet Jesus a.s. Then, finally, the Law brought by the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. had abrogated some of the Law brought by Jesus and Moses to a more present time Ruling which is more suitable to all Mankind and to the Jinn and it is suitable for all times and in all places and of all environtments till the end of time).
(107) (to be continued).
Let us now continue to look into the Basic Islamic Rules:
   (2) Solat:  (I) Solat Sunnah Tahiyyatul-Masjid:
  When a person enters into a mosque, he/she should perform 2 Rokaat Solat Sunnah Tahiy-yatul-Masjid/salutation the mosque before sitting down. If he/she sat down before performing Solat Tahiyyautl-Masjid, it would be Makruh to perform it, as put by Imam Hanafi and Maliki. Imam Syafiei said, if he/she purposely sat down and not because of forgetfulness or did not know, he/she could perform it as long as his/her sitting down is not more than the period of time of people  Solat 2 Rokaat. Imam Hanbali said, if he/ she sat down, he/she could perform it as long it/the sitting down  is not too long.
  On Friday, when entering the mosque and the Khotib/preacher is delivering a sermon, one must perform a quick two Rokaat Solat Sunnah Tahiyyatul-Masjid. Jabir reported, "A man entered into the mosque on Friday while the Prophet s.a.w. was delivering a sermon. He s.a.w. said to the man, "Have you performed Solat?". He said, "No". The Prophet s.a.w. said, "When any of you enter the mosque on Friday and the Imam is delivering a sermon, you must perform a quick 2 Rokaat Solat (Sunnah Tahiyyatil- Masjid)." (narrated by Ahmad, Muslim and Abu Daud).
  (J) The Fridays: (to be continued).
Until we meet again in the next session, see you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof.


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