أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
I believe you all Quran Lovers had a happy and a wonderful time meeting relatives and friends and eat and drink together on the 'Idd-day. This 'Idd Al-Fitri is only for one day. On the next day, Friday, Muslims begin to fast the six Syawwal Sunnah fasting. The Prophet s.a.w. told us as a Hadith reported by Abu Aiyub r.a. who said, "The Prophet s.a.w. said, "Whosoever fasts in Ramadhon, then follows with (another) six days in the month of Syawwal, earns a recompense of a year's fasting." (When completing the fast in Romadhon, then fast another 6 days in the month of Syawwal, is like we have fast the whole year). (narrated by Muslim).
Let us now recite surah 88 Al-GHo~syi-yah. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الر حيم
(1) هَلْ أَتَكَ حَدِيثُ اُلْغَشِيَةِ = "Hal A-ta~ Ka H*a-di~thul-GHo~syi-yah. "Hal" = Is?, "A-ta~" = come, "Ka" = you (sing.), "H*a-di~thu" = narrative, "al-GHo~syi-ya-ti" = the calamity.
"Hal A-ta~ Ka H*a-di~thul-GHo~syi-yah" = Have you not heard about the Great Calamity/Doomsday?
(2) وُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ خَشِعَةٌ = "Wu-ju~huy~Yaw-ma-i-dzin KHo~syi-'ah". "Wu-ju~hun" = Faces, "Yaw-ma-i-dzin" = on that day, "KHo~syi-'a-tun" = humbled.
"Wu-ju~huy~Yaw-ma-i-dzin KHo~syi-'ah" = Faces (of the unbelievers, the sinners) are downcast in submission.
(3) عَامِلَةٌ نَّاصِبَةٌ = " 'A~mi-la-tun~Na~shi-bah". " 'A~mi-la-tun" = active, "Na~shi-ba-tun" = weary.
" 'A~mi-la-tun~Na~shi-bah" = (They are) Active (in the Hell because they have to enter/climb into the Hell, they are to climb the banks of the Hell, and the Head of the Hell-keeper, Zabaniyah a.s., makes them) weary (with toil).
(4) (to be continued).
Let continue to look into the Basic Islamic Rules:
(2) Solat: Wudhuu/minor ablution: Things that do not spoil the wudhuu:
(4) Touching a female/male without restriction/skin to skin. (i) A Hadith from Aisyah r.a. (a wife of the Prophet s.a.w.) said, "The Prophet s.a.w. kissed me while he was fasting." Then the Prophet s.a.w. explained, "Kissing (a female) does not spoil either wudhuu/ablution nor spoil fasting." (uttered by Ishak ibn Rahawaih and Bazzar with "sanad"/a very good backing. According to Abdul Haq, he said, "There is no flaw in it for not observing it/the Hadith". (ii) Also from Aisyah r.a., she said, "The Prophet s.a.w. kissed some of his wives , then went on to perform solat without renewing his ablution". (Note: The Prophet s.a.w. kissed his wives with pure love and without lust, like we all kiss a baby, do we kiss it with lust?). (iii) And another from her r.a. too, " I slept infront of the Prophet s.a.w. (who was performing solat) and my feet were to the direction of the Qiblat. When he s.a.w. wanted to sujud, he groved me and held my feet (and sujud). (narrated by An-Nassa-i). And (iv) Anothe Hadith from Aisyah r.a. (This Hadith is long), she said, " One night, I have lost the Prophet s.a.w. from our bed. Unexpectedly, my hand groped the Prophet's s.a.w. sole which was erected because he s.a.w. was in sujud position (the room was dark, without lamp and they were sleeping on a mat on the floor) ....(The Prophet s.a.w. did not stop solat to renew his ablution but continued with his solat). (Narrated by Muslim and At-Tirmidzi). (These Hadith show that touching female/male's skin/any part of the body does spoil the ablution. An-Nawawi said, "According to "Madzhab Jadid/new opinion of Asy-Syafiei, (when he was in Egypt), touching the skin of a female/male spoils the ablution even though she/he is a "Muh*rim"/forbidden to wed, such as, mother, sister and so forth. But according to the "Madzhab Qodim/old opinion of Asy-Syafiei, (when he in Madinah, before going to Egypt), touching the skin of a female does not spoil the ablution, and touching a "Muh*rim" even with lust did not spoil the wudhuu.
Ibnu Qodamah said, :"Madzhab Ahmad Hambal is of the opinion if touching female/male with lust, spoilt the wudhuu. Malik, Asy-Syaabi and Ath-Thauri agreed with this opinion. In an opinion of Imam Ahmad Al-Hambal, he was of the opinion that touching female even with lust does not spoil the ablution.
Abu Hanifah/Hanafi said, "It does not spoil the wudhuu unless he holds his wife and his front part erects.".
Ibnu Taimiyah said, "There is no authentic Hadith which makes renewal the wudhuu obligatory when touching the skin of a female/male, because touching or brushing against female bodies is a public affair or a common matter." (The argument goes on more than another one page. It is sufficient, and we shall stop here).
Prof. T.M.Hasbi Ash-Shiddiedy ends his comments on this by saying that the opinion of the Ulama Syafieiah in this matter is not consequent.
(5) Worrying about still have wudhuu or have not. (to be continued).
Until the next session, see you all Quran Lovers soon.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Yusof.
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