Saturday, 8 June 2013

Recitation 50

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
Assalamu alaikum w.w., 
Dear Quran Lovers,
We shall now continue recite surah 36, Yasi~n. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(25)ِِإِنِّى~ءَامَنتُ بِرَبِّكُمْ فَاُسْمَعُونَ
إِنِّى~ءَامَنتُ = "In~Ni~~ A~mant~tu", "In" = Truly, "Ni~" = I am, "A~mant~tu" = have believe,
بِرَبِّكُمْ = "Bi Rob-bi Kum", "Bi" = with, in, "Rob-bi" = Lord, "Kum" = you all,
فَاُسْمَعُونِ = "Fas-ma-'u~~n".  "Fa" = then, "Is-ma-'u~ni" = listen, hear.   "In~Ni~~ A~mant~tu Bi Rob-bi Kum Fas-ma-'u~~n". (Then Habib an-Najjar turned to the Messengers/Hawariyun = the Disciples of Prophet Isa/Jesus son of Mary a.s. and said:) Really, I have believed in your Lord (Allah), so, listen to/hear (what I have declared).
(The city folks were furious with Habib an-Najjar. They then killed him).
(26) قِيلَ اُدْخُلِ اُلْجَنَّةَ صلى قَالَ يَلَيْتَ قَوْمْى يَعْلَمُونَ
قِيلَ اُدْخُلِ اُلْجَنَّةَ = "Qi~ladd-khu-lil-Jan~na-ta",  "Qi~la" = Is said, "Ud-" (Hamzah Washol when Ibtidaa/starting and the third letter, خُ is with a front sign, it is recited with a front sign, "U"), "Udd-khu-li" = enter, "al-Jan~na-ta" = the Paradise'
صلى is a Waqof/pause is permitted sign, when paused, it would be "al-Jan~nah".
(After his death, Habib an-Najjar's soul was put into his  everlasting second body and was brought before Allah's "presence". Allah said, "Qi~ladd-khu-lil-Jan~nah" = It was said (by Allah to Habib an-Najjar), Enter the Paradise."
قَالَ = "Qo~la" = He said,
يَلَيْتَ = "Ya~ Lai-ta",  "Ya~" = O, "Lai-ta" = if only,
قَوْمِى = "Qow-mi~",  "Qoum" = people, "Mi~" = my,
يَعْلَمُونَ = "Yaa-la-mu~~n". "Yaa-la-mu~na" = know.
(When he saw the splendour of the Paradise),"Qo~la Ya~ Lai-ta Qow-mi~  Yaa-la-mu~~n" = He said, if only my people (of Antioch) would know (what a person should do to be able to enter the Paradise).
(27) بِمَاغَفَرَلِى رَبِّى وَجَعَلَنِى مِنَ اُلْمُكْرَمِينَ
بِمَا = "Bi Ma~", "Bi" = with, "Ma~" what, "Bi-ma~" = include,
غَفَرَلِى = "GHo-fa-ro Li~", "GHo-fa-ro" = forgiving, "Li~" = me,
رَبِّى = "Rob-bi~" = my Lord,
وَجَعَلَنِى = "Wa Ja-'a-la Ni~", "Wa" = and, "Ja-'a-la" = make, "Ni~" = me,
مِنَ اُلْمُكْرَمِينَ = "Mi-nal-Muk-ro-mi~~n". "Mi-na" = from, of, "al-Muk-ro-mi~na" = the Nobles.
"Bi-ma~ GHo-fa-ro Li~ Rob-bi~ Wa Ja-'a-la-ni~ Mi-nal-Muk-ro-mi~~n" = Including (the reason why) my Lord forgives me and made me one of the honourables (in the Paradise).
(to be continued).
Until the next session, we shall meet with you Quran Lovers soon.
Wassalamu alaikum w. w.          

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