أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite surah 2 Al-Baqoroh (synopsis of Islam). Please refer to text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(85.i) أَفَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِبَعْضِ اُلْكِتَبِ وَتَكْفُرُونَ بِبَعْضٍ ج فَمَا جَزَآءُ مَن يَفْعَلُ ذَلِكَ مِنكُمْ إِلَّا خِزْىٌ فِى اُلْحَيَوةِ اُلدُّنْيَا صلى وَيَوْمَ اُلْقِيَمَةِ يَرَدُّونَ إِلَى~أَشَدِّ اُلْعَذَابِ قلى وَمَااُللهُ بِغَفِلٍ عَمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ
أَفَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِبَعْضِ اُلْكِتَبِ = "A Fa Tuu-mi-nu~na Bi Baa-dhil-Ki-ta~bi", "A Fa" = Is it then, "Tuu-mi-nu~na" = all of you believe, "Bi" = in, "Baa-dhi" = some, "al-Ki-ta~bi" = the Scripture,
وَتَكْفُرُونَ بِبَعْضٍ = "Wa Tak-fu-ru~na Bi Baadh". "Wa" = and, "Tak-fu-ru~na" = all of you deny, reject, "Bi Baa-dhin" = in some.
"A Fa Tuu-mi-nu~na Bi Baa-dhil-Ki-ta~bi Wa Tak-fu-ru~na Bi Baadh". = Then, do all of you believe in some parts of the Scripture/the Torah/ (the Quran) and reject some?
ج = a Waqof Jaiz sign.
فَمَا جَزَآءُ مَن يَفْعَلُ ذَلِكَ مِنكُمْ إِلَّا خِزْىٌ فِى اُلْحَيَوةِ اُلدُّنْيَا = "Fa Ma~ Ja-za~~u Many~Yaf-'a-lu DZa~li-ka Mink~Kum Il-la~ KHiz-yunf~Fil-Ha-ya~tid-Dun(an Izh-har Mutlaq/absolute Izhhar, to be pronounced distinctively)-ya~". "Fa" = Then, "Ma~" = what, "Ja-za~~u" = reward, "Man" = who, "Yaf-'a-lu" = he does, "DZa~li-ka" = that, "Il-la~" = except, "KHiz-yun" = disgrace, "Fi~" = in. "al-Ha-ya~ti" = the life, "ad-Dun-ya~" = the world.
"Fa Ma~ Ja-za~~u Many~Yaf-'a-lu DZa~li-ka Mink~Kum Il-la~ KHiz-yunf~Fil-Ha-ya~tid-Dun-ya~" = Then what shall be the reward for those of you who do that except to be disgraced in this life on this world.
صلى = a Waqof Jaiz sign.
وَيَوْمَ اُلْقِيَمَةِ يَرَدُّونَ إِلَى~أَشَدِّ اُلْعَذَابِ "Wa Yaw-mal-Qi-ya~ma-ti Ya-rod-du~na I-la~~ A-syad-dil-'A-dza~~bb". "Wa Yaw-ma" = And day, "al-Qi-ya~ma-ti" = the Resurrection, "Ya-rod-du~na" = they be returned/be sent, "I-la~" = to, "A-syadd-di" = more severe, grievous, "al-'A-dza~bi" = the torment.
"Wa Yaw-mal-Qi-ya~ma-ti Ya-rod-du~na I-la~~ A-syad-dil-'A-dza~~bb". = And in the Resurrection Day/the deads being alive again, they will be returned/sent to the most grievous torment.
قلى = a Waqof Jaiz sign.
وَمَا اُللهُ بِغَفِلٍ عَمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ = "Wa Mal-Lohu Bi GHo~fi-lin 'Am~Ma~ Taa-ma-lu~~n". "Wa" = And, "Ma~" = is not, "Al-Lohu" = Allah, "Bi" = with, "GHo~fi-lin" = neglect, heedless, "An Ma~" = with what, "Taa-ma-lu~na" = all of you did.
"Wa Mal-Lohu Bi GHo~fi-lin 'Am~Ma~ Taa-ma-lu~~n". = And Allah is not heedless of what all of you have done.
(As usual, Allah directs this verse to the Children of Israel and also to the Muslimin: that those who believe and obey some of the teachings in the Scripture of Allah, the Torah to the Jews and the Quran to the Muslimin, and reject some of the teachings of the Scripture, they will be disgraced and will suffer hardships and be under sufferings in this life on this world, and in the Hereafter, they will be sent to the Fiery Hell and be given grievous torment.
Do we not notice that there are Muslimin who perform Solat, fasting, Hajj and so forth but they also lie, cheat, ill-treating people and animals and other things, swindling, abusing, gossiping, envious of others, being arrogant, severing friendly relations, fighting one another and so forth? This verse is directed to all of us Muslimin too).
(86) (to be continued).
Let us now continue to look into the Basic Islamic Rules:
(2) Solat: The Dzikir and the Doa after Solat:
(vi) From Abu Huroiroh r.a. that the prophet s.a.w. said, " Whosoever recite after each Solat Fardu: "سُبْحَانَ الله = "Subb-ha~nal=Loh" 33 times = ( Glory be to Allah), and الْحَمْدُ لِله = "Al-Ham-du Lil-Lah" 33 times = (Praise be and thank Allah), اللهُ أَكْبَر = "Al-Lohu Ak-bar" 33 times = (Allah is Great), totalling 99 times, then to make it a 100, recite, "لَآ إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَه = "La~ I-la~ha Il-lal-Loh, Wah-da-hu~ La~ Sya-ri~ka Lah" = (There is no other God except Allah, and His Oneness is peerless". لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ وَ هُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ = "La Hul-Mul-ku Wa La Hul-Ham-du Wa Hu-wa 'A-la~ Kul-li Syai-inq~Qodi~r", once, = (To Him belongs sovereignty and to Him belongs praise, and He is able to do all things). Thence, all of his/her sins will be forgiven even as many as the bubbles in the ocean." (narratede by Ahmad, Bukhori, Muslim and Abu Daud).
From Sumaiya, from Abu Sholih and from Abu Huroiroh r.a. who said, "The poor people of the Muhajirin went to the prophet s.a.w. and complained, "The rich people are getting contentment with high position and permanent happiness". The Prophet s.a.w. asked, "How's that?". They said, " The rich perform Solat as we/the poor Solat, they fast as we fast, they give out alms and charity, we do not, and they free the slaves, but we cannot." The Prophet s.a.w. asked, "Do you want me to show you a way how to pursue them and will be ahead of them till there is no one could be ahead of all of you except those those do the same as you will do?". They replied, "O yes, O Messengger of Allah.". The Prophet s.a.w. said, "If you recite Tasbih/Subhanal-Loh, and Tahmid/Alhamdulillah, and Takbir/Allohu Akbar, 33 times each after each Solat Fardhu.".
Then those poor people of Muhajirin went away. Then later, they came back to the Prophet s.a.w. and said, "Our rich friends heard what we did, and they also do it". The Prophet s.a.w. said, "That is the bestowal of Allah to whom He wishes". (narrated by all).
(vii) From Abu Umamah: (to be continued).
Until we meet again in the next session, see you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof.
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