أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Thank you all for your support in helping Egypt to gain peace and stability by entreat to Allah. We do have children studying there. Thank you again for your support.
In the 8 o'clock TV9 evening news, it was reported that now California, USA, is having extreme heat and had claimed some lives. Let us lend a hand by reciting surah Yasi~n and the doa for its and its peoples' safety that the temperature will return to normal and the place will be safe from bush/forest fire. Thank you.
Let us recite surah 32 Alif Lam Sajadah. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
(1) الم = ألف لام ميم = "Alif La~~~ (a Madd Lazim Harfi Muthaq-qol/ irrevocable Heavy Letter = 6 harakah),"m~" (an Idghom SYafawi = 2 harakah) "Mi~~~m (a Madd Lazim Harfi Mukhof-faf/irrevocable light letter = 6 harakah).= Alif La~~~m~Mi~~~m.
(2) تَنزِيلُ اُلْكِتَبِ لَاريْبَ فِيهِ مِن رَّبِّ اُلْعَلَمِينَ
تَنزِلُ اُلْكِتَبِ = "Tanz~zi~lul-Ki-ta~bi", "Tanz~zi~lu" = bringing down/revealing, "al-Ki-ta~bi" = this Book/Scripture
لَارَيْبَ = "La~ Roi-ba", "La~" = no, "Roi-ba" = doubt
فِيهِ مِن رَّبِّ اُلْعَلَمِينَ = "Fi~ Hi Mir-" (an Idghom Bi La~ GHunnah) "Rob-bil-'A~la-mi~~n". "Fi~" = in, "Hi" = it, "Min" = from, "Rob-bi" = Lord, "al-'A~la-mi~na" = the universe, Creation
"Tanz~zi~lul-Ki-ta~bi La~ Roi-ba Fi~ Hi Mir-Rob-bil-'A~la-mi~~n" = This Scripture/the Quran is revealed, undoubtedly, from Lord of the Creation.
(3) أَمْ يَقُولُونَ اُفْتَرَىهُ ج بَلْ هُوَاُلْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِّكَ لِتُنذِرَقَوْمًامَّآأَتَهُمْ مِن نَّذِيرٍمِّن قَبْلِكَ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَهْتَدُونَ
أَمْ يَقُولُونَ اُفْتَرَىهُ = "Am Ya-qu~lu~naf-ta-ro~~h". "Am" = Is it not, "Ya-qu~lu~na" = they say, "if-ta-ro~" = effort, "Hu" = it
ج = a Waqof Jaiz/permissible pause sign.
"Am Ya-qu~lu~naf-ta-ro~~h" = Did they not say that It (the Quran) was his (Muhammad's) effort/invention?
بَلْ هُوَاُلْحَقُّ = "Bal Hu-wal-H*aq-qu", "Bal" = However, no, "Hu-wa" = he, it, "al-H*aq-qu" = the Truth
مِن رَّبِّكَ = "Mir-Rob-bi Ka", "Min" = from, "Rob-bi" = Lord, "Ka" = your
لِتُنذِرَ = "Li Tundz~dzi-ro", "Li" = for, "Tundz~dzi-ro" = to warn
قَوْمًامَّآ أُتَهُم مِّن نَذِيرٍمِن قَبْلِكَ = "Qow-mam~Ma~~ A-ta~ Hum~Min~Na-dzi~rim~Minq~Qobb-li Ka", "Qow-man" = people, "Ma~" = no, "A-ta~" = came, "Hum" = them, "Min" = of, "Na-dzi~rin" = warner, "Min" = from, "Qobb-li" = before, "Ka" = you. (If we are out of breath, we may pause here. Then it is, "Qobb-lik".
لَعَلَّهُمْ يَهْتَدُونَ = "La-'al-la Hum Yah-ta-du~~n". "La-'al-la" = perhaps, "Hum" = they, "Yah-ta-du~na" = be guided
"Bal Hu-wal-H*aq-qu Mir-Rob-bi Ka Li Tundz-dzi-ro Qow-mam~Ma~~ A-ta~ Hum~Min~Na-dzi~rim~Minq-Qobb-li Ka La-'al-la Hum Yah-ta-du~~n". = No, (that is not true) It is the Truth from your Lord for you to warn people who have not once, a warner/Messenger of Allah had come (to them) before you (O Mohammad), so that (perhaps) they may be guided (to the Truth).
(to be continued)
Until the next session, we shall see you all Quran Lovers soon.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Recitation 71
أعوذبالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Thank you all very much for entreat with me for our dams and rivers be filled up for our use. Ja-za~a Kumul-Lohu KHoiron Kathi~ro.
In Egypt, there will be a turmoil. The victims will be none other than women and yang children. Let us lend a helping hand. Recite the surah Yasi~n and entreat to Allah for that country's peace and stability. (The more we recite the surah and Its doa, the nearer we become with Allah and the Company of the Force.). Thank you.
Let us continue recite surah 2 Al-Baqoroh, verse 201. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(201) وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَقُولُ رَبَّنَآ ءَاتِنَا فِى اُلدُّنيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِى اُلْأَخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ اُلنَّارِ
وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَقُولُ = "Wa Min Hum~May-Ya-qu~lu", "Wa" = And, "Min" = of, "Hum" = them, "Man" = who, "Ya-qu~lu" = say
رَبَّنَآ ءَاتِنَا = "Rob-ba Na~~" (a Madd Jaiz Munffashil/permissible disjoin Madd), "A~ti-na~", "Rob-ba" = Lord, "Na~" = our, "A~ti" = grant, "Na~" = us
فِى اُلدُّنْيَا = "Fid-Dun-ya~" (an Izhhar Mut*laq/absolute showing clearly the نْ . When نْ meets with either a يَ or a وَ in one same word, it not an Idghom Maal-GHunnah, but is an Izhhar Mut*laq. Other Izhhar Mut*laq words are: Bun-ya~nun, SHin-wa~nun and Qin-wa~nun.), "Fi~" = in, "ad-Dun-ya~" = this world
حَسَنَةً وَفِى اُلْأَخِرةِ = "H*a-sa-na-taw~Wa Fil-A~khi-ro-ti", "H*a-sa-na-tan" = goodness, "Wa Fi~" = and in, "al-A~khi-ro-ti" = the Hereafter
حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ اُلنَّارِ = "H*a-sa-na-taw~Wa Qi Na~ 'A-dza~ban~Na~~rr". "H*a-sa-na-tan" = goodness, "Wa" = and, "Qi" = protect, "Na~" = us, " 'A-dza~ba" = suffering, "an~Na~rr" = the Fiery Hell.
"Wa Min Hum~May~Ya-qu~lu Rob-ba Na~~ A~ti Na~ Fid-Dun-ya~ H*a-sa-na-taw~Wa Fil-A~khi-ro-ti H*a-sa-na-taw~Wa Qi Na~ 'A-dza~ban~Na~~rr." = And some of them (the believers) do say, "Our Lord, grant us goodness in this world (the goodness means various goodness in the world and avert from all evil. The goodness includes good health, spacious and calm and happy home, beautiful wife, goodlooking husband, wealth, beneficial knowlege, able to do good deeds, pleasant vehicle and so forth.), and in the Hereafter (to be able to enter the Paradise, a quick and simple reckoning on the Judgement Day and so forth), and protect/keep us away from torment of Fiery Hell.
(A Hadith as reported by Muslim r.a.: The Prophet s.a.w. went to visit a Moslem whose body was very thin like that of a chick/young bird. The Prophet s.a.w. asked him, "Did you entreat or ask something from Allah?". The man replied, "Yes, of course, I recited: O Allah, the torment that You will befall on me in the Hereafter, let me have it now on this earth." The Prophet s.a.w. said, "Subhanal-Loh/Glory be to Allah! You will not be able to endure it. Why do you not recite: "Robba Na~~ A~tina~ Fid-Dun-ya~ Hasanah Wa Fil-A~khiroti H*asanah Wa Qi Na~ 'Adza~ban~Na~rr?").
(202) أُوْلَئِكَ لَهُمْ نَصِيبٌ مِمَّاكَسَبُواْ ج وَاُللهُ سَرِيعُ اُلْحِسَابِ
أُوْلَئِكَ = "U-la~~i-ka" (the وْ is a extra useless و and it is not a Madd/vowel, and La~~ is a Madd Wajib Muttashil/obligatory adjoining) = Those
لَهُمْ نَصِيبٌ مِّمَّا = "La Hum Na-shi~bum~Mim~ma~", "La Hum" = for them, "Na-sh~bun" = good share/portion, "Mim~ma~" = from what,
كَسَبُواْ = "Ka-sa-bu~" = earned
ج = a Waqof Jaiz/permissible pause sign.
"U-la~~i-ka La Hum Na-shi~bum~Mi~ma~ Ka-sa-bu~" = (Thence, Allah revealed:) " (They are) Those who will acquire good portion from what they have earned
وَاُللهُ سَرِيعُ اُلْحِسَابِ = "Wal-Lohu Sa-ri~'ul-H*i-sa~~bb". "Wa" = and, "Al-Lohu" = Allah, "Sa-ri~'u" = swift, "al-Hi-sa~bi" = the reckoning.
"Wal-Lohu Sa-ri~'ul-H*i-sa~~bb". = And Allah is swift in reckoning".
صدق الله العظيم "SHodaqol-Lohul-'Azhi~m" = True were the words of Allah the Greatest.
Insya Allah, in the next session, we shall recite surah 32 Alif Lam Sajadah. (Abu 'Ubaid r.a. reported that the Prophet s.a.w. said, "On the "Yawmil-Qiyamah"/Resurrection Day, (surah) Alif Lam Sajadah comes with 2 wings to the person who had recited It during his/her life time on the earth, and gives him/her shelter (from the extreme heat and discomfort) saying, "There is no way (for others) on you, There is no way (for others) on you".
Until then, see you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Thank you all very much for entreat with me for our dams and rivers be filled up for our use. Ja-za~a Kumul-Lohu KHoiron Kathi~ro.
In Egypt, there will be a turmoil. The victims will be none other than women and yang children. Let us lend a helping hand. Recite the surah Yasi~n and entreat to Allah for that country's peace and stability. (The more we recite the surah and Its doa, the nearer we become with Allah and the Company of the Force.). Thank you.
Let us continue recite surah 2 Al-Baqoroh, verse 201. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(201) وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَقُولُ رَبَّنَآ ءَاتِنَا فِى اُلدُّنيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِى اُلْأَخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ اُلنَّارِ
وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَقُولُ = "Wa Min Hum~May-Ya-qu~lu", "Wa" = And, "Min" = of, "Hum" = them, "Man" = who, "Ya-qu~lu" = say
رَبَّنَآ ءَاتِنَا = "Rob-ba Na~~" (a Madd Jaiz Munffashil/permissible disjoin Madd), "A~ti-na~", "Rob-ba" = Lord, "Na~" = our, "A~ti" = grant, "Na~" = us
فِى اُلدُّنْيَا = "Fid-Dun-ya~" (an Izhhar Mut*laq/absolute showing clearly the نْ . When نْ meets with either a يَ or a وَ in one same word, it not an Idghom Maal-GHunnah, but is an Izhhar Mut*laq. Other Izhhar Mut*laq words are: Bun-ya~nun, SHin-wa~nun and Qin-wa~nun.), "Fi~" = in, "ad-Dun-ya~" = this world
حَسَنَةً وَفِى اُلْأَخِرةِ = "H*a-sa-na-taw~Wa Fil-A~khi-ro-ti", "H*a-sa-na-tan" = goodness, "Wa Fi~" = and in, "al-A~khi-ro-ti" = the Hereafter
حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ اُلنَّارِ = "H*a-sa-na-taw~Wa Qi Na~ 'A-dza~ban~Na~~rr". "H*a-sa-na-tan" = goodness, "Wa" = and, "Qi" = protect, "Na~" = us, " 'A-dza~ba" = suffering, "an~Na~rr" = the Fiery Hell.
"Wa Min Hum~May~Ya-qu~lu Rob-ba Na~~ A~ti Na~ Fid-Dun-ya~ H*a-sa-na-taw~Wa Fil-A~khi-ro-ti H*a-sa-na-taw~Wa Qi Na~ 'A-dza~ban~Na~~rr." = And some of them (the believers) do say, "Our Lord, grant us goodness in this world (the goodness means various goodness in the world and avert from all evil. The goodness includes good health, spacious and calm and happy home, beautiful wife, goodlooking husband, wealth, beneficial knowlege, able to do good deeds, pleasant vehicle and so forth.), and in the Hereafter (to be able to enter the Paradise, a quick and simple reckoning on the Judgement Day and so forth), and protect/keep us away from torment of Fiery Hell.
(A Hadith as reported by Muslim r.a.: The Prophet s.a.w. went to visit a Moslem whose body was very thin like that of a chick/young bird. The Prophet s.a.w. asked him, "Did you entreat or ask something from Allah?". The man replied, "Yes, of course, I recited: O Allah, the torment that You will befall on me in the Hereafter, let me have it now on this earth." The Prophet s.a.w. said, "Subhanal-Loh/Glory be to Allah! You will not be able to endure it. Why do you not recite: "Robba Na~~ A~tina~ Fid-Dun-ya~ Hasanah Wa Fil-A~khiroti H*asanah Wa Qi Na~ 'Adza~ban~Na~rr?").
(202) أُوْلَئِكَ لَهُمْ نَصِيبٌ مِمَّاكَسَبُواْ ج وَاُللهُ سَرِيعُ اُلْحِسَابِ
أُوْلَئِكَ = "U-la~~i-ka" (the وْ is a extra useless و and it is not a Madd/vowel, and La~~ is a Madd Wajib Muttashil/obligatory adjoining) = Those
لَهُمْ نَصِيبٌ مِّمَّا = "La Hum Na-shi~bum~Mim~ma~", "La Hum" = for them, "Na-sh~bun" = good share/portion, "Mim~ma~" = from what,
كَسَبُواْ = "Ka-sa-bu~" = earned
ج = a Waqof Jaiz/permissible pause sign.
"U-la~~i-ka La Hum Na-shi~bum~Mi~ma~ Ka-sa-bu~" = (Thence, Allah revealed:) " (They are) Those who will acquire good portion from what they have earned
وَاُللهُ سَرِيعُ اُلْحِسَابِ = "Wal-Lohu Sa-ri~'ul-H*i-sa~~bb". "Wa" = and, "Al-Lohu" = Allah, "Sa-ri~'u" = swift, "al-Hi-sa~bi" = the reckoning.
"Wal-Lohu Sa-ri~'ul-H*i-sa~~bb". = And Allah is swift in reckoning".
صدق الله العظيم "SHodaqol-Lohul-'Azhi~m" = True were the words of Allah the Greatest.
Insya Allah, in the next session, we shall recite surah 32 Alif Lam Sajadah. (Abu 'Ubaid r.a. reported that the Prophet s.a.w. said, "On the "Yawmil-Qiyamah"/Resurrection Day, (surah) Alif Lam Sajadah comes with 2 wings to the person who had recited It during his/her life time on the earth, and gives him/her shelter (from the extreme heat and discomfort) saying, "There is no way (for others) on you, There is no way (for others) on you".
Until then, see you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
Friday, 28 June 2013
Recitation 70
أعوذ بالله من الشيطن الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
It is reported in today's Utusan M'sia newspapers that now K.L., Selangor and Putrajaya are facing grave shortage of water reserve. Let us, Quran Lovers lend a helping hand by reciting surah Yasi~n and entreat doa that Allah will help by filling the water dams and the rivers in these places up as soon as possible. Thank you.
Let us now recite surah 2 Al-Baqoroh verse 200. Please refer to the text"
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(200) فَإِذَاقَضَيْتُمْ مَّنَسِكَكُمْ فَاُذْكُرُواْاُللهَ كَذِكْرِكُمْ ءَابَآءَكُمْ أَوْأَشَدَّذِكْرًا قلى فَمِنَ اُلنَّاسِ مَن يَقُولُ رَبَّنَآ ءَاتِنَافِى اُلدُّنْيَا وَمَالَهُ , فِى اُلْأَخِرَةِ مِنْ خَلَقٍ
فَإِذَا قَضَيْتُمْ مَّنَسِكَكُمْ فَاُذْكُرُواْاُللهَ = "Fa I-dza~ Qo-dhoi Tum~Ma-na~si-ka Kum Fadz-ku-rul-Loha", "Fa" = Then, "I-dza~" = when, "Qo-dhoi" = be completed, "Tum" = you all, "Ma-na~si-ka" = the rites, "Kum" = your, "Fa" = then, "udz-ku-ru~" = remember, "Al-loha" = Allah
كَذِكْرِكُمْ ءَابَآءَكُمْ = "Ka DZik-ri Kum A~-ba~~a Kum", "Ka" = like, as, "DZik-ri" = remembering, "Kum" = your, "A~ba~~a" = fathers, "Kum" = your
أَوْأَشَدَّ ذِكْرًا "Aw A-syad-da DZik-ro~". "Aw" = or, "A-syad-da" = more, "DZik-ron" = citation, mention
قلى = a pause is permitted and is preferred, sign.
"Fa I-dza~ Qo-dhoi Tum~Ma-na~si-ka Kum Fadz-ku-rul-Loha Ka DZik-ri Kum A~ba~~a Kum Aw A-syad-da DZik-ro~" = Then after you have completed performing your (Haj) rites, remember Allah as you remember your fathers (Ibnu Abbas r.a. said, " Before Islam came, the Arabs then, after "Wukuf"= halt at Mount Arafat for prayer, one of them would say out, "My father loves to feed people, to accept and to shoulder burden and responsibility of others and to bear others' "diat"/blood money." They spoke nothing but of what good things their fathers had done.) or with a more mentioning.
فَمِنَ اُلنَّاسِ = "Fa Mi-nan~Na~si", "Fa" = Then, "Mi-na" = of, "an~Na~si" = the mankind
مَن يَقُولُ = "May~Ya-qu~lu", "Man" = who, "Ya-qu~lu" = says
رَبَّنَآ ءَاتِنَا = "Rob-ba Na~~ A~ti-na~", "Rob-ba" = Lord, "Na~ = our, "A~ti" = grant, "Na~" = us
فِى اُلدُّنْيَا = "Fid-Dun-" (an Izhhar Mut*laq/absolute showing clearly the نْ) "ya~", "Fi~" = in, "ad-Dun-ya" = this world
وَمَالَهُ , فِى اُلْأَخِرَةِ = "Wa Ma~ La Hu~ Fil-A~khi-ro-ti", "Wa" = and, "Ma~" = no, none, "La" = for, "Hu~" = him, "Fi~" = in, "al-A~khi-ro-ti" = the Hereafter
مِنْ خَلَقٍ = "Min KHo-la~~qq". "Min" = of, "KHo-la~qin" = creation.
"Fa Mi-nan~Na~si May~Ya-qu~lu Rob-ba Na~~ A~ti Na~ Fid-Din-ya~ Wa Ma~ La Hu~ Fil-A~khi-ro-ti Min KHo-la~~qq". =
And of mankind who says, "Our Lord, grant us (goodness) in this world (only), and he will have no share of (goodness) in the Hereafter. (Ibnu Abbas r.a. said, " Then, there was a tribe of Bedouin, after performing Wukuf, entreat, "O Lord, make this year plenty of rain fall, a year of fertility, and a year of birth of many good sons but had not once asked for the goodness in the Hereafter. Thence, Allah revealed this verse).
(to be continued)
Rule Of Tajwid:
(15) إظهارمطلق = Izh-har Mut*laq/absolute Izhhar=showing clearly the نْ : There are 4 words in the Quran when a silent Nun, نْ (only and not Tanwin) must be pronunced distinctively/Izhhar the silent Nun, and it is in a same word. The words are (1) دُنْيَا = "Dun-ya~", in many surah and in many verses. (2) بُنْيَنٌ = "Bun-ya~nun", in surah 61, Ash-SHof verse 4 and in other surah and verses. (3) صِنْوَانٍ = SHin-wa~nin, in surah 13 Ar-Raadu, verse 4 and (4) قِنْوَانٌ = "Qin-wa~nun", in surah 6 Al-An-'am, verse 99.
Until the next session, we shall meet you all Quran Lovers soon.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
It is reported in today's Utusan M'sia newspapers that now K.L., Selangor and Putrajaya are facing grave shortage of water reserve. Let us, Quran Lovers lend a helping hand by reciting surah Yasi~n and entreat doa that Allah will help by filling the water dams and the rivers in these places up as soon as possible. Thank you.
Let us now recite surah 2 Al-Baqoroh verse 200. Please refer to the text"
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(200) فَإِذَاقَضَيْتُمْ مَّنَسِكَكُمْ فَاُذْكُرُواْاُللهَ كَذِكْرِكُمْ ءَابَآءَكُمْ أَوْأَشَدَّذِكْرًا قلى فَمِنَ اُلنَّاسِ مَن يَقُولُ رَبَّنَآ ءَاتِنَافِى اُلدُّنْيَا وَمَالَهُ , فِى اُلْأَخِرَةِ مِنْ خَلَقٍ
فَإِذَا قَضَيْتُمْ مَّنَسِكَكُمْ فَاُذْكُرُواْاُللهَ = "Fa I-dza~ Qo-dhoi Tum~Ma-na~si-ka Kum Fadz-ku-rul-Loha", "Fa" = Then, "I-dza~" = when, "Qo-dhoi" = be completed, "Tum" = you all, "Ma-na~si-ka" = the rites, "Kum" = your, "Fa" = then, "udz-ku-ru~" = remember, "Al-loha" = Allah
كَذِكْرِكُمْ ءَابَآءَكُمْ = "Ka DZik-ri Kum A~-ba~~a Kum", "Ka" = like, as, "DZik-ri" = remembering, "Kum" = your, "A~ba~~a" = fathers, "Kum" = your
أَوْأَشَدَّ ذِكْرًا "Aw A-syad-da DZik-ro~". "Aw" = or, "A-syad-da" = more, "DZik-ron" = citation, mention
قلى = a pause is permitted and is preferred, sign.
"Fa I-dza~ Qo-dhoi Tum~Ma-na~si-ka Kum Fadz-ku-rul-Loha Ka DZik-ri Kum A~ba~~a Kum Aw A-syad-da DZik-ro~" = Then after you have completed performing your (Haj) rites, remember Allah as you remember your fathers (Ibnu Abbas r.a. said, " Before Islam came, the Arabs then, after "Wukuf"= halt at Mount Arafat for prayer, one of them would say out, "My father loves to feed people, to accept and to shoulder burden and responsibility of others and to bear others' "diat"/blood money." They spoke nothing but of what good things their fathers had done.) or with a more mentioning.
فَمِنَ اُلنَّاسِ = "Fa Mi-nan~Na~si", "Fa" = Then, "Mi-na" = of, "an~Na~si" = the mankind
مَن يَقُولُ = "May~Ya-qu~lu", "Man" = who, "Ya-qu~lu" = says
رَبَّنَآ ءَاتِنَا = "Rob-ba Na~~ A~ti-na~", "Rob-ba" = Lord, "Na~ = our, "A~ti" = grant, "Na~" = us
فِى اُلدُّنْيَا = "Fid-Dun-" (an Izhhar Mut*laq/absolute showing clearly the نْ) "ya~", "Fi~" = in, "ad-Dun-ya" = this world
وَمَالَهُ , فِى اُلْأَخِرَةِ = "Wa Ma~ La Hu~ Fil-A~khi-ro-ti", "Wa" = and, "Ma~" = no, none, "La" = for, "Hu~" = him, "Fi~" = in, "al-A~khi-ro-ti" = the Hereafter
مِنْ خَلَقٍ = "Min KHo-la~~qq". "Min" = of, "KHo-la~qin" = creation.
"Fa Mi-nan~Na~si May~Ya-qu~lu Rob-ba Na~~ A~ti Na~ Fid-Din-ya~ Wa Ma~ La Hu~ Fil-A~khi-ro-ti Min KHo-la~~qq". =
And of mankind who says, "Our Lord, grant us (goodness) in this world (only), and he will have no share of (goodness) in the Hereafter. (Ibnu Abbas r.a. said, " Then, there was a tribe of Bedouin, after performing Wukuf, entreat, "O Lord, make this year plenty of rain fall, a year of fertility, and a year of birth of many good sons but had not once asked for the goodness in the Hereafter. Thence, Allah revealed this verse).
(to be continued)
Rule Of Tajwid:
(15) إظهارمطلق = Izh-har Mut*laq/absolute Izhhar=showing clearly the نْ : There are 4 words in the Quran when a silent Nun, نْ (only and not Tanwin) must be pronunced distinctively/Izhhar the silent Nun, and it is in a same word. The words are (1) دُنْيَا = "Dun-ya~", in many surah and in many verses. (2) بُنْيَنٌ = "Bun-ya~nun", in surah 61, Ash-SHof verse 4 and in other surah and verses. (3) صِنْوَانٍ = SHin-wa~nin, in surah 13 Ar-Raadu, verse 4 and (4) قِنْوَانٌ = "Qin-wa~nun", in surah 6 Al-An-'am, verse 99.
Until the next session, we shall meet you all Quran Lovers soon.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
Recitation 69
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue recite surah 36 Yasi~n. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(81) أَوَلَيْس اُلَّذِى خَلَقَ اُلسَّمَوَتِ وَاُلْأَرْضَ بِقَدِرٍعَلَى~أَن يَخْلُقَ مِثْلَهُم ج بَلَى وَهُوَاُلْخَلَّقُ اُلْعَلِيمُ
أَوَلَيْسَ أُلَّذِى = "A-wa Lai-sal-La-dzi~", "A-wa" = Do, is. "Lai-sa" = not, "al-La-dzi~" = who
خَلَقَ اُلسَّمَوَتِ وَاُلْأَرْضَ = "KHo-la-qos-Sa-ma~wa~ti Wal-Arr-dho", "KHo-la-qo" = created, "as-Sa-ma~wa~ti" = the heavens, "Wa" = and, "al-Arr-dho" = the earth
بِقَدِرٍعَلَى ~أَن يَخْلُقَ مِثْلَهُمْ = "Bi Qo~di-rin 'A-la~~ Ay~Yakh-lu-qo Mith-la Hum", "Bi" = by, "Qo~di-rin" = power, ability, " 'A-la~" = on, "An" = that, "Yakh-lu-qo" = to create, "Mith-la" = the like of, "Hum" = them
ج = a Waqof Jaiz/pause is permitted sign.
بَلَى وَهُوَاُلْخَلَّقُ اُلْعَلِيمُ = Ba-la~ Wa Hu-wal-KHol-la~qul-'A-li~~m". "Ba-la~" = without any doubt, "Wa" = and, "Hu-wa" = He, "Al-KHol-la~qu" = the Creator, "Al-'A-li~mu" = the Knower.
"A-wa Lai-sal-La-dzi~ KHo-la-qos-Sa-ma~wa~ti Wal-Arr-dho Bi Qo~di-rin 'A-la~~ Ay-Yakh-lu-qo Mith-la Hum. Ba-la~ Wa Hu-wal-KHol-la~qul-'A-li~~m" = Is it not (the Lord) who had created the heavens and the earth able to create the like of them/their bones? Yes! Undoubtedly (He is able to do so). For He is the Great Creator, the Omniscience.
(82) إِنَّمَآأَمْرُهُ , إِذَآ أَرَادَ شَيْئًاأَن يَّقُولَ لَهُ , كُن فَيَكُونُ
إِنَّمَآ أَمْرُهُ , إِذَآ أَرَادَ = "In~na Ma~~ Am-ru Hu~~ I-dza~~ A-ro~da", "In~na" = Truly, "Ma~" = what, "Am-ru" = to order, "Hu~" = He, "I-dza~" = when, "A-ro~da" = wish for
شَيْئًاأَن يَّقُولَ = "SYai-an Ay-Ya-qu~la", "SYai-an" = something, "An" = that, "Ya-qu~la" = He says
لَهُ , كُن فَيَكُونُ = "La Hu~ Kunf~Fa Ya-ku~~n". "La Hu~" = to it, "Kun" = be, exist, "Fa" = then, "Ya-ku~nu" = it becomes.
"In~na Ma~~ Am-ru Hu~~ I-dza~~ A-ro~da SYai-an Ay-Ya-qu~la La Hu~ Kunf~Fa Ya-ku~~n" = Truly, when He (Allah) wants/wishes for something, He would (only to) command by saying, "Kum = Be/Exist!", and it/the thing exists.
(83) فَسُبْحَنَ اُلَّذِى بِيَدِهِ ى مَلَكُوتُ كُلِّ شَئٍ وَإِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ
فَسُبْحَنَ اُلَّذِى = "Fa Subb-h*a~nal-La-dzi~", "Fa" = Then, "Subb-h*a~na" = glory be, "al-La-dzi~" = who
بِيَدِهِ ى مَلَكُوتُ = "Bi Ya-di Hi~ Ma-la-ku~tu", "Bi" = in, "Ya-di" = hand, "Hi~" = His, "Ma-la-ku~tu" = Kingdom, Dominion
كُلِّ شَئٍ وَإلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ = "Kul-li SYai-iw~Wa I-lai Hi Turr-ja-'u~~n". "Kul-li" = all, "SYai-in" = thing, "Wa" = and, "I-lai Hi" = to Him, "Turr-ja-'U~na" = they all return.
"Fa Sub-h*a~nal-La-dzi~ Bi Ya-di Hi~ Ma-la-ku~tu Kul-li SYai-iw~Wa I-lai Hi Turr-ja-'u~~n". = Thence, Glory be to (Allah) who in His "Hand"/Power dominions all things and to Him, they/all things will return.
صدق الله العظيم = "SHo-da-qol-Lohul-'A-zhi~m" = True were the words of Allah the Greatest.
Insya Allah, in the next session, we shall recite surah 2 Al-Baqoroh, verses 200 - 203.
Until then, see you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue recite surah 36 Yasi~n. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(81) أَوَلَيْس اُلَّذِى خَلَقَ اُلسَّمَوَتِ وَاُلْأَرْضَ بِقَدِرٍعَلَى~أَن يَخْلُقَ مِثْلَهُم ج بَلَى وَهُوَاُلْخَلَّقُ اُلْعَلِيمُ
أَوَلَيْسَ أُلَّذِى = "A-wa Lai-sal-La-dzi~", "A-wa" = Do, is. "Lai-sa" = not, "al-La-dzi~" = who
خَلَقَ اُلسَّمَوَتِ وَاُلْأَرْضَ = "KHo-la-qos-Sa-ma~wa~ti Wal-Arr-dho", "KHo-la-qo" = created, "as-Sa-ma~wa~ti" = the heavens, "Wa" = and, "al-Arr-dho" = the earth
بِقَدِرٍعَلَى ~أَن يَخْلُقَ مِثْلَهُمْ = "Bi Qo~di-rin 'A-la~~ Ay~Yakh-lu-qo Mith-la Hum", "Bi" = by, "Qo~di-rin" = power, ability, " 'A-la~" = on, "An" = that, "Yakh-lu-qo" = to create, "Mith-la" = the like of, "Hum" = them
ج = a Waqof Jaiz/pause is permitted sign.
بَلَى وَهُوَاُلْخَلَّقُ اُلْعَلِيمُ = Ba-la~ Wa Hu-wal-KHol-la~qul-'A-li~~m". "Ba-la~" = without any doubt, "Wa" = and, "Hu-wa" = He, "Al-KHol-la~qu" = the Creator, "Al-'A-li~mu" = the Knower.
"A-wa Lai-sal-La-dzi~ KHo-la-qos-Sa-ma~wa~ti Wal-Arr-dho Bi Qo~di-rin 'A-la~~ Ay-Yakh-lu-qo Mith-la Hum. Ba-la~ Wa Hu-wal-KHol-la~qul-'A-li~~m" = Is it not (the Lord) who had created the heavens and the earth able to create the like of them/their bones? Yes! Undoubtedly (He is able to do so). For He is the Great Creator, the Omniscience.
(82) إِنَّمَآأَمْرُهُ , إِذَآ أَرَادَ شَيْئًاأَن يَّقُولَ لَهُ , كُن فَيَكُونُ
إِنَّمَآ أَمْرُهُ , إِذَآ أَرَادَ = "In~na Ma~~ Am-ru Hu~~ I-dza~~ A-ro~da", "In~na" = Truly, "Ma~" = what, "Am-ru" = to order, "Hu~" = He, "I-dza~" = when, "A-ro~da" = wish for
شَيْئًاأَن يَّقُولَ = "SYai-an Ay-Ya-qu~la", "SYai-an" = something, "An" = that, "Ya-qu~la" = He says
لَهُ , كُن فَيَكُونُ = "La Hu~ Kunf~Fa Ya-ku~~n". "La Hu~" = to it, "Kun" = be, exist, "Fa" = then, "Ya-ku~nu" = it becomes.
"In~na Ma~~ Am-ru Hu~~ I-dza~~ A-ro~da SYai-an Ay-Ya-qu~la La Hu~ Kunf~Fa Ya-ku~~n" = Truly, when He (Allah) wants/wishes for something, He would (only to) command by saying, "Kum = Be/Exist!", and it/the thing exists.
(83) فَسُبْحَنَ اُلَّذِى بِيَدِهِ ى مَلَكُوتُ كُلِّ شَئٍ وَإِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ
فَسُبْحَنَ اُلَّذِى = "Fa Subb-h*a~nal-La-dzi~", "Fa" = Then, "Subb-h*a~na" = glory be, "al-La-dzi~" = who
بِيَدِهِ ى مَلَكُوتُ = "Bi Ya-di Hi~ Ma-la-ku~tu", "Bi" = in, "Ya-di" = hand, "Hi~" = His, "Ma-la-ku~tu" = Kingdom, Dominion
كُلِّ شَئٍ وَإلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ = "Kul-li SYai-iw~Wa I-lai Hi Turr-ja-'u~~n". "Kul-li" = all, "SYai-in" = thing, "Wa" = and, "I-lai Hi" = to Him, "Turr-ja-'U~na" = they all return.
"Fa Sub-h*a~nal-La-dzi~ Bi Ya-di Hi~ Ma-la-ku~tu Kul-li SYai-iw~Wa I-lai Hi Turr-ja-'u~~n". = Thence, Glory be to (Allah) who in His "Hand"/Power dominions all things and to Him, they/all things will return.
صدق الله العظيم = "SHo-da-qol-Lohul-'A-zhi~m" = True were the words of Allah the Greatest.
Insya Allah, in the next session, we shall recite surah 2 Al-Baqoroh, verses 200 - 203.
Until then, see you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Recitation 68
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
We shall now continue recite surah Yasi~n. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(79) قُلْ يُحْيِيهَااُلَّذِى~أَنشَأَهَآأَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ صلى وَهُوَبِكُلِّ خَلْقٍ عَلِيمٌ
قُلْ يُحْيِيهَااُلَّذِى~أَنشَأَهَآأَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ = "Qul Yuh*yi~ Hal-La-dzi~~ Ansy~sya-a Ha~~ Aw-wa-la Mar-ro-tiw~", "Qul" = Say, "Yuh*yi~" = He revives to life, "Ha~" = her, it, "al-La-dzi~" = who, "Ansy~sya-a" = had created, "Ha~" = it, "Aw-wa-la" = first, "Mar-ro-tin" = time
صلى = a permissible Waqof but Washol/continuity is preferred sign.
وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ خَلْقٍ عَلِيمٌ = "Wa Hu-wa Bi Kul-li KHol-qin 'A-li~~m." "Wa" = and, "Hu-wa" = He, "Bi" = to, "Kul-li" = all, "KHol-qin" = creation, " 'A-li~mun" = all knowing.
"Qul Yuh*yi~ Hal-La-dzi~~ Ansy-sya-a Ha~~ Aw-wa-la Mar-ro-tiw~Wa Hu-wa Bi Kul-li KHol-qin 'A-li~~m". = Say, it will be revived to life by (the Lord) who had created it the first time and He has knowledge of every creature.
(80) أَلَّذِى جَعَلَ لَكُم مِّنَ اُلشَّجَرِاُلْأَخْضَرِنَارًا فَإِذَآأَنْتُم مِنْهُ تُوقِدُونَ
أَلَّذِى جَعَلَ = "Al-La-dzi~ Ja-'a-la", "Al-La-dzi~" = Who, "Ja-'a-la" = created
لَكُم مِّنَ أُلشَّجَرِاُلْأَخْضَرِ = "La Kum~Minsy~SYa-ja-ril-Ahk-dho-ri", "La Kum" = for you all, "Mi-na" = from, "asy-SYa-ja-ro" = the tree, "al-Akh-dho-ri" = the green
نَارًا فَإِذَآأَنتُم مِّنهُ "Na~ronf~Fa I-dza~~ Ant~Tum~Min Hu", "Na~ron" = fire, "Fa" = then, "I-dza~" = behold, "Ant~tum" = you all, "Min" = from, "Hu" = it
تُوقِدُونَ = Tu~qi-du~~n". "Tu~q-du~na" = you kindle.
"Al-La-dzi~ Ja-'a-la La Kum~Mi-nasy-SYa-ja-ril-Akh-dho-ri Na~ronf~Fa I-dza~~ Ant-tum~Min Hu Tu~qi-du~~n" = (That is the Lord) Who created for you fire from the green tree/wood (i.e. Allah first created this tree from water until the tree became a beautiful green in colour, then it bore flowers, then fruits. Then He repeated the process until the tree became dried wood for igniting fire). Then you all can kindle fire from it/the green tree/wood.
(to be continued).
Until we meet again, see you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
We shall now continue recite surah Yasi~n. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(79) قُلْ يُحْيِيهَااُلَّذِى~أَنشَأَهَآأَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ صلى وَهُوَبِكُلِّ خَلْقٍ عَلِيمٌ
قُلْ يُحْيِيهَااُلَّذِى~أَنشَأَهَآأَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ = "Qul Yuh*yi~ Hal-La-dzi~~ Ansy~sya-a Ha~~ Aw-wa-la Mar-ro-tiw~", "Qul" = Say, "Yuh*yi~" = He revives to life, "Ha~" = her, it, "al-La-dzi~" = who, "Ansy~sya-a" = had created, "Ha~" = it, "Aw-wa-la" = first, "Mar-ro-tin" = time
صلى = a permissible Waqof but Washol/continuity is preferred sign.
وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ خَلْقٍ عَلِيمٌ = "Wa Hu-wa Bi Kul-li KHol-qin 'A-li~~m." "Wa" = and, "Hu-wa" = He, "Bi" = to, "Kul-li" = all, "KHol-qin" = creation, " 'A-li~mun" = all knowing.
"Qul Yuh*yi~ Hal-La-dzi~~ Ansy-sya-a Ha~~ Aw-wa-la Mar-ro-tiw~Wa Hu-wa Bi Kul-li KHol-qin 'A-li~~m". = Say, it will be revived to life by (the Lord) who had created it the first time and He has knowledge of every creature.
(80) أَلَّذِى جَعَلَ لَكُم مِّنَ اُلشَّجَرِاُلْأَخْضَرِنَارًا فَإِذَآأَنْتُم مِنْهُ تُوقِدُونَ
أَلَّذِى جَعَلَ = "Al-La-dzi~ Ja-'a-la", "Al-La-dzi~" = Who, "Ja-'a-la" = created
لَكُم مِّنَ أُلشَّجَرِاُلْأَخْضَرِ = "La Kum~Minsy~SYa-ja-ril-Ahk-dho-ri", "La Kum" = for you all, "Mi-na" = from, "asy-SYa-ja-ro" = the tree, "al-Akh-dho-ri" = the green
نَارًا فَإِذَآأَنتُم مِّنهُ "Na~ronf~Fa I-dza~~ Ant~Tum~Min Hu", "Na~ron" = fire, "Fa" = then, "I-dza~" = behold, "Ant~tum" = you all, "Min" = from, "Hu" = it
تُوقِدُونَ = Tu~qi-du~~n". "Tu~q-du~na" = you kindle.
"Al-La-dzi~ Ja-'a-la La Kum~Mi-nasy-SYa-ja-ril-Akh-dho-ri Na~ronf~Fa I-dza~~ Ant-tum~Min Hu Tu~qi-du~~n" = (That is the Lord) Who created for you fire from the green tree/wood (i.e. Allah first created this tree from water until the tree became a beautiful green in colour, then it bore flowers, then fruits. Then He repeated the process until the tree became dried wood for igniting fire). Then you all can kindle fire from it/the green tree/wood.
(to be continued).
Until we meet again, see you all Quran Lovers later.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Recitation 67
أعوذبالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
This LT was really displeased with me yesterday. It sulked and hang. It took us almost half a hour to revive and reset it. Thus, we will recite 2 verses a session, from now on.
Let us recite surah 36, Yasi~n. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(77) أَوَلَمْ يَرَاُلْإِنسنُ أَنَّا خَلَقْنَهُ مِن نُّطْفَةٍ فَإِذَاهُوَخَصِيمٌ مُّبِينٌ
أَوَلَمْ = "A-wa Lam" = Do not
يَرَاُلْإِنسَنُ = "Ya-rol-Ins~sa~nu", "Ya-ro" = see, "al-Ins~sa~nu" = the mankind
أَنَّا = "An~Na~" = that We
خَلَقْنَهُ = "KHo-laq Na~ Hu", "KHo-laqq" = create, "Na~" = We, "Hu" = it, him
مِن نُّطْفَةٍ فَإِذَا = "Min~Nut*-fa-tinf~Fa I-dza~", "Min" = from, "Nut*fa-tin" = a semen, "Fa" = then, "I-dza~" =when
هُوَ = "Hu-wa" = he
خَصِيمٌ مُّبِينٌ = "KHo-shi~mum~Mu-bi~~n", "KHo-shi~mun" = dispute, oppose, "Mu-bi~nun" = clearly.
"A-wa Lam Ya-rol-Ins~sa~nu An~Na~ KHo-laqq Na~ Hu Min~Nut*fa-tinf~Fa I-dza~ Hu-wa KHo-shi~mum~Mu-bi~~n." = Does (mankind) not realised and not see that We created him from a drop of semen, then unexpectedly, mankind clearly opposes (Allah).
(78) وَضَرَبَ لَنَا مَثَلًاوَنَسِىَ خَلْقَهُ و صلى قَالَ مَن يُحْىِ اُلْعِظَمَ وَهِىَ
وَضَرَبَ = "Wa DHo-ro-ba" = "Wa" = And, "DHo-ro-ba" = to exemplify
لَنَا "La Na~" = to Us
مَثَلًاوَنَسِىَ = "Ma-tha-law~Wa Na-si-ya", "Ma-tha-lan" = liken to, "Wa" = and, "Na-si-ya" = forget
خَلْقَهُ = "KHol-qo Hu~", "KHol-qo" = creation, "Hu~" = his
صلى = a permissible pause but Washol/continuity is preferred sign
قَالَ = "Qo~la" = he says
مَن يُحْىِ اُلْعِظَمَ = "May~Yuh*yil-'I-zho~ma", "Man" = who, "Yuh*yi" = to give life to, "al-'I-dho~ma" = the bone
وَهِىَ = "Wa Hi-ha", "Wa" = and, "Hi-ya" = she, it
رَمٍيمٌ = "Ro-mi~~m". "Ro-mi~mun" = decayed, crushed.
"Wa DHo-ro-ba La Na~ Ma-tha-law~Wa Na-si-ya KHol-qo Hu~ Qo~la May~Yuh*il-'I-zho~ma Wa Hi-ya Ro-mi~~m." = And he (mankind) made Us an anology forgetting his own creation, he said, "Who can give life /revive this crushed out bone?"
(Note: One day, a pagan Arab named Ubay bin Kalaf went to the Prophet s.a.w. bringing a handful of crushed out bone. He threw the crushed bone up in the air and said, "O Muhammad. Do you think Allah would be able to revive this (bone) back (to life)?" The Prophet s.a.w. replied, "Yes, most certainly. He will take your life and He will resurrect you and then will gather you in the Hell". Then, Allah revealed these verses).
(to be continued)
Until the next session, see you all Quran Lovers soon.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
This LT was really displeased with me yesterday. It sulked and hang. It took us almost half a hour to revive and reset it. Thus, we will recite 2 verses a session, from now on.
Let us recite surah 36, Yasi~n. Please refer to the text:
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(77) أَوَلَمْ يَرَاُلْإِنسنُ أَنَّا خَلَقْنَهُ مِن نُّطْفَةٍ فَإِذَاهُوَخَصِيمٌ مُّبِينٌ
أَوَلَمْ = "A-wa Lam" = Do not
يَرَاُلْإِنسَنُ = "Ya-rol-Ins~sa~nu", "Ya-ro" = see, "al-Ins~sa~nu" = the mankind
أَنَّا = "An~Na~" = that We
خَلَقْنَهُ = "KHo-laq Na~ Hu", "KHo-laqq" = create, "Na~" = We, "Hu" = it, him
مِن نُّطْفَةٍ فَإِذَا = "Min~Nut*-fa-tinf~Fa I-dza~", "Min" = from, "Nut*fa-tin" = a semen, "Fa" = then, "I-dza~" =when
هُوَ = "Hu-wa" = he
خَصِيمٌ مُّبِينٌ = "KHo-shi~mum~Mu-bi~~n", "KHo-shi~mun" = dispute, oppose, "Mu-bi~nun" = clearly.
"A-wa Lam Ya-rol-Ins~sa~nu An~Na~ KHo-laqq Na~ Hu Min~Nut*fa-tinf~Fa I-dza~ Hu-wa KHo-shi~mum~Mu-bi~~n." = Does (mankind) not realised and not see that We created him from a drop of semen, then unexpectedly, mankind clearly opposes (Allah).
(78) وَضَرَبَ لَنَا مَثَلًاوَنَسِىَ خَلْقَهُ و صلى قَالَ مَن يُحْىِ اُلْعِظَمَ وَهِىَ
وَضَرَبَ = "Wa DHo-ro-ba" = "Wa" = And, "DHo-ro-ba" = to exemplify
لَنَا "La Na~" = to Us
مَثَلًاوَنَسِىَ = "Ma-tha-law~Wa Na-si-ya", "Ma-tha-lan" = liken to, "Wa" = and, "Na-si-ya" = forget
خَلْقَهُ = "KHol-qo Hu~", "KHol-qo" = creation, "Hu~" = his
صلى = a permissible pause but Washol/continuity is preferred sign
قَالَ = "Qo~la" = he says
مَن يُحْىِ اُلْعِظَمَ = "May~Yuh*yil-'I-zho~ma", "Man" = who, "Yuh*yi" = to give life to, "al-'I-dho~ma" = the bone
وَهِىَ = "Wa Hi-ha", "Wa" = and, "Hi-ya" = she, it
رَمٍيمٌ = "Ro-mi~~m". "Ro-mi~mun" = decayed, crushed.
"Wa DHo-ro-ba La Na~ Ma-tha-law~Wa Na-si-ya KHol-qo Hu~ Qo~la May~Yuh*il-'I-zho~ma Wa Hi-ya Ro-mi~~m." = And he (mankind) made Us an anology forgetting his own creation, he said, "Who can give life /revive this crushed out bone?"
(Note: One day, a pagan Arab named Ubay bin Kalaf went to the Prophet s.a.w. bringing a handful of crushed out bone. He threw the crushed bone up in the air and said, "O Muhammad. Do you think Allah would be able to revive this (bone) back (to life)?" The Prophet s.a.w. replied, "Yes, most certainly. He will take your life and He will resurrect you and then will gather you in the Hell". Then, Allah revealed these verses).
(to be continued)
Until the next session, see you all Quran Lovers soon.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
Monday, 24 June 2013
Recitation 66
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue recite surah 36 Yasi~n. Please refer to the text"
أعوذبالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(74) وَاُتَّخَذُواْمِن دُونِ اللهِءَالِهَةً لَّعَلَّهُمْ يُنْصَرُونَ
وَاُتَّخَذُواْ = "Wat-Ta-kho-dzu~", "Wa" = And, "it-Ta-kho-dzu~" = to take up
مِن دُونِ اُللهِ = "Mind~Du~nil-lahi", "Min" = from, "Du~ni" = inferior to, "Al-Lahi" = Allah
ءَالِهَةً لَّعَلَّهُمْ = "A~li-ha-tal-La-'al-la Hum", "A~li-ha-tan" = gods, "La-'al-la" = hoping, "Hum" = they
يُنْصَرُونَ = "Yunsh~sho-ru~~n". "Yunsh~sho-ru~na" = help.
"Wat-Ta-kho-dzu~ Mind~Du~nil-Lahi A~li-ha-tal-La-'al-la Hum Yunsh~sho-ru~~n". = And they have taken some inferior beings to Allah as their gods in the hope that those gods would and could help them.
(75) لَايَسْتَطِيعُونَ نَصْرَهُمْ وَهُمْ لَهُمْ جُندٌ مُّحْضَرُونَ
لَا يَسْتَطِيعُونَ = "La~ Yas-t*a-ti~'u~na", "La~" = Not, "Yas-t*a-ti~'u~na" = to be able to
نَصْرَهُمْ = "Nash-ro Hum", "Nash-ro" = help, "Hum" = them
وَهُمْ لَهُمْ = "Wa Hum La Hum", "Wa Hum" = and they, "La Hum" = for them
جُندٌمُّحْضَرُونَ = "Jund~dum~Muh*-dho-ru~~n", "Jund~dun" = troops, "Muh*-dho-ru~na" = summoning officers.
"La~ Yas-t*a-ti~'u~na Nash-ro Hum Wa Hum La Hum Jund~dum~Muh*-dho-ru~~n" = Those gods are unable to help them, in fact, it is they (the unbelievers and the sinners) themselves are (like) the army service corps (of bachelorhood and enslave themselves to those gods).
(76) فَلَايَحْزُنكَ قَوْلُهُمْ مـ إِنَّانَعْلَمُ مَايُسِرُّونَ وَمَايُعْلِنُونَ
فَلَا يَحْزُنكَ = "Fa La~ Yah*-zuk~Ka", "Fa" = Then, "La~" do not, "Yah*-zun" = be grieved, "Ka" = you
قَوْلُهُمْ = "Qow-lu Hum", "Qow-lu" = words, "Hum" = their
مـ = A Mim with a tail is above the silent Mim, مْ , denotes a Waqof Lazim/Wajib= obligatory pause sign. We must make a pause at this مـ sign.
"Fa La~ Yah*-zunk~Ka Qow-lu Hum" =Thence, do not be grieved over their words of slander and words of abuse to you (O Muhammad). (Pause).
إِنَّا نَعْلَمُ = "In~Na~ Naa-la-mu", "In~Na~" Truly We, "Naa-la-mu" = We know
مَا يُسِرُّونَ = "Ma~ Yu-sir-ru~na", "Ma~" = what, "Yu-sir-ru~na" = they conceal
وَمَا يُعْلِنُونَ = "Wa Ma~ Yuu-li-nu~~n". "Wa" = and, "Ma~" = what, "Yuu-li-nu~na". = they make known.
"In~Na~ Naa-la-mu Ma~ Yu-sir-ru~na Wa Ma~ Yuu-li-nu~~n". = Really, We (Allah) know of what they conceal (in their hearts that some of them know that you are right and are telling the truth) and what they make known (by denying you with their words).
(to be continued).
Until we meet in the next session, see you all Quran Lovers soon.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Quran Lovers,
Let us continue recite surah 36 Yasi~n. Please refer to the text"
أعوذبالله من الشيطان الرجيم
(74) وَاُتَّخَذُواْمِن دُونِ اللهِءَالِهَةً لَّعَلَّهُمْ يُنْصَرُونَ
وَاُتَّخَذُواْ = "Wat-Ta-kho-dzu~", "Wa" = And, "it-Ta-kho-dzu~" = to take up
مِن دُونِ اُللهِ = "Mind~Du~nil-lahi", "Min" = from, "Du~ni" = inferior to, "Al-Lahi" = Allah
ءَالِهَةً لَّعَلَّهُمْ = "A~li-ha-tal-La-'al-la Hum", "A~li-ha-tan" = gods, "La-'al-la" = hoping, "Hum" = they
يُنْصَرُونَ = "Yunsh~sho-ru~~n". "Yunsh~sho-ru~na" = help.
"Wat-Ta-kho-dzu~ Mind~Du~nil-Lahi A~li-ha-tal-La-'al-la Hum Yunsh~sho-ru~~n". = And they have taken some inferior beings to Allah as their gods in the hope that those gods would and could help them.
(75) لَايَسْتَطِيعُونَ نَصْرَهُمْ وَهُمْ لَهُمْ جُندٌ مُّحْضَرُونَ
لَا يَسْتَطِيعُونَ = "La~ Yas-t*a-ti~'u~na", "La~" = Not, "Yas-t*a-ti~'u~na" = to be able to
نَصْرَهُمْ = "Nash-ro Hum", "Nash-ro" = help, "Hum" = them
وَهُمْ لَهُمْ = "Wa Hum La Hum", "Wa Hum" = and they, "La Hum" = for them
جُندٌمُّحْضَرُونَ = "Jund~dum~Muh*-dho-ru~~n", "Jund~dun" = troops, "Muh*-dho-ru~na" = summoning officers.
"La~ Yas-t*a-ti~'u~na Nash-ro Hum Wa Hum La Hum Jund~dum~Muh*-dho-ru~~n" = Those gods are unable to help them, in fact, it is they (the unbelievers and the sinners) themselves are (like) the army service corps (of bachelorhood and enslave themselves to those gods).
(76) فَلَايَحْزُنكَ قَوْلُهُمْ مـ إِنَّانَعْلَمُ مَايُسِرُّونَ وَمَايُعْلِنُونَ
فَلَا يَحْزُنكَ = "Fa La~ Yah*-zuk~Ka", "Fa" = Then, "La~" do not, "Yah*-zun" = be grieved, "Ka" = you
قَوْلُهُمْ = "Qow-lu Hum", "Qow-lu" = words, "Hum" = their
مـ = A Mim with a tail is above the silent Mim, مْ , denotes a Waqof Lazim/Wajib= obligatory pause sign. We must make a pause at this مـ sign.
"Fa La~ Yah*-zunk~Ka Qow-lu Hum" =Thence, do not be grieved over their words of slander and words of abuse to you (O Muhammad). (Pause).
إِنَّا نَعْلَمُ = "In~Na~ Naa-la-mu", "In~Na~" Truly We, "Naa-la-mu" = We know
مَا يُسِرُّونَ = "Ma~ Yu-sir-ru~na", "Ma~" = what, "Yu-sir-ru~na" = they conceal
وَمَا يُعْلِنُونَ = "Wa Ma~ Yuu-li-nu~~n". "Wa" = and, "Ma~" = what, "Yuu-li-nu~na". = they make known.
"In~Na~ Naa-la-mu Ma~ Yu-sir-ru~na Wa Ma~ Yuu-li-nu~~n". = Really, We (Allah) know of what they conceal (in their hearts that some of them know that you are right and are telling the truth) and what they make known (by denying you with their words).
(to be continued).
Until we meet in the next session, see you all Quran Lovers soon.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Abd Hamid Mohd Yusof.
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