أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue to recite surah 100 Al-'A~diya~t. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(6) إِنَّ اُلْإِنسَن لِرَبِّهِىلَكَنُودٌ = "In~nal-Ins~sa~na Li Rob-bi Hi~ La Ka-nu~~dd.". "In~na" = Truly, "al-Ins~sa~na" = the Mankind, "Li" = to, "Rob-bi" = Lord, "Hi~" = his, "La" = is indeed, "Ka-nu~dun" = ungrateful.
"In~nal-Ins~sa~na Li Rob-bi Hi~ La Ka-nu~~dd". = Truly, the Mankind is indeed ungrateful to his/their Lord/Allah. (The Mankind is not only denies His "Niimat"/comfort and luxur bestowed to them but also they have never been thankful to Him).
(7) وَإِنَّهُوعَلَى ذَلِكَ لَشَهِيدٌ = "Wa In~na Hu~ 'A-la~ DZa~li-ka La SYa-hi~~dd". "Wa" = And, "In~na" = truly, " 'A-la~" = on, "DZa~li-ka" = that, "La" = indeed, "SYa=hi~dun" = witness.
"Wa In~na Hu~ 'A-la~ DZa~li-ka La SYa-hi~~dd". = And to that (being ungrateful), he/they is/are indeed will bear witness (against themselves that they were ungrateful).
(8) وَإِنَّهُولِحُبِّ اُلْخَيْرِ لَشَدِيدٌ = "Wa In~na Hu~ Li Hub-bil-KHoi-ri La SYa-di~~dd.". "Wa" = And, "In~na" = that, "Hu~" = he, "Li" = to, "Hub-bi" = love, "al-KHoi-ri" = riches, wealth, "La" = very, "SYa-di~dun" = intensely, desperately.
"Wa In~na Hu~ Li Hub-bil-KHoi-ri La SYa-di~~dd". = And that he/they love wealth and riches intensely, desperately and deeply.
(9) (to be continued).
Let us now continue to look into the Basic Islamic Rules:
(2) Solat (4) To Face The Qiblat/direction of the Caaba:
The Condition Which The Obligation To Facing The Qiblat is Dropped/omitted:
Facing the Qiblat in solat is Fardhu/a Duty, but under these circumstances, it is not a Fardhu/ Duty to facing the Qiblat:
(a) When performing a Solat Sunnah by those who are in a vehicle, be in on horse/camel back, or in a bus, train, plane and so forth.
It is permissible for these people to perform Rukuu/bowing and Sujud/prostrating by indications of the head. The sujud must be lower than that of the rukuu, and the Qiblat is in accodance with the direction of the vehicle. From Amir ibnu Rabi'ah who said, " I saw the Prophet s.a.w. performed solat on his ride and he was facing according to his ride". (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim. And Bukhari added that (the Prophet s.a.w.) used his head as the indication (for rukuu and sujud). But he s.a.w had never done so (solat on his ride) in his s.a.w. solat fardhu.
(b) Ahmad, Muslim and Tirmidzi narrated that "The Prophet s.a.w. performed solat on his ride when he s.a.w. came to Medina from Mecca and was facing the Qiblat according with his ride. And at that time, Allah revealed the verse, "Thus, to wherever you turn your face (in solat) will be accepted by Allah)".
(c) From Ibrahim An-Nakh'i who said, "They used to perform solat on their rides, and their rides went towards their place of destination. This was the way the sahabat/companions and their tabi'in/disciples did, when they were at home or on the road."
Solat Of A Person/s Being Forced To, Or In Sickness, Or In Fear: (to be continued).
Until we meet again. See you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abdul Hamid Mohd Yusof.
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