Friday, 15 November 2013

Recitation 191

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite surah 2 al-Baqoroh (synopsis of the Religion of Islam). Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(37) فَتَلَقَّى~ ءَادَمُ مِن رَّبِّهِى كَلِمَتٍ فَتَابَ عَلَيْهِ ج إِنَّهُو هَوَ اُلتَّوَّابُ اُلرَّحِيمُ
فَتَلَقَّى~ ءَادَمُ مِن رَّبِّهِى كَلِمَتٍ فَتَابَ عَلَيْهِ = "Fa Ta-laq=qo~~ (a Madd Jaiz Munfashil/permissible disjoin = 4 harakah) A~da-mu Mir-(an Idghom Bi La~ Ghunnah/assimilation without a nasal sound) Rob-bi Hi~ (a Madd Shilah Qoshiroh/short connecting = 2 harakah), Ka-li-ma~tinf~(an Ikh-faa Haqiqi/hiding the نْ under the letter فَ with a humming nasal sound to two harakah) Fa Ta~ba 'A-lai~h (a Madd 'Aridh Lis-Sukun/transitory to cease = 4 harakah). "Fa" = Then, "Ta-laq-qo~" = to receive, "A~da-mu" = Adam, "Min" = from, "Rob-bi" = Lord, "Hi" = his, "Ka-li-ma~tin" = words, "Fa" = then, "Ta~ba" = to relent, " 'A-lai" = upon, "Hi" = him.
"Fa Ta-laq-qo~ A~da-mu Mir-Rob-bi Hi~ Ka-li-ma~tinf~Fa Ta~ba 'A-lai~h". = Then Adam a.s. received some words/entreaties from his Lord ( that is, as in surah 7 Al-Aarof, verse 23, when Adam a.s. and Eve were remorseful for their wrong in disobeying Allah, He/Allah  taught Adam, through Achangle Gabriel a.s. these words : "Rob-ba Na~ ZHo-lam Na~ Anf-fu-sa Na~ Wa Il-Lam Tagh-fir La Na~ Wa Tar-ham Na~ La Na Ku~ Nan~Na~ Mi-nal-KHo~si-ri~n." = Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You do not forgive us and do not have mercy on us, surely, we are of the losers."), thence, He/Allah relented him a.s. [And of course Eve too. But Iblis/the Devil felt no remorse. He was selfish, self-important and arrogant, he did not ask Allah for forgiveness but, instead, asked to be reprieved so that he could have revenge on Adam a.s. and his descendant. (b) This verse  proves that Islam is not a splinter religion of Christianity as was and still is claimed by their priests. Adam a.s. was forgiven by Allah, and the Mankind after him a.s. does not carry his sin, but their own. Allah needs no person to be sacrificed or be crucified, to forgive. He/she needs only to have remorse, repent and ask for forgiveness directly to Allah, and not to any other human, and stop repeating the same mistake. This is what Allah tells us to do. And Allah does not do things in a mysterious way, He tells us in this Quran and through His Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. of what He has done.].
ج = a Waqof Jaiz sign.
إِنَّهُو هُوَ اُلتَّوَّابُ اُلرَّحِيمُ = "In~na Hu~ Hu-wat-Taw-wa~bur-Ro-hi~~m".  "In~na" = Truly, "Hu~" = He, "Hu-wa" = He is, "At-Taw-wa~bu" = The Relenting, "Ar-Ro-hi~mu" = The Merciful.
"In~na Hu~ Hu-wat-Taw-wa~bur-Ro-hi~~m". = Truly, He/Allah  is the Most Relenting, the Most Merciful".
(38) (to be continued).
Let us continue to see the narration about the Jinn:
  After a certain period of time, all the Jinn on the earth stopped performing their Religious Rites, and they turned to commit sins, and also started to fight and killing each other. Thus, Allah sent forth a Prophet a.s (among them), and with some of his a.s. followers did battle with the rogue Jinn. There were eight hundred Prophets a.s. sent during the eight hundred years to do battle with those rogue Jinn. After the eight hundred years, none of the 800 Prophets a.s during each of his a.s. time could defeat the rogue Jinn because they/the Jinn were too many and they multiplied very quickly too. Thence, Allah sent down Angels from the lowest heaven and they droved the rogue Jinn to a corner of the earth and they were gathered there.  (to be continued)
Let us now continue to look into the Basic Islamic Rules:
  (2) Solat: (ix) Making Salam:
    The First Salam (to the right) is A Fardhu And The Second (to the left) is A Sunnah:
   The Jumhur/multitude of the Ulama were/are of the opinion that the first Salam made (to the right) is Fardhu, while the second (to the left) is Sunnah. It was/is based on the narrations made by Aisyah, Salmah ibnu Akwa' and Sahl ibnu Sa'ad that the Prophet s.a.w. had made Salam only once. So were the Muhajirin/emigre = the Meccans Muslim who migrated with the Prophet s.a.w. to Medina, also made Salam only once (to the right).
We have looked into the things/movements which are Fardhu/ obligatory in a solat. Failing to perform one, will cause the solat be invalid/spoilt. However, when missed one movement/thing, say, when Iitidal, there was no Tomaaninah, like a spring, from Rukuu, Iitidal, and without Tomaaninah, go down straight to Sujud. And when remember that Iitidal was without Tomaaninah, must go back to the Rukuu, then Iitidal and make a Tomaaninah, then continue with the solat (because all movements after the Iitidal without a Tomaaninah are invalid), till making Salam.
   (B) The Sunnah/percept of the Prophet s.a.w. In A Solat: (to be continued).
Until we meet again in the next session, see you all Quran Lovers later:
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof. 

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